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Presentation on theme: "POETRY PLAYING WITH LANGUAGE."— Presentation transcript:


2 A Poem Is A Little Path A poem is a little path That leads you through the trees. It takes you to the cliffs and shores, To anywhere you please. Follow it and trust your way With mind and heart as one, And when the journey's over, You'll find you've just begun.

3 Poetry is a type of literature that expresses ideas, feelings, or tells a story in a specific form (usually using lines and stanzas) The poet is the author of the poem.

4 What do you think about when you hear the word POETRY
What do you think about when you hear the word POETRY? There are many kinds of poems: Some poems make us LAUGH. Some poems make us THINK. Some poems are SHORT & FUNNY. Some poems are LONG & SERIOUS. Some poems RHYME. Some poems DO NOT RHYME.

5 Couplets Couplets have two lines that rhyme.
Little Daddy Longlegs played in the sun, Climbing up the front steps just for fun. Tell me if you think you know How to make a turtle go. Tomorrow's my birthday and I'll be four And I won't have to stay home anymore.

6 Here is a poem that has four couplets:
PUMPKINS ON GUARD Look at all the pumpkin faces Lighting up so many places. On the porch and in the yard, Pumpkin faces standing guard. Looking friendly, looking mean, With a smile or with a scream. Orange faces burning bright In the cool October night.

7 A STANZA is a group of lines in a poem with a set pattern of rhyme.
Stanzas A STANZA is a group of lines in a poem with a set pattern of rhyme. For example: abab / cdcd / efef etc. aabb / ccdd / eeff etc.

8 "I'm Late For School"   I got up late for school today, And nearly missed the bus! I hurried down the stairs, Wolfed my toast, and caused a fuss! I quickly threw books in my bag, My pens, my lunch and shorts. Grabbed my coat from out the cupboard, Took my bat and ball for sports. I slid across the kitchen floor, And hopped around the cat! Then expertly rolled over, Jumped back up and grabbed my hat! I belted out of our front door, Spun round and swung it shut. Saw the bus was waiting for me, I felt I had time to strut! I climbed aboard and then froze still, And knew that things weren't right! My friends fell down in fits of fun, And pointed with delight! My face went red, I couldn't breathe, For in my haste I knew! I'd forgotten to wear trousers, Jumper, shirt, my socks and shoes! ©2003 Gareth Lancaster

9 How to write a limerick:
Limericks A limerick is a silly poem with five lines.  They are often funny or nonsensical.  How to write a limerick: The first, second and fifth lines rhyme with each other and have the same number of syllables (typically 8 or 9). The third and fourth lines rhyme with each other and have the same number of syllables (typically 5 or 6) Limericks often start with the line "There once was a..." or "There was a..." Example of an 8,8,5,5,8 syllable limerick: STAR There once was a wonderful star Who thought she would go very far Until she fell down And looked like a clown She knew she would never go far.    

10 Cinquain A cinquain is a poem with 5 lines: Line 1 one word Line 2 two words Line 3 three words Line 4 four words Line 5 one word Apples Juicy, sweet Red, yellow, green Yummy, delicious, fantastic, healthy Apples

11 Five W'S Poems Each line in this type of poem answers one of the 5 W's: who? what? when? where? why? I Love eating apples In the morning In my kitchen ‘Cause they are so good for me

12 Acrostic Poems An acrostic poem is one in which certain letters, often the first letter of every line, form a name or a theme. Apples are yummy. Pretty and juicy. Please pick only when ripe. Licking jelly apples are fun. Eat them day and night.

13 In poems you often find:
alliteration Consonant sounds repeated at the beginnings of words If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, how many pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick? 6GF5L24

14 Simili A comparison of two things using “like, as than,” or “resembles.” “She is as beautiful as a sunrise.”

15 Metaphor A direct comparison of two unlike things “All the world’s a stage, and we are merely players.” - William Shakespeare


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