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Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。. 3 Chinese paper art.

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Presentation on theme: "Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。. 3 Chinese paper art."— Presentation transcript:

1 Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。

2 3 Chinese paper art

3 A Video about Chinese Paper Art

4 Interview Careful reading Fast reading Homework Listening Vocabulary

5 Task 1 A wording-guessing game Guess the key words according to part of the pictures. As soon as you guess the words, rush to the blackboard and write it down.

6 dragon

7 phoenix

8 rooster

9 back to v. 回溯到, 远在...( 年代 ) line 5: Paper cuts of animals have been found in tombs which date back to the time of the Northern and Southern Dynasty. 缩句: ex. 这个城市的历史可以追溯到 1350 年. The history of this city _____ _____to 1350. dates back ( ) ( ) Paper cuts have been found in tombs. 动物剪纸被发现于远在南北朝时期 墓中。 Read these 2 sentences together.

10 2. relate to 把 …… 联系起来 被动: A be related to B Line 22.23: People to whom the dead person was related would make these offerings on special days and during festivals. 缩句: 翻译: dbe ( ) People would make these offerings. 与死者有关 人(死者亲属)会在特殊的 日子或者节日剪这些祭祀剪纸。 [ ]

11 2. Listen to the extract of a song and fill in the blank. Round and round in circles live a life of solitude 'till we find ourselves a partner someone to _____ ___ Then we slow down, before we fall down. We've got stars directing our fate and we're praying it's not too late Exercise: 1. —— Can what he does _____ what he says? —— I don’t think so. A.relating to B. relate to C. being related to D. be related to Can A B relate to

12 You will understand something better if you __ __ ___ by yourself. try it out 3. try out v. 试验, 考验, 提炼 Line 30: I was also ready to try out paper- cutting for myself. 我自己也准备尝试一下剪纸. Exercise: 如果你自己试验做某事的话,你会理解得更好的。 Read these 2 sentences together.

13 Task 2: From paragraph__ to paragraph ___ are talking about the types of paper cuts which people still make today? Task 1: Paragraph 2 talks about____ How to make paper cuts The history of Chinese paper cuts Different colors of paper cuts C B A 3 6

14 Task1: Read paragraph 2 together and finish the exercise. (Reading strategies: read the statements or questions and use your general knowledge to guess the answers read the text check your answers. True or False 1.Paper-cutting is a long tradition in China. 2. Paper cuts of animals have been found in tombs dating back to Song Dynasty. 3. A young farmer would look at a man’s paper- cutting skills to choose her husband.

15 woman’s Task1: Read paragraph 2 and finish the exercise. True or False 1.Paper-cutting is a long tradition in China. 2. Paper cuts of animals have been found in tombs dating back to Song Dynasty. 3. A young farmer would look at a man’s paper- cutting skills to choose her husband. T F F Northern and Southern

16 1. How many types of paper cuts do people like to make? What are they? 2. Which Chinese character ( 字符 ) often appears in wedding paper cuts? 3. How is paper-cutting related to( 与 …… 有关联) fashion? Task2: Read par. 3-6 with the computer in a low voice and then answer the following questions.

17 1.How many types of paper cuts do people like to make? What are they? 2. Which Chinese character ( 字符 ) often appears in wedding paper cuts? 3. How is paper-cutting related to( 与 …… 有关联) fashion? Paper cuts are used to make patterns on clothing and decorate jewellery boxes Double happiness. Three. Paper cuts for decorations, for religious purposes and for design patterns.

18 For decoration Task3: Guess what the paper cuts following are used for.

19 For design

20 For religious purposes

21 The interview was very _______ as I got a lot of interesting information for my article. I was also ready to try out ___________for myself. “See you _____ ____,” I said as I waved goodbye to Mr. Chen. I was going to meet him again so that he could help me make my ____paper cut! Task4: Close your book and listen to the last paragraph and fill the blank. useful next week first paper-cutting

22 Pair work Suppose you want to write an article about Chinese Paper Art, now you have an interview with an expert on paper art. Ask and answer at least 5 questions.

23 Stage 1: greeting J: Nice to meet you, Mr.*/Miss*. It’s known that you’re a famous expert on paper cuts. I’ am so glad to have an interview with you. Could I ask you some questions? E: Of course. Go ahead. Stage 2: ask and answer the questions. Stage 3: say thanks and goodbye J: thank you very much, Mr./Mrs.**. With your help, I have got a lot of useful information for my article. Goodbye! Suggestions: 1. How many types of paper cuts do people like to make? 2. How do we know that there is a long tradition of paper- cutting in China? 3. Which Chinese character ( 字符 ) often appears in wedding paper cuts? 3. How is paper-cutting related to( 与 …… 有关联) fashion?

24  Write down the interview.

25 Thank you for listening!

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