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Innovations in Mature Adult Learning Anna Jancewicz Dorota Jasłan Alicja Kostecka Innovations in Mature Adult Learning Project Grundtvig Learning Partnership.

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Presentation on theme: "Innovations in Mature Adult Learning Anna Jancewicz Dorota Jasłan Alicja Kostecka Innovations in Mature Adult Learning Project Grundtvig Learning Partnership."— Presentation transcript:

1 Innovations in Mature Adult Learning Anna Jancewicz Dorota Jasłan Alicja Kostecka Innovations in Mature Adult Learning Project Grundtvig Learning Partnership 3st Partner Meeting Athen, 2-3 June 2014

2 BEST PRACTICES The role of teacher in motivation process Our motivation system: towards and against. What kind of arguments should teacher use to motivate learners? Motivation: external and internal. How can motivation system influence creativity of learners?

3 Motivation - Towards Pleasant or Away From Painful How can we use this knowledge and motivate others to learn?

4 Why do we learn? To gain something valuable or to avoid unpleasant consequences?

5 Practise in pairs What is important to you when you go on vacation? What is important to you when you sign up for a foreign language course? What is important to you when staying in a hotel for a few nights?

6 Analyze answers What kind of motivation dominates? to gain something valuable or to avoid unpleasant consequences?.

7 You should answer the questions: Why should I learn? What does this mean for me? 1 x 8 + 1 = 9 12 x 8 + 2 = 98 123 x 8 + 3 = 987 1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876 12345 x 8 + 5 = 987 65 123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654 1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543 12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432 123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321

8 You should answer the questions: What do I get out of it, what benefits? How will my life change in a positive way if I learn this? Who will I be when I learn it? What will be the reward?

9 You should answer the questions: What do I lose if I decide not to learn this? What are the consequences if I do not learn this?

10 The answers to these questions motivate us to action.

11 Replies motivate and create a vision

12 When we think in a positive way we create a positive vision of our future. Motivation is conected with positiv emotions.

13 External and internal motivation. Motivation by carrots and sticks may be internal or external.

14 Please imagine that you are a young girl

15 How a traditional school motivates us? How were we programmed by the school system?

16 Danger of rewards and punishments. How can we kill internal motivation? What happens when we use too many external rewards?

17 Teresa Amabile: External rewards cause people to lose interest in whatever they were rewarded for doing.

18 How to kill internal motivation? A man pestered by the neighborhood children came up with an idea. He offered the children a dollar, if only they will return on Tuesday, shouting by his window. Children were happy with this proposal and came on Tuesday and shouted by his window and received money. This time the old man said, however, that on Wednesday they can only get 25 cents. The story repeated the next day, except that the rate for Thursday dropped down to 1 cent. - No way! - He heard in reply. And he no longer had to bear with children’s noise.

19 External rewards can reduce internal interest.

20 "What do they want me to do, and what happens to me if I don't do it?", "What do they want me to do, and what do I get for doing it?" "What kind of person do I want to be?"

21 the question educators need to ask is not how motivated their students are, but how their students are motivated. The role of educator is to help students ask the question: Why do I need this knowledge? What is the internal reason to learn this?

22 How to rebuild the internal motivation to learn?

23 What do we want in our life and how education can help us to gain this ?

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