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Good Health Fund 2014 Health & Work Laura Wharton Public Health Partnerships Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Good Health Fund 2014 Health & Work Laura Wharton Public Health Partnerships Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Health Fund 2014 Health & Work Laura Wharton Public Health Partnerships Manager

2 Purpose of this presentation Provide attendees with; a common/shared understanding of the relationship between work and health an overview of why work is an important health issue in BwD guidance on approaches to tackling health and work details of the funding available signposting to useful sources of information

3 Background and Context Compelling evidence that work has an inherently beneficial impact on an individual’s physical and mental health and wellbeing Work is a key determinant of people’s wellbeing and the relationship between the two is complex There are around 40,000 people of working age with a long- term condition in Blackburn with Darwen, of whom 11,000 are on out-of work benefits This is a major cause of poor health and health inequalities in BwD Costs the public sector at least £100 million each year

4 Why is it important? 20% higher rate of preventable deaths in out of work population 1.5 - 2.5 times higher risk of fatal or non-fatal CVD and events 1 in 7 men diagnosed with clinical depression within six months of job loss Unemployed young men are 25 times more likely to attempted suicide than employed young men 16 to 34 % increased incidence of psychological problems for those who experience prolonged unemployment Prevalence of psychiatric disorders in children in families with parents who have never worked is double that of children with parents in low skilled jobs, and 5 times higher than those with parents in professional occupations Higher rates of alcohol and tobacco consumption and lower rates of physical activity among those out of work

5 BwD Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy Aim: ensure that everyone has the best chance of getting and keeping good employment by improving wellbeing in the workplace and supporting those out of work into employment Priority groups identified; Residents who are unemployed or at risk of becoming unemployed People with long term conditions affecting their ability to work People with poor mental health and wellbeing affecting their ability to work

6 Consider initiatives that.. Involve people in developing our understanding of the barriers to employment Involve people in building a picture of community assets to address health related worklessness Provide early identification of and intervention with people who are at risk of becoming unemployed due to health reasons Support people with health conditions who are at risk of becoming unemployed to remain in work Support people who are unemployed due to health reasons become ready for and into work (e.g. skills, training, mentoring, personal development, navigation & brokerage) Involve the wider community, encourage peer support and sharing of skills and assets

7 Funding available for this priority Total grant for this priority £17,500 The maximum amount you can apply for is £4375 The minimum amount you can apply for is £500 Projects need to be delivered by 31st March 2015 End of grant reports and project evaluations will need to be returned by 30 th April 2015

8 Useful sources of information Working for a Healthier Tomorrow e/209782/hwwb-working-for-a-healthier-tomorrow.pdf e/209782/hwwb-working-for-a-healthier-tomorrow.pdf BwD Health and Wellbeing Strategy 12.pdf 12.pdf BwD Public Health Annual Report 2013 report-2013.pdf report-2013.pdf Marmot report healthy-lives-the-marmot-review healthy-lives-the-marmot-review

9 Any Questions? Laura Wharton Public Health Partnerships Manager Tel: 01254 588911

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