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SMSC 2014-2015 Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural education form bites A Copy of all activities can be found on the shared drive in the SMSC folder.

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Presentation on theme: "SMSC 2014-2015 Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural education form bites A Copy of all activities can be found on the shared drive in the SMSC folder."— Presentation transcript:

1 SMSC 2014-2015 Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural education form bites A Copy of all activities can be found on the shared drive in the SMSC folder.

2 For most of you school is usually not more than 20 minutes away, and lets be honest a lot of you take a bus. In many parts of the world that's not the case.

3 Sumatra, Indonesia - Walking a tightrope suspended 30 feet above a raging river

4 India - This tree root bridge serves as the passageway for kids heading to school.

5 Zanskar, Indian Himalayas - Just hiking to school through the Himalayas. No big deal

6 Zhang Jiawan Village, Southern China - The kids here have to climb up huge, rickety ladders to get to school.

7 1409757841.png Above The Rio Negro River, Colombia - Kids zip line across the river to get to school.

8 And finally a real tough walk up Surbiton hill

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