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The Earliest Americans lived as Hunters and Gatherers  1. Toward the end of the last Ice Age. By foot over a land bridge from Asia or in small boats 

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Presentation on theme: "The Earliest Americans lived as Hunters and Gatherers  1. Toward the end of the last Ice Age. By foot over a land bridge from Asia or in small boats "— Presentation transcript:

1 The Earliest Americans lived as Hunters and Gatherers  1. Toward the end of the last Ice Age. By foot over a land bridge from Asia or in small boats  2. Hunted smaller prey, fished, and gathered edible plants and fruits

2 The Earliest Americans began to experiment with simple methods of farming  3. People began planting and harvesting preferred edible plants from seeds  4. Maize, squashes, beans, avocados, chilies

3 Agriculture Dramatically Changed Peoples’ Way of Life  5. Farming gave a reliable food supply, people could settle in villages and expanded life expectancy  6. Farming allowed for developed skills, created social classes and nonagricultural activities

4 Early Mesoamerican Civilizations - Olmec  Geography – located along the Gulf Coast of Mexico, covered with swamps, rain forest and fertile river flood plains, hot and humid. Resources include: salt, tar, clay wood, rubber  Urban Design – pyramids, plazas, giant sculptures, thriving urban communities

5 Olmec Civilization  Economy – Large and Prosperous trading network throughout Mesoamerica  Achievements – ruling class, urban societies, ritual ball games, ceremonial centers

6 Zapotec  Geography – Mountainous region in southern Mexico, fertile soil and mild climate in valleys  Urban Design – planned cities, pyramids, temples, palaces around a giant plaza  Language – Hieroglyphic writing system  Achievements – urban planning: calendar system based on movements of the sun

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