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Presentation on theme: "BUDGET REVIEW: MUNICIPAL DEMARCATION BOARD SELECT COMMITTEE ON LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND ADMINISTRATION Vuyo Mlokoti – Chairperson Morongoa Letsoalo –Deputy."— Presentation transcript:

1 BUDGET REVIEW: MUNICIPAL DEMARCATION BOARD SELECT COMMITTEE ON LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND ADMINISTRATION Vuyo Mlokoti – Chairperson Morongoa Letsoalo –Deputy Chairperson Hillary Monare - CEO Richard Somanje - CFO 08 May 2007

2 2 REPRESENTATION AND DOCUMENTS From the Board:  Dr Vuyo Mlokoti – Chairperson: MDB;  Ms Morongoa Letsoalo – Deputy Chairperson: MDB;  Mr Hillary Monare – Chief Executive: MDB;  Mr Richard Somanje – Chief Financial Officer Document Tabled:  Draft Annual Report 2006 – 2007  Strategic Plan 2007 - 2011

3 3 Two Briefings – 14 March & 17 October 2006 At both briefings, the following issues were covered:  We confirmed our written explanations to the Select and Portfolio Committees of concerns and reservations raised previously by members of this and the Portfolio Committee with respect to:  Expenditure on Professional Fees, Office Expenses, Staff Remuneration, Board Members Remuneration, Travel and Accomodation, Consultants; There had also been concerns raised about the Board possibly spending its money on things that are irrelevant in as far as its core mandate is concerned, and thus the financial difficulties it faced, which we explained. We also reported to the Select Committee on the Board’s mandate, and how we had performed in pusuit of that mandate in 2005/06. There was also a range of administrative and other financial issues that we addressed you on. In this regard, we submitted a report to the Portfolio Committee in March 2006 to substantiate under funding problems. Furthermore, we presented to you our medium term strategy for the period 2006/07 to 2009/10. PAST BRIEFINGS IN 2006

4 4 OVERVIEW: TODAY’S PRESENTATION Overview on mandates and performance (Hillary Monare) In 2006/07 a number of Strategic Themes were identified around the board’s mandate, including: re-determination of municipal and ward boundaries, declaration and withdrawal of DMA declarations; capacity assessments; alignment of service delivery boundaries; relationships with key stakeholders; good governance and organisational capacity. Slides to follow will deal back to back with performance in 2006/2007, and the way forward 2007/8-2010/11. Budget Review (Richard Somanje) The Budget review will cover, amongst others, budget trends, income and expenditure, assets and other related financial matters.

5 5 Mandate: Determine and re-determine municipal boundaries, and delimit wards for local elections 2006/2007 Changes to municipal boundaries on hold from 20 Feb 2004 to 2006 for ward delimitation and local elections on 1 March 2006 March 2006 process resumed - 119 outstanding cases. Some finalised/ some in process: some Provincial boundaries; some affects boundaries of traditional areas; some in section 26, 21 or 21(5) process. A total of 80 DEMS (61 plus 19 cross boundary DEMS) as well as any new DEMS are to be finalised by mid 2008.

6 6 Mandate: Determine and re-determine municipal boundaries, and delimit wards for local elections (cont) 2007/8 – 2010/11 Focus to shift to planning for the next national, provincial and local elections Consultation with other stakeholders to commence and processes to start to ensure successful elections Draft work plan to follow is based on the assumption that legislation will not change, and that National and provincial elections will be held in April 2009 and local elections will be held in March 2011 Legislation not a mandate of Board but we can make contributions eg the criteria for ward delimitation or any other legislation affecting the Board etc

7 7 Mandate: Determine and re-determine municipal boundaries, and delimit wards for local elections (cont) Key performance area: Finalise as many changes as possible to outer boundaries of municipalities by May 2008 Dec 2007Board approve last sec 26 notices. Jan 2008Last section 26 notices published before the local elections in 2011 March 2008Last section 21 notices published before the local elections

8 8 Mandate: Determine and re-determine municipal boundaries, and delimit wards for local elections (cont) Key performance area: Hand over of outer boundaries to IEC, and ensure that formula and the number of councillors are gazetted April 2008Closing date for sec 21 objections May 2008Last section 21(5) notices published before the elections and IEC informed June 2008IEC publishes all outstanding sec 23 notices July 2008MECs publish all outstanding section 23 notices Aug 2008Municipal boundaries provided to IEC Aug/Sept 2008IEC align VD boundaries to municipal boundaries Sept/Oct/Nov 2008? Registration of voters for national and provincial elections Feb 2009?Certify national common voters roll and gazette it Feb 2009?Divide national common voters roll into municipal segments March 2009Publish formula for the number of councillors (problem area) March 2009MECs determine and publish number of councillors for each municipality (problem area) March 2009MDB determines the number of wards and the norm for ward delimitation

9 9 Mandate: Determine and re-determine municipal boundaries, and delimit wards for local elections (cont) Key performance area: Ward delimitation and public consultation Apr 2009?National and Provincial elections Apr 2009Formal consultation between MDB and IEC as required by Structures Act Apr-Jun 2009MDB prepares first set of draft ward boundaries Jul/Aug 2009Public consultation process commences (circular/media ads) 31 Aug 2009Closing date for public comments Sept/Oct 2009Consider public comments and prepare map set 2 for public hearings Nov/Dec2009Maps and notices distributed and logistics finalised for public hearings Jan/Feb 2010Public hearings March 2010Finalise map set 3 and gazette ward maps in Provincial gazettes for objections

10 10 Mandate: Determine and re-determine municipal boundaries, and delimit wards for local elections (cont) Key performance area: Consider public objections and publish final ward boundaries 1 April 2010Closing date for objections Apr/May 2010Consider public objections Jun 2010Final ward boundaries handed to IEC Jun/July 2010Alignment of VD boundaries to ward boundaries Aug 2010Gazette final ward boundaries Aug 2010Election date gazetted Aug – Nov 2010 Registration of voters Nov 2010 – Feb 2011 Preparations for elections March 2011?Local elections

11 11 Concerns It appears that provinces and municipalities still lack interest in demarcation issues Towards the end of 2007 time for consultation will decrease drastically Late/urgent applications may adversely affect already tight timeframes New legislation (if any) may adversely affect timeframes and preparations for the elections Previous delays pertaining to formula and number of councillors may occur due to national and provincial elections.

12 12 Mandate: Declare District Management areas (DMAs) and withdraw declarations Legal provisions & history DMAs are not a fourth category of municipalities Structures Act: DMA to be established where it is not conducive to establish category B municipalities. Original policy: Declare deserts and semi-arid areas and State protected and conservation areas as DMAs Policy review: Only national parks/areas of international significance Declaration of 6 DMAs withdrawn prior to local elctions Effect of changes to provincial boundaries on DMAs eg Kruger Park – weight of councillors & performance of functions Legislation does not provide for the declaration of DMAs in metropolitan areas. National Parks such as the Table Mountain National Park can therefore not be declared as a DMA as it falls within the area of a metropolitan municipality..

13 13 Mandate: Declare District Management areas (DMAs) and withdraw declarations (cont) 2006/07 To determine the advisability to continue with a local government system comprising of 3 categories AND DMAs The system has been cleaned up by removing cross-boundary municipalities Shouldn’t the system also be cleaned up with respect to DMAs Further review of declarations to be investigated DMA Survey re performance of functions by DCs 2007/08 OPTIONS FOR INVESTIGATION Retain the status quo. Retain only national parks as DMAs Clean up the local government system and withdraw all DMA declarations If at all possible project to be finalised before changes to outer boundaries close – meaning that draft doc for consultation should be ready by mid 2007 for consultation in the second half and the legal process early 2008.

14 14 Mandate: Alignment of service delivery boundaries, TA Boundaries and assessment of boundaries Cabinet resolution 2002 Alignment Survey 2006/07 Alignment Survey June 2006 Intensive work with Justice and SAPS Review of magisterial districts and SAPS boundaries as a result of changes to Provincial boundaries Commenced with 2 projects: Creating a credible set of TA boundaries/Assessment of boundaries 2007/08 Justice/SAPS project to be completed in Aug 2007 2007/08 – 2010/11 Assist other departments where necessary with alignment Ongoing work on 2 projects

15 15 Mandate: Capacity Assessments Purpose of assessments Advise to MEC to ensure equitable and sustainable service delivery Process Data collection, verification, analyses & reports Outsourced project but staff involved in data collection for internal capacity building 2006/2007 100% return of questionnaires from 46 DCs & 231 Local munics 46 DC reports – Dec 2006 9 Provincial overview reports – Feb 2007 1 National overview report – March 2007 Recommendation Recommend a special meeting with Portfolio Committee and Select Committee for a briefing on 2006/2007 findings on the capacity of district and local munics to perform their function. Data collection project MDB Annual collection in Aug Work with Treasury, StatsSA and others on data collection from municipalities/standardisation of questions and reductions of questionnaires to municipalities.

16 16 Relationships with key stakeholders 2006/2007 Key stake holders involved in committee, task teams and projects Joint Boundary/Powers and Functions Committee – All provinces, DPLG, IEC, SALGA, DWAF and other departments TA boundary project – DPLG, DLA Provinces Alignment project – All departments – focus on SAPS and Justice 2007/8 – 2010/11 Projects, where necessary to continue, but focus will shift to projects related to elections and ongoing consultation with key stakeholders:  IEC  Minister/DPLG  MECs/Provincial officials  Municipalities  SALGA Plans are also underway to launch the Board National Report on the 2006/07 Municipal Capacity Assessments, during the course of May 2007. Invitations to the launch will be forthcoming soon, and we hereby ask for the Select Committee’s support in this regard.

17 17 MDB Organisational and Governance Issues 2006/2007 General improvement of internal matters such as: Successfully implemented the following systems:-  Integrated Payroll and HR Management system  Leave Control system linked to payroll  Balanced Scorecard Performance Management System  Human Resources oversight statistics. Business Continuation Plan completed Various policies drafted or reviews and improved by the Board Recruitment and Selection carried out for the following positions: GIS Analyst; Senior GIS Officer; Financial Officer and Head : GIS/IT However, 34% positions still vacant due to funding problems

18 18 MDB Organisational and Governance Issues (Cont) 2007/8 Interventions pertaining to allocation of a more reasonable budget, Improve compliance with applicable financial laws and regulations Revise Finance organisational structure Implement the Business Continuity Plan to address all risks Refine and enforce Policies and Procedures governing employment matters. Refine Performance Management System (Balance Scorecard) Improve on the training and development of staff (skills auditing and monitoring). Finalise a suitable and generally acceptable way in which the staff remuneration structure ensures fair remuneration to staff.

19 19 BUDGET REVIEW This part of the presentation deals with historic figures and estimates for the future. The audited financial statements for 2006/2007 will be included in the in the final 2006/2007 Annual Report to be submitted to Parliament later this year.

20 20 Financial Management: Objectives Manage the preparation of annual operational and capital budget Develops an expenditure forecast on a monthly and quarterly basis Physical assets strategic plan Provides timely and accurate reports for strategic decision making Manage the preparation of monthly, quarterly and annual budget reports Manages expenditure in terms of budget and funding constraints Control expenditure versus the budget




24 24 OVERVIEW: BUDGET TRENDS 2000 - 2010

25 25 EXPECTED OTHER INCOME 2007/82008/92009/102010/11 Sale of maps 60,50066,55073,20565,880 SA Explorer 5,000000 Interest received 99,000103,950114,345102,910 Total164,500170,500187,550174,190

26 26 CLUSTER BUDGET: MTEF R’0002007/82008/92009/102010/11 Finance3,6484,2224,8855,553 GIS3,2695,55810,0976,581 Research6,6518,19821,79119,295 Admin3,3763,8804,4895,190 Management2,1632,5993,0073,418 Members1,5581,7672,0532,327 Total20,66426,22446,32342,365


28 28 2007/8 CLUSTER CHART

29 29 EXPENDITURE HIGHLIGHTS: 2007/8 – 1010/11 (SELECTED ITEMS) R’0002007/82008/92009/102010/11 Members1,3121,5081,7552,009 Ward GIS01,0004,300500 Cap Ass4,4104,8365,2806,425 Ward N otice 009,0005,000 PH Notice005,000 Rent1,0841,1061,2261,348 Salaries7,7289,61111,46713,065

30 30 ACQUISITION OF FIXED ASSETS 2007/82008/92009/102010/11 Desktops87,500 Laptops131,500159,500130,000 Server100,000 Network upgrade12,500 Computer Software 25,000 Printers/fax39,50026,500 Total208,50087,500186,000242,500

31 31 MAINTENANCE OF FIXED ASSETS 2007/82008/92009/102010/11 Hardware maintance 10,000 Total10,000

32 32 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR 2006/07 MTEF Allocation (total allocation 16,827) (R’000)16,827 Donor Funding2,673 Map & Explorer Sales70 Disposal of Assets18 Other Income145 TOTAL INCOME AT OUR DISPOSAL 2006/07 19,733

33 33 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE FOR THE YEAR 2006/07 (Audit still to be done) Expenditure Item (R’000)Amount Percentage of Total Income Administrative Expenses4,06320.6 Staff Costs7,62738.7 Audit Fees1,0125.1 Project Expenses3,99520.2 Payments from Donor Funding2,67413.6 Other operating expenses4962.5 Finance Costs270.1 Depreciation and Amortisation6623.4 TOTAL EXPENDITURE20,556104.2 Surplus (deficit) for the year(823)-4.2

34 34 BREAKDOWN OF EXPENDITURE: 2006/2007 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES – Travel and Subsistence996 – Rentals in respect of operating leases  Buildings  Plant, Machinery and Equipment 921 64  General and Administrative Expenses  Cleaning Services 33  Conferences and Seminars 67  Courier Services 72  Water & Electricity 94  ISP and hosting services 220  Postage Services 12

35 35 BREAKDOWN OF EXPENDITURE: 2006/2007 General and Administrative Expenses Internal audit fees271 Publications, Notices and gazettes402 Insurance311 Printing and photocopying57 Stationery75 Subscription70 Telephone expenses, etc265

36 36 Conclusion Taking into consideration our limited staff, budget and infrastructure we are satisfied with our achievements during the 2006/7 financial year. However, we are disappointed that no special research could be conducted during the past financial year due to financial constraints. All queries raised by our internal auditors and the Auditor-General have been resolved, or are in process of being resolved, and we expect a clean report for 2006/2007. Adequate funding remains a challenge that we have not been able to resolve. This not only adversely affected our statutory duties but also the filling of vacancies, and infrastructure. We trust that our detailed Strategic Plan and interim annual report will give members some insight in the activities of the Municipal Demarcation Board.

37 37 Thank you


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