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YININGSHI NO.4 MIDDLE SCHOOL 伊宁市第四中学 4X10 课件 英语课件 伊宁市四中教研室 创 新 · 求 真创 新 · 求 真.

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1 YININGSHI NO.4 MIDDLE SCHOOL 伊宁市第四中学 4X10 课件 英语课件 伊宁市四中教研室 创 新 · 求 真创 新 · 求 真

2 If winter comes, can spring be far behind? Shelley--- Ode to the west wind ( 西风颂 ) Unit2 Poems

3 YOUR SITE HERE LOGO Quiz in Chinese traditional poems Can you recite the Chinese traditional poems according to their English translation? Let’s have competition. 自主学习

4 YOUR SITE HERE LOGO A SPRING MORNING I awake light-hearted this morning of spring, Everywhere round me the singing of birds, But now I remember the night, the storm, And I wonder how many blossoms were broken. 春晓 春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟. 夜来风雨声,花落知多少. Tang Poem

5 YOUR SITE HERE LOGO In the quiet night So bright a gleam on the foot of my bed--- Could there have been a frost already? Lifting myself to look, I found that it was moonlight. Sinking back again, I thought suddenly of my home. By Li Bai 静夜思 静夜思床前明月光,疑是地上霜。举头望明月,低头思故乡。

6 YOUR SITE HERE LOGO If you would ask me how my sorrow has increased, Just see the over-brimming river flowing east! 问君能有几多愁,恰似一江春水向东 流。 ——— 李煜 Translated by Xu Yuanchong 《虞美人》

7 YOUR SITE HERE LOGO How long will the bright moon appear? Wine-cup in hand, I ask the sky. I do not know what time of year, It would be tonight in the palace on high. 水调歌头 明月几时有?把酒问青天。 不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年? ——— 苏轼 Translated by Xu Yuanchong

8 YOUR SITE HERE LOGO I look for her in vain. When all at once I turn my head, I find her there where lantern light is dimly shed. Translated by Xu Yuanchong 众里寻他千百度, 蓦然回首, 那人却在, 灯火阑珊处。 青玉案. 元 夕 --- 辛弃疾

9 YOUR SITE HERE LOGO Till, raising my cup, I asked the bright moon, To bring me my shadow and make us three. 举杯邀明月,对影成三人。

10 YOUR SITE HERE LOGO Wildfire never quite consumes them -- They are tall once more in the spring wind. 野火烧不尽,春风吹又生。

11 YOUR SITE HERE LOGO 从诗的内容和形式两方面看, 英诗可分为 : 1史诗 ( Epic) 2戏剧诗 ( Dramatic poems) 3故事诗 ( Metrical Tale) 4民谣 (Ballad) 5抒情诗 (lyric) 6说理诗 (Didactic poems) 7模仿诗 (Parody) 8打油诗 (Clerihews) 这四种为叙事诗 (Narrative poems)

12 YOUR SITE HERE LOGO 1. Why do people write poetry? 2. How many kinds of poems does the text mention? What are they? 童谣 清单诗 五行诗 俳句诗 唐诗 AB&CD&EF&GH 合作交流

13 YOUR SITE HERE LOGO Why do people write poems? to tell a story to express feelings to recall an enjoyable or unpleasant incident to make others laugh to tell the life or friendship to delight the kids to describe the seasons or scenes for entertainment as the lyrics of a song

14 YOUR SITE HERE LOGO Nursery Rhymes They have strong rhyme and a lot of repetition. List Poems They repeated phrases and some rhyme, and easy to write. Cinquain They are made up of 5 lines, and convey a strong picture, and easy to write. Haiku They are made up of 17 syllables, and give a picture and a special feeling. Tang Poems Their translations have a free form. Characteristics Form 巩固提高


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