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Published byKathlyn Merritt Modified over 9 years ago
Ladies and gentlemen – good evening – I would like to welcome you to our meeting this afternoon and hope that our brief presentation will serve to clarify any uncertainties and put our students on the right track. I know that some of you are following the process in detail and are in contact with the school, while others are new to the system or new to our school – we hope that by the end of this session we all find ourselves on the same page.
Agenda Courses offered in the American Division
The Academic Year and Student Grading Promotion Policy Grades 9 – 12 subjects School Graduation Requirements Ministry of Education Requirements University Admission Requirements SAT & PSAT Attendance Policy Activities & Trips First I would like to highlight what we will be tackling today – through the presentation – (read the agenda clearly with a word on each item)
MISR LANGUAGE SCHOOLS (Fayoum Highway, Giza, Egypt)
Tel: (202) , , Fax: (202) Student Name: 2.88 Date of Graduation: Jun-16 Birth Date: July 17, 1998 Nationality: Egyptian Date Entered: Sep-07 CGPA Gender: Male Disciplines Grade 9 ( ) Grade Credit Grade 10 ( ) Grade 11 ( ) Grade 12 ( ) English English Language B- 1 B B+ Science Physical Science A- Biology C Chemistry Math C- Social Studies Business A Economics Sociology Psychology Foreign Language German Computer Science Art & Design Electives Physical Education A+ 0.5 Accounting Civics 0.25 Arabic Social Studies Arabic Arabic Language C+ Religion Credits 8.25 8.5 8 Grade Scale GPA Scale Headmaster Director of Schools Date Misr Language Schools American Division is accredited from K-12 by the North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement (NCA CASI) and the Egyptian Ministry of Education.The North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement (NCA CASI) is an accreditation division of AdvancED. A+ (4.00) / A (4.00) / A- (3.70) B+ (3.30) / B (3.00) / B- (2.70) C+ (2.30) / C (2.00) / C- (1.70) D+ (1.30) / D (1.00) / D- (0.70) A+=100 , A=96 , A-=92 , B+=89 , B=86 , B-=82 C+=79 , C=76 , C-=72 , D+=69 , D=66 , D-=62 F=Failing , I=Incomplete
How Do We Choose the Subjects To Teach ?
Fulfilling the Curriculum Requirements of the American System Fulfilling the Requirements of the Ministry of Education Which will bring us to our next point – the subjects – how does the school choose the subjects that students are to study – how do we ensure that the student will end up with a transcript with which he can apply to any university or at least the university of his or her choice. We do this following the following guidelines – we need to ensure that the subjects are according to the AdvancED requirements of curriculum for American schools and by American standards – otherwise we would not have our license to operate. We need to make sure that at all times we are following the rules and regulations of the Egyptian Ministry of Education – these rules unfortunately change often and sporadically so our job is to accommodate whatever they come up with as quickly as possible. Finally we need to make sure that the subjects our students have studied enable them to apply for the University or faculty of their choice – if a student wants the faculty of medicine for example then it is our job to make sure he studies the appropriate subjects. Fulfilling Requirements of the Ministry of Higher Education for University Admissions
Structure of Academic Year
The school year is divided into 2 semesters Each semester is divided into 2 quarters The weights of each quarter is as follows: Grades 9 – 11 Grade 12 Quarter 1 = 20% Quarter 1 = 20% Quarter 2 = 30% Quarter 2 = 30% Quarter 3 = 20% Quarter 3 = 30% Quarter 4 = 30% Quarter 4 = 20% The school year is divided into 2 semesters with each semester divided into 2 quarters. The quarters have different weights with regards to the whole school year – as you can see. The weights depend on the length of the quarter and on the type of assessment included in that quarter. You can also notice that Grade 12 have a different weighting system to grades 9 – 11 – this is due to the very short 4th quarter
Formative Summative Student Traits
How is a Student Assessed / Graded ? All assessments that serve to monitor student learning as an ongoing process, and provide students with regular feedback on their progress, and present opportunities for student self reflection and goal setting Formative All assessments that serve to evaluate accumulative student learning after the completion of a unit of study Summative The traits that are defined to be necessary for an independent learner and that promote personal growth Student Traits
Measure of Academic Progress
Standardized Testing MAP Tests Measure of Academic Progress Computer adaptive, personalized interim assessments Informs instruction using valid, reliable, and real-time data and creates evidence-informed instructional practices Measure the growth of the student over time Engage students in goal-setting PSAT To be discussed later in the presentation
How are Parents Informed of Student Progress?
Quarterly report cards Quarterly parent meetings Mid Quarter Progress Report ThinkWave – online grade-book SMS Academic Issue Report One to one meeting with parents if necessary. Since we consider the education of a student to be a joint partnership between parents and the school – we are very keen on informing parents of the progress of the student. (Read slide with comment on each item)
Promotion Policy (Policy is on the website)
Grades 9 – 11 Core subjects are Math, English Language Arts and Science. Non-core subjects are Social Studies, Foreign Languages and Arabic. Students failing in the 2 core subjects will repeat the year. Students failing in 3 subjects (combination of core and non-core) will repeat the year. RETESTS. Students failing in the retest of core subject will repeat the year. Students failing the retest of non-core subjects will not receive a credit for that subject for that year on his / her graduating transcript.
Grade 9 Subjects Language Arts Math (combined)
Science (Physical Science) Social Studies Foreign Language (French OR German) Arabic and Religion Arabic Social Studies Computer Science OR Art Physical Education Starting with grade 9 let us take a look at the subjects assigned to students by grade. (Read the slide)
Grade 10 Subjects Language Arts Math (combined) Science (Biology)
Social Studies Foreign Language (French OR German) Arabic and Religion Computer Science OR Art Physical Education Arabic Social Studies and Civics As for Grade 10 the subjects are as follows (Read the slide)
Grade 11 Subjects Language Arts Math (Algebra II or Adv Algebra II)
Chemistry OR Environmental Science Social Studies (Business) Foreign Language (French OR German) Arabic and Religion Civics Computer Science OR Art The final leg of the educational journey starts with grade 11 – admissions into universities (maktab al tanseek) will choose subjects from grades 11 and 12 – either 3 and 5 or 6 and 2 or 7 and 1 – and so subjects in grade 11 are important as are the grades a student will score – on the slide you will see the school offering for grade 11. At this stage the student has not taken any direction as to faculty or university choice up to this point all students are the same – the important point being that all students will finish Math I. I would like to point out that although the Ministry insists on teaching of Arabic and Religion they are however non credit subjects
Grade 12 Math / Science Advanced Math OR Business Math OR Accounting
Physics Language Arts Economics Sociology Biology OR Computer OR Art Arabic and Religion Civics The subjects in yellow are the differentiating subjects. Physics is mandatory for both the Science direction and the Math direction. Biology on the other hand is only mandatory for those wishing to follow the path of Sciences and so consequently others can opt for Computer Studies
Grade 12 Humanities Language Arts Psychology Economics Sociology
Business Math OR Accounting Computer OR Art Arabic and Religion Civics For students looking at a wider range of faculties the stress is more on the social studies and electives
Grade 12 Students Step 3 Step 2 Accepted by Universities Step 1
Fulfill Ministry Requirements Step 1 Graduate from School Basically what we are doing is assuring that our students are able to graduate from school – are fulfilling the ministry requirements and hence their transcript is acceptable and finally being suitable candidates to apply to universities.
What are the School Requirements for Graduation ?
Fulfill Attendance Requirements Student must have completed 3 years in an American System Students must have at Least four English Credits from grades 9 to 12 Students must have 3 Science credits from Grades 9 to 12 Students must have completed Math I Students must have 2 Years of Foreign Language And so briefly what does the school require to graduate a student (read each flag separately) Students must have At least 4 Social Studies credits From grades 9 to 12 Students must have taken A Computer Science And an Art course
What are the Ministry Requirements for Graduation ?
An authorized transcript From an accredited school An authorized diploma From an accredited school Official Proof for SAT I A minimum of 8 subjects From grades 11 & 12 Over and above the school requirements which already are designed to fulfill most of the ministry requirements what does the ministry ask for to endorse a student for graduation ? (read each flag separately) The transcript and diploma are the responsibility of the school – however SAT and scoring appropriate grades are the responsibility of the student
What are the University Admission Requirements?
Public Universities Private Universities Universities Abroad As we mentioned before different faculties have different requirements of subjects – and so depending on the faculty of choice the requirements of the admissions offices will change – (read the boxes with some info) – parents and students will need to check with individual private universities on their requirements Many students ask about the calculation of the GPA The calculation of the GPA depends on the subjects that each faculty chooses from the student’s transcript – also some private universities take a subject from Grade 10 while other universities such as the AUC have their own accumulative calculation
SAT I What is SAT I ? An international test that stands for Scholastic Aptitude Test • 4 parts: Reading, Writing & Language, Math, the optional Essay • 400–1600 score scale • 3 hours and 50 minutes — or 3 hours without the Essay • 4 answer choices It is obvious from all requirements that SAT I is mandatory so it is important to understand exactly what it is and exactly what it entails. SAT stands for Scholastic Aptitude Test it is an international test for all American Diploma students monitored by the College Board in the United States. SAT I is divided into 3 parts each out of 800 points – Critical Reading – Critical Writing and Math – by grade 11 all students are ready for taking SAT I – the pass mark on SAT I for students graduating this year is 1480 for government universities (altanseek) 1200 for private universities such as MSA etc. The AUC has its own calculation based on number of students applying – last year it was 1350 based on 33% GPA and 67% SAT I. Students can register for SAT through the school we offer this service to facilitate your time and theirs or through the internet or through the AMID East office. The fees are approximately L.E – the student will be given a registration form and admissions ticket and informed of the testing date time and place. The student gets 6 chances in grade 11 and 6 chances in grade 12. The highest scores are added together to give the student his total on SAT I.
SAT I (continued) How does the student register for SAT I ?
The School Online Amideast How many chances does the student get ? 4 chances in Grade 11 4 chances in Grade 12 The highest scores are added together to give the student his total on SAT I It is obvious from all requirements that SAT I is mandatory so it is important to understand exactly what it is and exactly what it entails. SAT stands for Scholastic Aptitude Test it is an international test for all American Diploma students monitored by the College Board in the United States. SAT I is divided into 3 parts each out of 800 points – Critical Reading – Critical Writing and Math – by grade 11 all students are ready for taking SAT I – the pass mark on SAT I for students graduating this year is 1480 for government universities (altanseek) 1200 for private universities such as MSA etc. The AUC has its own calculation based on number of students applying – last year it was 1350 based on 33% GPA and 67% SAT I. Students can register for SAT through the school we offer this service to facilitate your time and theirs or through the internet or through the AMID East office. The fees are approximately L.E – the student will be given a registration form and admissions ticket and informed of the testing date time and place. The student gets 4 chances in grade 11 and 4 chances in grade 12. The highest scores are added together to give the student his total on SAT I.
SAT II What are the subjects of SAT II ?
Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Math I and Math II What is the pass mark on SAT II ? 1000 out of 1600 Why sit for SAT II ? It is mandatory for certain faculties (Medicine or Engineering) To raise the student’s total percentage as it is added to the total score of SAT I + GPA When does the student register for SAT II ? When students are in Grade 12 they have only 2 chances to sit for SAT II The next point to tackle is SAT II – these tests are subject tests that have a defined syllabus – the subjects are Physics, Biology, Chemistry and Math divided into Math I and Math II – there is no faculty that specifically requires Math II and so basically SAT II Math I is sufficient SAT II serves two purposes: it is mandatory for certain faculties as we have seen – with a definite choice of subject such as Biology for Medicine or Math for Engineering the other purpose is to raise a students total percentage since it is added on to the total score of SAT I + GPA The pass mark on SAT II is 900 out of 1800 for private universities and 1000 for government universities The student needs to sit for at least 2 subjects. A student can register for SAT II as of grade 12 and gets the 6 opportunities keeping in mind that obviously the student will then forfeit that opportunity to be taking SAT I. AUC and some other private universities such as Al Akademia Albaharia do not take SAT II
PSAT When do students receive their scores? What is PSAT?
A standardized test that measures the 3 main skills of SAT; Critical Reading, Critical Writing and Math. Do students need to study for PSAT? No, these skills are developed over the years Students don’t need to recall facts from their English and Math classes When do students receive their scores? It's a standardized test that provides firsthand practice for the SAT. It measures the 3 main skills of the SAT test; Critical Reading, Critical Writing, and Math skills. Students do not have to study for this test. They have developed these skills over many years, both in and out of school. This test doesn't require them to recall specific facts from their English or Math classes. Students sit for PSAT for many reasons. First, to receive feedback on their strengths and weaknesses on skills needed for college study. Second, which is most important is to help them prepare for the SAT and become familiar with the kinds of questions and the exact directions they will see in the SAT. Last but not least, PSAT helps students receive information from colleges abroad (through the College Board website) As noticed, students sit for PSAT in October. Then tests are sent back to the United States to be scored and students receive their score reports by end of December, beginning of January. They receive both their answer sheets as well as their question booklet.
PSAT (continued) Why do students sit for PSAT?
To receive feedback on the skills needed for college study To be prepared for the SAT To receive information from colleges abroad When do students receive their scores? Two months after taking the test ( Tests are sent to the United States to be scored) It's a standardized test that provides firsthand practice for the SAT. It measures the 3 main skills of the SAT test; Critical Reading, Critical Writing, and Math skills. Students do not have to study for this test. They have developed these skills over many years, both in and out of school. This test doesn't require them to recall specific facts from their English or Math classes. Students sit for PSAT for many reasons. First, to receive feedback on their strengths and weaknesses on skills needed for college study. Second, which is most important is to help them prepare for the SAT and become familiar with the kinds of questions and the exact directions they will see in the SAT. Last but not least, PSAT helps students receive information from colleges abroad (through the College Board website) As noticed, students sit for PSAT in October. Then tests are sent back to the United States to be scored and students receive their score reports by end of December, beginning of January. They receive both their answer sheets as well as their question booklet.
Attendance & Tardy Policy
AdvancED, our accrediting agency, demands 90% attendance 4 absence days/quarter: excused or unexcused Excused Unexcused • All work normally scored at 100% •Flexible deadline to submit missing work in agreement with teacher •All work capped at 80% •All missing work must be submitted by 3rd day of return to school How is absence excused? • 1-day absence: Parent calls Office same day or sends note with student next day • More than 1 day: Doctor’s note, passport, letter from sports club, other documentation must be submitted on first day of student return
Attendance & Tardy Policy (continued) Tardy
If more than 4 absence days/quarter, student only receives 70% of the grade in all subjects (ex. if a student scored 90% on the quarter, then it will be 63% -- if a student scored 80% on the quarter, then it will be 56%, etc). Tardy 1st 5 times tardy = 2% deduction from grade of all subjects in the quarter 2nd 5 times tardy = 5% deduction from grade of all subjects in the quarter 3rd 5 times tardy = 7% deduction from grade of all subjects in the quarter 4th 5 times tardy = 10% deduction from grade of all subjects in the quarter Further tardy = Expulsion warning Further tardy = Expulsion Unsigned and/or unreturned warning letters will not affect the implementation of any policy
Activities & Trips We don’t only offer education, we shape personalities
Electives International trips Thailand or Tanzania MUN (Budapest) Domestic trips Marsa Alam Senior trip (to be announced) Dream Park Astro trip (Katameya) Educational Trips Know your country month Moez street Cairo Tower Giza Pyramids Alexandria library Cavafy Museum (Alex) Hanging Church Religion Complex JCIMUN (AUC) Camp-in Student Council Garage Sale Talent Show Soccer, Basketball & volleyball matches with different schools MLSUF Public Figure Speech Opera house Sports Day Well Spring Camp Character Building for Quarter 1&2 Q 3&4 will be announced soon
Thank You
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