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CERN LCG Applications Area LCG Launch Week 12 March 2002 Torre Wenaus, BNL/ATLAS LCG Applications Project Manager
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 2 Launch Week - Applications WG Agenda WG1 (Applications) Tuesday morning Chair: John Harvey 9:00 - 9:15 Introduction, overview - John Harvey (15’) 9:15 - 10:00 Applications subproject - Torre Wenaus (45’) 10:00 - 10:30 Discussion (30’) ·Issues related to common project organization & execution 10:30 - 11:00 Coffee 11:00 - 11:20 Process RTAG - Fons Rademakers (15’) 11:20 - 11:40 Math library review RTAG - Fred James (15’) 11:40 - 12:00 Persistency Framework RTAG - David Malon (15’) 12:00 - 12:30 Discussion (30’) ·Work program, RTAGs, next steps RTAG = Requirements and Technical Advisory Group
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 3 Personal Introduction ATLAS since 2000; before that STAR/RHIC (computing leader), BaBar (simulation leader), Geant4, GEM/SSC, L3/LEP At CERN (L3/MIT) 1986-1992 Physics Applications Software (PAS) Group Leader in the BNL Physics Dept US ATLAS Software Manager ATLAS Planning Officer Particle Physics Data Grid ATLAS Team Leader To sustain US responsibilities I will be on a cycle of 3 weeks at CERN, 1 week at BNL Have a deputy, David Adams (BNL), for PAS leader and US ATLAS software manager Will not continue as PPDG ATLAS team lead
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 4 Applications in Launch Workshop Goals Agree on project scope, priorities Develop high-level work plan (goals and milestones) Define concrete next steps Foster spirit of productive collaboration Approach to this presentation Try to build a basis for productive, non-trivial discussion by avoiding bland generalities while also avoiding surprises borne of inadequate consultation Be as specific as possible in presenting possible common project areas; high level work plans; resource estimates, needed and available; prioritization; and what available resources + prioritization imply for what can get done Proposals seen by SC2 members, experiments & project participants and adjusted in light of feedback Make more specific work plan comments on areas covered by existing RTAGs, commensurate with level of presentations from RTAGs
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 5 Talk Outline Status overview Applications Area role, scope, Phase 1 activities Possible organization Applications work planning: RTAGs Project execution approach Personnel Next steps Supplemental slides on candidate RTAGs Questions/discussion during the talk is welcome
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 6 Status Overview In pre-PEB meetings, received Applications area input from the experiments Some Applications-related RTAGs established Applications Area Manager appointment in place Supported by BNL (DOE) and CERN Started (officially) March 1 Based at CERN from March 10 Direct and email discussions with experiment computing coordinators, IT/API, IT/DB, EP, software developers on applications area, organization, RTAGs I am observer in existing applications-related RTAGs Getting going on ‘generic’ planning Avoiding ‘jumping the gun’ with respect to SC2 ‘High level workplan’ in the form of ‘candidate RTAG’ suggestions in this talk Survey of existing and anticipated resources Hiring of people into LCG positions is in progress
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 7 Project Execution Board Role The PEB acts on SC2 recommendations for common projects develops and gets agreement on strategy and workplan goals, milestones, deliverables, schedule, resource allocation, prioritization assembly of and buy-in from implementation teams SC2 approval of strategy and workplan manages and tracks the progress and direction of the project ensures conformance with SC2 recommendations identifies areas for study or resolution by SC2
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 8 Applications Scope: Activity Areas 1.Application software infrastructure physics software development environment, standard libraries, development tools, compiler expertise 2.Common frameworks for simulation and analysis Geant4, other simulation codes and related needs Development, integration of analysis toolkits & components 3.Support for physics applications Dev, support of common software tools & frameworks 4.Grid interface and integration Portal environment Direct assistance to experiments at core/grid interface Adaptation of physics applications to grid environment 5.Physics data management Event data, metadata, conditions data, analysis objects
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 9 Possible Organization of Applications Activities Project WP Project WP Project WP Project WP Overall management, coordination, architecture, integration, support Activity area: Physics data management Possible projects: Hybrid event store, Conditions DB, … Work Packages: Component breakdown and work plan lead to Work Package definitions. ~1-3 FTEs per WP Activity area Example:
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 10 Possible Organization of Applications Activities – Management & Architecture Applications area manager Overall management and coordination Planning and overseeing a coherent architecture for Applications software and infrastructure Will enlist help in this from experiment architects (in particular) CERN line managers (Applications-involved IT, EP groups) Personnel line management for CERN-based participants Technical management of project activities comes from the project, in close consultation with line management Project leaders Responsibility for planning and executing the project Project is ‘hosted’ by the experiment/group of its leader Work package team leaders (where team size warrants) Responsible for designing, developing work package deliverables
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 11 Applications area activity in LCG Phase 1 Prepare the LHC computing environment Provide the common tools and infrastructure for the physics application software Grid interfaces to application software Integrate applications software into progressively more complex grid prototypes to validate the computing model Seek opportunities for re-use of project results Participate in and support experiment data challenges Deploy and evaluate tools, infrastructure and grid interfaces in data challenge production and analysis environments Participate in writing the LCG Technical Design Report Will describe the full LHC Computing Grid to be built in Phase 2
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 12 Applications work planning: RTAGs The PEB acts on SC2 recommendations for common projects First PEB Applications work planning activity is recommending common project areas to SC2 i.e. suggesting RTAGs and associated rough schedule and prioritization Here follow Summary of experiment input received in the PEB Summary of existing RTAGs Suggestions for new candidate RTAGs With proposed timeline (prioritization) Details in supplementary slides
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 13 Experiment Input on Applications Had input from four experiments in a pre-PEB meeting Good, specific suggestions for Applications area scope and execution received. The following are taken directly from the experiment talks presented to the PEB: Acknowledge existing efforts from experiments to define common activities Support for external packages: XML parser, Python,… Support for physics packages: Event generator tools, CLHEP, particle properties Support for ROOT, FLUKA Event data management: ROOTIO and metadata Conditions data management: review existing project
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 14 Experiment Input (2) More input taken directly from experiment talks to the PEB: Analysis tools, assessment of Anaphe, AIDA Software development tools Common components: data dictionary, geometry Time scales important: requirements should be received by PEB quickly and work started Clear schedules, milestones and deliverables Early deployment and frequent release iterations
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 15 Existing RTAGs in the Applications Area RTAG activity launched in some areas seen as high priority by the experiments (SC2) Persistency framework Interim report Process for managing LCG software Essentially complete Math library review Interim report Grid RTAG being formed, relating partially to Applications No details here… see later talks Just a few ‘execution’ comments on persistency framework…
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 16 Persistency Framework Comments All experiments express interest in participating in the persistency framework project following on from the RTAG Participation will have to be quantified soon Timescale for delivery of a basic (but production- capable) hybrid event store is short, but should be attainable ATLAS: Late September 2002 (DC1 phase 2) CMS: Next year (but interest in something usable by November this year) ALICE: end of the year LHCb: middle 2003 I think completing the full, scalable persistency framework will consume the duration of LCG phase 1
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 17 Candidate RTAGs in the Applications Area The process by which the PEB becomes active in a given area begins in the SC2 1.SC2: define and establish RTAG 2.RTAG: develop requirements and submit report to SC2 3.SC2: digest report and submit final requirements to PEB 4.PEB: organize and execute the project So, the approach taken here to suggesting a ‘high level workplan’ without stepping on this process is to list candidate RTAGs and a corresponding prioritized timeline, as input to this workshop and the SC2 List is fine grained; timeline indicates some possible mergings Some staggering where strong overlap of people is likely (but not enough if I’ve underestimated the overlap) Balance between over-fragmentation and overly broad, complex RTAGs is difficult Comments on candidate RTAGs in supplementary slides
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 18 Candidate RTAGs Simulation toolsNon-physics activity; ask SC2 Detector description, model Description tools, geometry model Conditions databaseIf necessary after existing RTAG Data dictionaryKey need for common service Interactive frameworksWhat do we want, have, need Statistical analysisTools, interfaces, integration VisualizationTools, interfaces, integration Physics packagesImportant area but scope unclear Framework servicesIf common framework is too optimistic… C++ class librariesStandard foundation libraries
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 19 Candidate RTAGs (2) Event processing framework Hard, long term Distributed analysisApplication layer over grid Distributed productionApplication layer over grid Small scale persistencySimple persistency tools Software testingMay be covered by process RTAG Software distributionFrom central ‘Program Library’ to convenient broad distribution OO language usageC++, Java (..?) roles in the future Benchmarking suiteComprehensive suite for LCG software Online notebooksLong term; low priority
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 20 Candidate (& existing) RTAGs by Activity Area Application software infrastructure Software process; math libraries; C++ class libraries; software testing; software distribution; OO language usage; benchmarking suite Common frameworks for simulation and analysis Simulation tools; detector description, model; interactive frameworks; statistical analysis; visualization Support for physics applications Physics packages; data dictionary; framework services; event processing framework Grid interface and integration Distributed analysis; distributed production; online notebooks Physics data management Persistency framework; conditions database; small scale persistency (Some assignments may be debatable)
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 21 Candidate RTAG timeline/prioritization and suggested approximate durations
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 22 Comment on Post-RTAG Involvement of Experiment Experts and Architects RTAGs used for initial requirements and technical assessment Project then acts on what emerges from the SC2 Experiments are then directly involved in project work, in ‘hosting’ projects, in management through the PEB, and in the feedback of a tight development cycle And there is the review/oversight process But a mechanism is needed to draw experiment experts & architects together with the project team when important issues & decisions arise during project execution Need not (should not?) be formal, and should not turn the RTAGs into permanent bodies e.g. meeting as necessary to expose an issue, gather input, and make a decision? Or use regular planning meetings?
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 23 Project Execution Approach Incremental development with tight release cycle Early exposure to users, regular feedback, iterative Full involvement of the experiments Including ‘hosting’ projects in experiments, with host providing leadership, expertise, resources; initial prototyping and deployment environment; commitment to enfranchising other experiments at both development and deployment stages All experiments closely involved in early specification phase Technical management of the project by the project ‘Inclusive and responsive’ culture Clear and open project planning and tracking (Non-commercial) source codes must be public With an appropriate (LCG wide?) open source license Developers are designers, and vice versa Cohesion across projects; coherent overall architecture
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 24 Standard services, tools, infrastructure and interface glue, code mgmt and support, QA, … Cohesion Across Projects Project Web based project info, documentation, browsers, build and release access, bug tracking, … Coherent overall architecture
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 25 Centralized, Unified Support Services LCG common project software should be managed and maintained in a unified way at CERN Clearly establish CERN as a central repository for LHC software Clear, centralized guidance, documentation and distribution for third party components, both open and commercial Guidance on remote usage: what needs to be installed (or bought), and how Tools for very easy automated installation at remote sites. Any physicist should be able to do it Releases tested with validation/regression test suite covering all software To be developed at the same time as the software
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 26 Software Environment Commonality ‘Common culture’ in software environment among the experiments should be an objective Would considerably ease the sharing of common software Software development centers participating in LCG common software development must use the LCG tools and environment To the extent these are also the tools of the experiment, this is simplified A priority in implementing the LCG software infrastructure and process should be making its components available to and usable within the experiments themselves For those experiments that wish to do so
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 27 Communication Web as communication medium will receive a lot of attention Current, informative web content Applications page is Mailing lists will be open and archived Applications mailing list, archive and HyperNews mirror is up; see the Applications web page Calendar of project related activities Work breakdown and schedule/tracking on web Extremely high threshold for making anything ‘private’ I can’t think of anything which should be private in the PEB Applications area
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 28 Oversight Project Manager gives brief PEB-wide report to SC2 monthly meeting Applications Area Manager gives ~30’ report to SC2 meeting every 3 months Regular written reports LCG Project annual review Stability on the annual review committee will aid in yielding helpful, insightful reviews
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 29 Workshops and Meetings Anticipate weekly Apps-wide meeting reviewing overall status, and project meetings on similar schedule Regular workshops covering project activities and planning In the near term: Hybrid event store workshop Highest priority project which will emerge from the Persistency Framework RTAG/SC2 guidance Process/infrastructure implementation planning meeting Review existing infrastructure and tools and plan changes Guided by Process requirements from RTAG/SC2
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 30 Planning and Tracking Will use XProject software project planning tool for Work breakdown of projects and work packages Schedule, milestones, progress tracking Resource loading, tracking personnel assignments Developed in US ATLAS (by me) and in use by US & Int’l ATLAS, US CMS, under evaluation by others Serves as a front-end which will feed whatever project planning tool(s) are used PEB-wide Can feed MS Project, PPT etc. XProject has been extended to support PEB Applications Area planning Placeholder (empty) work breakdown and schedule are in
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 31 Original Estimates of Personnel Requirements Original manpower estimates from Sep 2001 proposal To be completely overhauled, but gives some idea of numbers and foreseen distribution Numbers are 2002 targets Estimate is of total resources needed Application software infrastructure - 5 FTEs Common frameworks for simu & analysis - 13 FTEs Support for physics applications – 9 FTEs Physics data management - 9 FTEs Total: 36 36 = (8 existing IT/API + 19 new LCG) + (5 existing IT/DB/PDM + 4 new LCG)
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 32 Currently Identified Applications Personnel The situation is fluid and organizational structures are still being determined, but this is how it looks now Fellows, associates are included IT/DB Physics Data Management section: 4 people IT/API Applications for Physics and Infrastructure API-Geant4: 9 people API-Anaphe: 6.5 CERNLIB: 1.5 Total API applications area: 17 people New LCG hires in apps: 6 identified, 2 arrived so far Remainder arriving between now and October Total identified LCG applications personnel to date: 27
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 33 LCG Applications Area Personnel Contributions Commitments on the part of many countries to contributing applications area personnel Two particularly notable contributions – because they are large and quite well established United Kingdom 5 or 6 of first 10 hires in applications Another round opening with ~15 further hires Italy Recruitment started for ~15 people Should be good source of applications people Overall, total number expected is consistent with applications area target
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 34 Use of Manpower in the Immediate Term Tentative project assignments where abilities dictate Training, learning Setting up tools and infrastructure Repositories and code management tools Code documentation and browsing (LXR, cvsweb, bonsai?, …) Problem tracking (with Remedy) Documentation and web content
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 35 Next Steps … for discussion and resolution at this workshop We want to get off to a quick start on setting up software process infrastructure and initiating (particularly) the persistency framework project once requirements emerge from SC2 in these areas RTAG process has to move quickly if project work is to be enabled in other areas
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 36 Supplemental slides On candidate RTAGs To the extent I have any time left in my talk, I will go over the first couple of these, and leave the rest Available for the discussion following the RTAG talks For online perusal and feedback
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 37 RTAG?: Simulation tools Geant4 is establishing a HEP physics requirements body within the collaboration, accepted by SC2 as a mechanism for addressing G4 physics performance issues However, there are important simulation needs to which LCG resources could be applied in the near term. By the design of LCG, this requires SC2 delivering requirements to PEB John Apostolakis has recently assembled G4 requests and requirements from the LHC collaborations Proposal: Use these requirements as the groundwork for a quick 1-month RTAG to guide near term simulation activity in the project, leaving the addressing of physics performance requirements to the separate process within Geant4
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 38 RTAG?: Simulation tools (2) Some possible activity areas in simulation, from the Geant4 requests/requirements received from the experiments, which would be input to the RTAG: Error propagation tool for reconstruction (‘GEANE’) Assembly and documentation of standard physics lists Python interface Documentation, tutorials, communication Geant4 CVS server access issues The RTAG could also address FLUKA support Requested by ALICE as an immediate priority Strong interest expressed by other experiments as well
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 39 RTAG?: Detector geometry & materials description and modeling services Write the product specification for detector geometry and materials description and modeling services Specify scope: eg. Services to define, provide transient access to, and store the geometry and materials descriptions required by simulation, reconstruction, analysis, online and event display applications, with the various descriptions using the same information source Identify requirements including end-user needs such as ease and naturalness of use of the description tools, readibility and robustness against errors e.g. provision for named constants and derived quantities Explore commonality of persistence requirements with conditions data management Identify where experiments have differing requirements and examine how to address them within common tools Address migration from current tools
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 40 RTAG?: Conditions database Will depend on persistency RTAG outcome Refine the requirements and product specification of a conditions database serving the needs of the LHC experiments, using the existing requirements and products as a reference point. Give due consideration to effective distributed/remote usage. Identify the extent to which the persistency framework (hybrid store) can be directly used at the lower levels of a conditions database implementation. Identify the component(s) and interfaces atop a common persistency foundation that complete the conditions database
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 41 RTAG?: Data dictionary service Can the experiments converge on common data definition and dictionary tools in the near term? Even if the answer is no, it should be possible to establish a standard dictionary service (generic API) by which common tools can interact, while leaving free to the experiments how their class models are defined and implemented Develop a product specification for a generic high- level data dictionary service able to accommodate distinct data definition and dictionary tools and present a common, generic interface to the dictionary Review the current data definition and dictionary approaches and seek to expand commonality among the experiments. Write the product specifications for common (even if N<4) components.
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 42 RTAG?: Interactive frameworks Frameworks providing interactivity for various environments including physics analysis and event processing control (simulation and reconstruction) are critical. They serve end users directly and must match end user requirements extremely well. They can be a powerful and flexible ‘glue’ in a modular environment, providing interconnectivity between widely distinct components and making the ‘whole’ offered by such an environment much greater than the sum of its parts. Develop the requirements for an interactive framework common across the various application environments Relate the requirements to existing tools and approaches (e.g. ROOT/CINT, Python-based tools) Write a product specification, with specific recommendations on tools and technologies to employ Address both command line and GUI interactivity
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 43 RTAG?: Statistical analysis interfaces & tools Address requirements on analysis tools What data analysis services and tools are required What is and is not provided by existing tools Address what existing tools should be supported and what further development is needed Including long term maintenance issues Address role of abstract interfaces to statistical analysis services Are they to be used? If so, what tools should be interfaced to a common abstract interface to meet LHC needs (and how, when, etc.) Address requirements and approaches to persistency and data interchange
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 44 RTAG?: Detector and event visualization Examine the range of tools available and identify those which should be developed as common components within the LCG Applications architecture Address requirements, recommendations and needed/desired implementations in such areas as existing and planned standard interfaces and their applicability GUI integration Interactivity requirements (picking) Interface to visualizing objects (eg. Draw() method) Use of standard 3D graphics libraries Very dependent on other RTAG outcomes
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 45 RTAG?: Physics packages Needs and requirements in event generators and their interfaces & persistency, particle property services, … Scope of the LCG in this area needs to be made clearer before a well defined candidate RTAG can be developed
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 46 RTAG?: Framework services While converging on a common event processing framework among the LHC experiments may be impractical at least on the near term, this does not preclude adopting common approaches and tools for Framework services Examples: message handling and error reporting; execution monitoring and state management; exception handling and recovery; job state persistence and recording of history information; dynamic component loading; interface definition, versioning, etc. Seek to identify framework services and tools which can be developed in common, possibly starting from existing products. Develop requirements on their functionality and interfaces.
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 47 RTAG?: C++ class libraries Address needs and requirements in standard C++ class libraries, with recommendations on specific tools Provide recommendations on the application and evolution of community libraries such as ROOT, CLHEP, HepUtilities, … Survey third party libraries and provide recommendations on which should be adopted and what should be used from them Merge with Framework Services candidate RTAG?
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 48 RTAG?: Event processing framework There is no consensus to pursue a common event processing framework in the near term. There is perhaps more agreement that this should be pursued in the long term (but there’s no consensus on a likely candidate for a common framework in the long term) This looks at best to be a long term RTAG Two experiments do use a common event processing framework kernel (Gaudi) Many difficult issues in growing N past 2, whether with Gaudi, AliRoot, COBRA or something else!
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 49 RTAG?: Interfaces to distributed analysis Develop requirements on end-user interfaces to distributed analysis, layered over grid middleware services, and write a product specification Grid portals, but not only; e.g. PROOF and Jas fall into this category A grid portal for analysis is presumably an evolution of tools like these Focus on analysis interface; address the distinct requirements of production separately Production interface should probably be addressed first, as it is simpler and will probably have components usable as parts of the analysis interface
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 50 RTAG?: Distributed production systems Distributed production systems will have much common ground at the grid middleware level. How much can be done in common at the higher level of end-to-end distributed production applications layered over the grid middleware? Recognizing that the grid projects are active at this level too, and coordination is needed Survey existing and planned production components and end- to-end systems at the application level (AliEn, MOP, etc.) and identify tools and approaches to develop in common Write product specifications for common components, and/or explicitly identify specific tools to be adapted and developed as common components Include end user (production operations) interface Grid portal for production
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 51 RTAG?: Small-scale persistency & databases If not covered by the existing persistency RTAG, and if there is agreement this is needed… Write the product specification for a simple, self-contained, low-overhead object persistency service for small-scale persistency in C++ applications Marshal objects to a byte stream which may be stored on a file, in an RDBMS record, etc. In implementation, very likely a simplified derivative of the object streamer of the hybrid store For small scale persistence applications, e.g. saving state, saving configuration information Examine the utility of and requirements on a simple, standard, easily installed and managed database service complementing the persistency service for small scale applications MySQL, PostgreSQL etc are casually adopted for simple applications with increasing frequency. Is it possible and worthwhile to converge on a common database service
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 52 RTAG?: Software testing tools & services How much commonality can be achieved in the infrastructure and tools used Memory checking, unit tests, regression tests, validation tests, performance tests A large part of this has been covered by the process RTAG
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 53 RTAG?: Software distribution May or may not be adequately addressed in the process RTAG Requirements for a central distribution point at CERN A ‘CERN LHC Program Library Office’ Requirements on software distribution taking into account all tiers Survey and recommend on the various approaches, their utility, complementarity Tarballs (DAR) RPMs and other standard open software tools Role of AFS, asis Higher level automated distribution tools (pacman)
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 54 RTAG?: Evolution of OO language usage Long-term evolution of C++ Role for other language(s), e.g. Java? Near, medium and (to the extent possible) long term application of other languages among LHC experiments Implications for tools and support requirements Identify any requirements arising Applications, services to be developed in common Third party tools to be integrated and supported Compilers and other infrastructure to be supported Libraries required
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 55 RTAG?: LCG Benchmarking suite Below threshold for an RTAG? Every LCG application should come with a benchmarking suite, and should be made available and readily usable as part of a comprehensive benchmarking suite Develop requirements for a comprehensive benchmarking suite of LCG applications for use in performance evaluation, testing, platform validation and performance measurement, etc. Tools which should be represented Tests which should be included Packaging and distribution requirements
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN CERN LCG Launch Week, Mar 12 2002 Slide 56 RTAG?: Online notebooks and other remote control / collaborative tools Identify near term and long term needs and requirements common across the experiments Survey existing, planned tools and approaches Develop recommendations for common development/adaptation and support of tools for LHC
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