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Please take out: Kickoff: Lab 1.1

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Presentation on theme: "Please take out: Kickoff: Lab 1.1"— Presentation transcript:

1 Please take out: Kickoff: Lab 1.1
Notebook, writing utensil and calculator Convert the volume of the room to hm3. Write the dm3 value and the hm3 on the sticky note. Absolutely no phones out, please place bags under desks, out of the aisle. Kickoff:

2 Metric Conversions

3 A few official SI units Meters – length Kilograms – mass
Liters -- Volume Seconds – time Moles – amount of substance Ampere – electric current

4 Metric prefixes Giga – 109 Mega – 106 Kilo – 103 Hecto – 102
Deka - 101 Deci – 10-1 Centi – 10-2 Milli – 10-3 Micro – 10-6 Nano – 10-9 There are others….

5 moves Left moves Right Hecto Deka meter, gram, Liter Deci Centi Milli
Kilo Hecto Deka meter, gram, Liter Deci Centi Milli Decimal Decimal moves Left moves Right

6 Practice problems Convert 3.89 km to m Convert ml to cl

7 Practice problems Convert 5.90 kL to cL. Convert mol to damol.

8 Practice problems Convert 252cm3 to m3. Convert km2 to dm2.

9 One more.. Convert 252cm3 to L.

10 Practice
Givens Work Answer w/label

11 Please take out: Kickoff: Notebook, writing utensil and calculator
Have formula sheet pulled up. Convert 252cm3 to L. Convert 3500mm2 to dm2 Once organized, please place bags under desks, out of the aisle. Kickoff:

12 Converting units Dimensional Analysis… Set up the problem.
Find the correct conversion factor. Create a fraction that cancels the given unit and brings you closer to the new unit.

13 Converting complex units
Easiest to use dimensional analysis – cancel one part at a time until you have converted all parts.

14 Practice Convert 5km to miles 125lbs to kg

15 Practice Hank bought 15 Liters of gasoline, how many gallons did he buy? Sarah looked at a 940 square foot apartment. How many square meters is the apartment?

16 Practice Convert 72 mi/hr to m/s. Convert 275,000sec to days.

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