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(1) Introduction to Control Divergence Lectures Slides and Figures contributed from sources as noted.

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1 (1) Introduction to Control Divergence Lectures Slides and Figures contributed from sources as noted

2 (2) Objective Understand the occurrence of control divergence and the concept of thread reconvergence  Also described as branch divergence and thread divergence Cover a basic thread reconvergence mechanism – PDOM  Set up discussion of further optimizations and advanced techniques Explore one approach for mitigating the performance degradation due to control divergence – dynamic warp formation

3 (3) Reading W. Fung, I. Sham, G. Yuan, and T. Aamodt, “Dynamic Warp Formation: Efficient MIMD Control Flow on SIMD Graphics Hardware,” ACM TACO, June 2009 W. Fung and T. Aamodt, “Thread Block Compaction for Efficient SIMT Control Flow,” International Symposiumomn High Performance Computer Architecture, 2011 M. Rhu and M. Erez, “CAPRI: Prediction of Compaction- Adequacy for Handling Control-Divergence in GPGPU Architectures,” ISCA 2012 Figure from M. Rhu and M. Erez, “Maximizing SIMD Resource Utilization on GPGPUs with SIMD Lane Permutation,” ISCA 2013

4 (4) Handling Branches CUDA Code: if(…) … (True for some threads) else … (True for others) What if threads takes different branches? Branch Divergence! takennot taken

5 (5) Branch Divergence Occurs within a warp Branches lead serialization branch dependent code  Performance issue: low warp utilization if(…) {… } else { …} Idle threads Reconvergence!

6 Branch Divergence Courtesy of Wilson Fung, Ivan Sham, George Yuan, Tor Aamodt Thread Warp Common PC Thread 2 Thread 3 Thread 4 Thread 1 B CD E F A G Different threads follow different control flow paths through the kernel code Thread execution is (partially) serialized  Subset of threads that follow the same path execute in parallel

7 (7) Basic Idea Split: partition a warp  Two mutually exclusive thread subsets, each branching to a different target  Identify subsets with two activity masks  effectively two warps Join: merge two subsets of a previously split warp  Reconverge the mutually exclusive sets of threads Orchestrate the correct execution for nested branches Note the long history of technques in SIMD processors (see background in Fung et. al.) Thread Warp Common PC T2T3T4T4T1 0011 activity mask

8 (8) Thread Reconvergence Fundamental problem:  Merge threads with the same PC  How do we sequence execution of threads? Since this can effect the ability to reconverge Question: When can threads productively reconverge? Question: When is the best time to reconverge? B CD E F A G

9 (9) Dominator Node d dominates node n if every path from the entry node to n must go through d B CD E F A G

10 (10) Immediate Dominator Node d immediate dominates node n if every path from the entry node to n must go through d and no other nodes dominate n between d and n B CD E F A G

11 (11) Post Dominator Node d post dominates node n if every path from the node n to the exit node must go through d B CD E F A G

12 (12) Immediate Post Dominator Node d immediate post dominates node n if every path from node n to the exist node must go through d and no other nodes post dominate n between d and n B CD E F A G

13 Baseline: PDOM Courtesy of Wilson Fung, Ivan Sham, George Yuan, Tor Aamodt -G1111 TOS B CD E F A G Thread Warp Common PC Thread 2 Thread 3 Thread 4 Thread 1 B/1111 C/1001D/0110 E/1111 A/1111 G/1111 -A1111 TOS ED0110 EC1001 TOS -E1111 ED0110 TOS -E1111 ADGA Time CBE -B1111 TOS -E1111 TOS Reconv. PC Next PCActive Mask Stack ED0110 EE1001 TOS -E1111

14 (14) Stack Entry -G1111 TOS B CD E F A G B/1111 C/1001D/0110 E/1111 A/1111 G/1111 -A1111 TOS ED0110 EC1001 TOS -E1111 ED0110 TOS -E1111-B TOS -E1111 TOS Reconv. PC Next PCActive Mask Stack ED0110 EE1001 TOS -E1111 A stack entry is a specification of a group of active threads that will execute that basic block The natural nested structure of control exposes the use stack-based serialization

15 (15) More Complex Example From Fung, et. Al., “Dynamic Warp Formation: Efficient MIMD Control Flow in SIMD Graphics Hardware, ACM TACO, June 2009 Stack based implementation for nested control flow  Stack entry RPC set to IPDOM Re-convergence at the immediate post-dominator of the branch

16 (16) Implementation I-Fetch Decode RF PRF D-Cache Data All Hit? Writeback scalar Pipeline scalar pipeline scalar pipeline Issue I-Buffer pending warps FromGPGPU-Sim Documentation Sim_3.x_Manual#SIMT_Cores -G1111 TOS -A1111 TOS ED0110 EC1001 TOS -E1111 ED0110 TOS -E1111-B TOS -E1111 TOS Reconv. PC Next PCActive Mask Stack ED0110 EE1001 TOS -E1111 GPGPUSim model:  Implement per warp stack at issue stage  Acquire the active mask and PC from the TOS  Scoreboard check prior to issue  Register writeback updates scoreboard and ready bit in instruction buffer  When RPC = Next PC, pop the stack Implications for instruction fetch?

17 (17) Implementation (2) warpPC (next instruction) compared to reconvergence PC On a branch  Can store the reconvergence PC as part of the branch instruction  Branch unit has NextPC, TargetPC and reconvergence PC to update the stack On reaching a reconvergence point  Pop the stack  Continue fetching from the NextPC of the next entry on the stack

18 (18) Can We Do Better? Warps are formed statically Key idea of dynamic warp formation  Show a pool of warps and how they can be merged At a high level what are the requirements B CD E F A G

19 (19) Compaction Techniques Can we reform warps so as to increase utilization? Basic idea: Compaction  Reform warps with threads that follow the same control flow path  Increase utilization of warps Two basic types of compaction techniques Inter-warp compaction  Group threads from different warps  Group threads within a warp oChanging the effective warp size

20 (20) Inter-Warp Thread Compaction Techniques Lectures Slides and Figures contributed from sources as noted

21 (21) Goal Warp 0 Warp 1 Warp 2 Warp 3 Warp 4 Warp 5 TakenNot Taken if(…) {… } else { …} Merge threads?

22 (22) Reading W. Fung, I. Sham, G. Yuan, and T. Aamodt, “Dynamic Warp Formation: Efficient MIMD Control Flow on SIMD Graphics Hardware,” ACM TACO, June 2009 W. Fung and T. Aamodt, “Thread Block Compaction for Efficient SIMT Control Flow,” International Symposiumomn High Performance Computer Architecture, 2011

23 DWF: Example Courtesy of Wilson Fung, Ivan Sham, George Yuan, Tor Aamodt AABBGGAACCDDEEFF Time AABBGGAA CD EE F A x/1111 y/1111 B x/1110 y/0011 C x/1000 y/0010 D x/0110 y/0001 F x/0001 y/1100 E x/1110 y/0011 G x/1111 y/1111 A new warp created from scalar threads of both Warp x and y executing at Basic Block D D Execution of Warp x at Basic Block A Execution of Warp y at Basic Block A Legend AA Baseline Dynamic Warp Formation

24 (24) How Does This Work? Criteria for merging  Same PC  Complements of active threads in each warp  Recall: many warps/TB all executing the same code What information do we need to merge two warps  Need thread IDs and PCs Ideally how would you find/merge warps?

25 DWF: Microarchitecture Implementation Courtesy of Wilson Fung, Ivan Sham, George Yuan, Tor Aamodt Thread Scheduler PC-Warp LUTWarp Pool I s s u e L o g i c Warp Allocator TID x N PC A TID x N PC B H H TID x NPCPrio TID x NPCPrio OCCPCIDX OCCPCIDX Warp Update Register T Warp Update Register NT REQ TID x N PCPrio Assists in aggregating threads Identify available lanes Identify occupied lanes Point to warp being formed Warps formed dynamically in the warp pool After commit check PC-Warp LUT and merge or allocated newly forming warp

26 DWF: Microarchitecture Implementation Courtesy of Wilson Fung, Ivan Sham, George Yuan, Tor Aamodt A 5678 A 1234 578 6 B C 1011 0100 B 23 0110B 0 B 5238 B 0010B 2 7 1 3 4 2 B C 0110 1001 C 1 C 1 4 C 6 1101C 1 No Lane Conflict A: BEQ R2, B C: … X 1 2 3 4 Y 5 6 7 8 X 1 2 3 4 X 1 2 3 4 X 1 2 3 4 X 1 2 3 4 Y 5 6 7 8 Y 5 6 7 8 Y 5 6 7 8 Y 5 6 7 8 Z 5 2 3 8 Z 5 2 3 8 Z 5 2 3 8

27 (27) Resource Usage Ideally would like a small number of unique PCs in progress at a time  minimize overhead Warp divergence will increase the number of unique PCs  Mitigate via warp scheduling Scheduling policies  FIFO  Program counter – address variation measure of divergence  Majority/Minority- most common vs. helping stragglers  Post dominator (catch up)

28 (28) Hardware Consequences Expose the implications that warps have in the base design  Implications for register file access  lane aware DWF Register bank conflicts From Fung, et. Al., “Dynamic Warp Formation: Efficient MIMD Control Flow in SIMD Graphics Hardware, ACM TACO, June 2009

29 (29) Relaxing Implications of Warps Thread swizzling  Essentially remap work to threads so as to create more opportunities for DWF  requires deep understanding of algorithm behavior and data sets Lane swizzling in hardware  Provide limited connectivity between register banks and lanes  avoiding full crossbars

30 (30) Summary Control flow divergence is a fundamental performance limiter for SIMT execution Dynamic warp formation is one way to mitigate these effects  We will look at several others Must balance a complex set of effects  Memory behaviors  Synchronization behaviors  Scheduler behaviors

31 Thread Block Compaction W. Fung and T. Aamodt HPCA 2011

32 (32) Goal Overcome some of the disadvantages of dynamic warp formation  Impact of Scheduling  Breaking implicit synchronization  Reduction of memory coalescing opportunities

33 Wilson Fung, Tor AamodtThread Block Compaction33 9 6 3 4 D -- 10 -- -- D 1 2 3 4 E 5 6 7 8 E 9 10 11 12 E DWF Pathologies: Starvation Majority Scheduling – Best Performing – Prioritize largest group of threads with same PC Starvation – LOWER SIMD Efficiency! Other Warp Scheduler? – Tricky: Variable Memory Latency Time 1 2 7 8 C 5 -- 11 12 C 9 6 3 4 D -- 10 -- -- D 1 2 7 8 E 5 -- 11 12 E 9 6 3 4 E -- 10 -- -- E B: if (K > 10) C: K = 10; else D: K = 0; E: B = C[tid.x] + K; 1000s cycles

34 Wilson Fung, Tor AamodtThread Block Compaction34 DWF Pathologies: Extra Uncoalesced Accesses Coalesced Memory Access = Memory SIMD – 1 st Order CUDA Programmer Optimization Not preserved by DWF E: B = C[tid.x] + K; 1 2 3 4 E 5 6 7 8 E 9 10 11 12 E Memory 0x100 0x140 0x180 1 2 7 12 E 9 6 3 8 E 5 10 11 4 E Memory 0x100 0x140 0x180 #Acc = 3 #Acc = 9 No DWF With DWF L1 Cache Absorbs Redundant Memory Traffic L1$ Port Conflict

35 (35) Wilson Fung, Tor Aamodt DWF Pathologies: Implicit Warp Sync. Some CUDA applications depend on the lockstep execution of “static warps” Thread 0... 31 Thread 32... 63 Thread 64... 95 Warp 0 Warp 1 Warp 2 From W. Fung, I. Sham, G. Yuan, and T. Aamodt, “Dynamic Warp Formation: Efficient MIMD Control Flow on SIMD Graphics Hardware,” ACM TACO, June 2009

36 (36) Performance Impact From W. Fung and T. Aamodt, “Thread Block Compaction for Efficient SIMT Control Flow,” International Symposiumomn High Performance Computer Architecture, 2011

37 Wilson Fung, Tor Aamodt Thread Block Compaction 37 Thread Block Compaction Block-wide Reconvergence Stack  Regroup threads within a block Better Reconv. Stack: Likely Convergence  Converge before Immediate Post-Dominator Robust  Avg. 22% speedup on divergent CUDA apps  No penalty on others PCRPCAMask Warp 0 E--1111 DE0011 CE1100 PCRPCAMask Warp 1 E--1111 DE0100 CE1011 PCRPCAMask Warp 2 E--1111 DE1100 CE0011 PCRPCActive Mask Thread Block 0 E-- 1111 1111 1111 DE 0011 0100 1100 CE 1100 1011 0011 CWarp X CWarp Y DWarp U DWarp T EWarp 0 EWarp 1 EWarp 2

38 GPU Microarchitecture Wilson Fung, Tor Aamodt Thread Block Compaction Interconnection Network Memory Partition Last-Level Cache Bank Off-Chip DRAM Channel Memory Partition Last-Level Cache Bank Off-Chip DRAM Channel Memory Partition Last-Level Cache Bank Off-Chip DRAM Channel SIMT Core SIMT Front End SIMD Datapath Fetch Decode Schedule Branch Done (Warp ID) Memory Subsystem Icnt. Network SMemL1 D$Tex $Const$ More Details in Paper

39 Wilson Fung, Tor Aamodt Thread Block Compaction 39 Static Warp Dynamic Warp Static Warp Observation Compute kernels usually contain divergent and non-divergent (coherent) code segments Coalesced memory access usually in coherent code segments  DWF no benefit there Coherent Divergent Coherent Reset Warps Divergence Recvg Pt. Coales. LD/ST

40 Wilson Fung, Tor Aamodt Thread Block Compaction 40 Thread Block Compaction Barrier @ Branch/reconverge pt.  All avail. threads arrive at branch  Insensitive to warp scheduling Run a thread block like a warp  Whole block move between coherent/divergent code  Block-wide stack to track exec. paths reconvg. Warp compaction  Regrouping with all avail. threads  If no divergence, gives static warp arrangement Starvation Implicit Warp Sync. Extra Uncoalesced Memory Access

41 Wilson Fung, Tor Aamodt Thread Block Compaction 41 Thread Block Compaction PCRPCActive Threads A-123456789101112DE-- 34 6 910-- CE12 5 78 1112E-123456789101112 Time 1 2 7 8 C 5 -- 11 12 C 9 6 3 4 D -- 10 -- -- D 5 6 7 8 A 9 10 11 12 A 1 2 3 4 A 5 6 7 8 E 9 10 11 12 E 1 2 3 4 E A: K = A[tid.x]; B: if (K > 10) C: K = 10; else D: K = 0; E: B = C[tid.x] + K; 5 6 7 8 A 9 10 11 12 A 1 2 3 4 A 5 -- 7 8 C -- -- 11 12 C 1 2 -- -- C -- 6 -- -- D 9 10 -- -- D -- -- 3 4 D 5 6 7 8 E 9 10 11 12 E 1 2 7 8 E --

42 Wilson Fung, Tor Aamodt Thread Block Compaction 42 Thread Block Compaction Barrier every basic block?! (Idle pipeline) Switch to warps from other thread blocks  Multiple thread blocks run on a core  Already done in most CUDA applications Block 0 Block 1 Block 2 BranchWarp Compaction Execution Time

43 (43) High Level View DWF: warp broken down every cycle and threads in a warp shepherded into a new warp (LUT and warp pool) TBC: warps broken down at potentially divergent points and threads compacted across the thread block

44 Wilson Fung, Tor Aamodt Thread Block Compaction 44 Microarchitecture Modification Per-Warp Stack  Block-Wide Stack I-Buffer + TIDs  Warp Buffer  Store the dynamic warps New Unit: Thread Compactor  Translate activemask to compact dynamic warps More Detail in Paper ALU I-CacheDecode Warp Buffer Score- Board Issue RegFile MEM ALU Fetch Block-Wide Stack Done (WID) Valid[1:N] Branch Target PC Active Mask Pred. Thread Compactor

45 (45) Microarchitecture Modification (2) #compacted warps TIDs of #compacted warps From W. Fung and T. Aamodt, “Thread Block Compaction for Efficient SIMT Control Flow,” International Symposiumomn High Performance Computer Architecture, 2011

46 (46) Operation All threads mapped to the same lane When this is zero – compact (priority encoder) Pick a thread mapped to this lane Warp 2 arrives first creating 2 target entries Next warps update the active mask From W. Fung and T. Aamodt, “Thread Block Compaction for Efficient SIMT Control Flow,” International Symposiumomn High Performance Computer Architecture, 2011

47 Wilson Fung, Tor Aamodt Thread Block Compaction 47 Thread Compactor Convert activemask from block-wide stack to thread IDs in warp buffer Array of Priority-Encoder P-Enc 12785--111212-- 5 78 1112CE 12-- 5 78 1112 1 2 7 8 C 5 -- 11 12 C Warp Buffer

48 Wilson Fung, Tor Aamodt Thread Block Compaction 48 Rarely Taken Likely-Convergence Immediate Post-Dominator: Conservative  All paths from divergent branch must merge there Convergence can happen earlier  When any two of the paths merge Extended Recvg. Stack to exploit this  TBC: 30% speedup for Ray Tracing while (i < K) { X = data[i]; A: if ( X = 0 ) B: result[i] = Y; C: else if ( X = 1 ) D: break; E: i++; } F: return result[i]; A BC DE F iPDom of A Details in Paper

49 Wilson Fung, Tor Aamodt Thread Block Compaction 49 Likely-Convergence (2) NVIDIA uses break instruction for loop exits  That handles last example Our solution: Likely-Convergence Points This paper: only used to capture loop-breaks PCRPCLPCLPosActiveThds F-- 1 2 3 4 EF-- BFE11CFE12 3 4EFE12DFE13 4EF-- 2EFE11EF 1 2 Convergence!

50 (50) Likely-Convergence (3) Check ! Merge inside the stack From W. Fung and T. Aamodt, “Thread Block Compaction for Efficient SIMT Control Flow,” International Symposiumomn High Performance Computer Architecture, 2011

51 Wilson Fung, Tor Aamodt Thread Block Compaction 51 Likely-Convergence (4) Applies to both per-warp stack (PDOM) and thread block compaction (TBC)  Enable more threads grouping for TBC  Side effect: Reduce stack usage in some case

52 Wilson Fung, Tor Aamodt Thread Block Compaction 52 Evaluation Simulation: GPGPU-Sim (2.2.1b)  ~Quadro FX5800 + L1 & L2 Caches 21 Benchmarks  All of GPGPU-Sim original benchmarks  Rodinia benchmarks  Other important applications: Face Detection from Visbench (UIUC) DNA Sequencing (MUMMER-GPU++) Molecular Dynamics Simulation (NAMD) Ray Tracing from NVIDIA Research

53 Wilson Fung, Tor Aamodt Thread Block Compaction 53 Experimental Results 2 Benchmark Groups:  COHE = Non-Divergent CUDA applications  DIVG = Divergent CUDA applications Serious Slowdown from pathologies No Penalty for COHE 22% Speedup on DIVG Per-Warp Stack

54 Wilson Fung, Tor Aamodt Thread Block Compaction 54 Effect on Memory Traffic TBC does still generate some extra uncoalesced memory access Memory 0x100 0x140 0x180 #Acc = 4 1 2 7 8 C 5 -- 11 12 C 2 nd Acc will hit the L1 cache No Change to Overall Memory Traffic In/out of a core Normalized Memory Stalls 0% 50% 100% 150% 200% 250% 300% TBCDWFBaseline

55 (55) Wilson Fung, Tor Aamodt Thread Block Compaction Conclusion Thread Block Compaction  Addressed some key challenges of DWF  One significant step closer to reality Benefit from advancements on reconvergence stack  Likely-Convergence Point  Extensible: Integrate other stack-based proposals

56 CAPRI: Prediction of Compaction- Adequacy for Handling Control- Divergence in GPGPU Architectures M. Rhu and M. Erez ISCA 2012

57 (57) Goals Improve the performance of inter-warp compaction techniques Predict when branches diverge  Borrow philosophy from branch prediction Use prediction to apply compaction only when it is beneficial

58 (58) Issues with Thread Block Compaction B CD E F A G TBC: warps broken down at potentially divergent points and threads compacted across the thread block Barrier synchronization overhead cannot always be hidden When it works, it works well Implicit barrier across warps to collect compaction candidates

59 (59) Divergence Behavior: A Closer Look Loop executes a fixed number of times Compaction ineffective branch Figure from M. Rhu and M. Erez, “CAPRI: Prediction of Compaction-Adequacy for Handling Control- Divergence in GPGPU Architectures,” ISCA 2012

60 (60) Compaction-Resistant Branches Control flow graph Figure from M. Rhu and M. Erez, “CAPRI: Prediction of Compaction-Adequacy for Handling Control- Divergence in GPGPU Architectures,” ISCA 2012

61 (61) Compaction-Resistant Branches(2) Control flow graph Figure from M. Rhu and M. Erez, “CAPRI: Prediction of Compaction-Adequacy for Handling Control- Divergence in GPGPU Architectures,” ISCA 2012

62 (62) Impact of Ineffective Compaction Threads shuffled around with no performance improvement However, can lead to increased memory divergence! Figure from M. Rhu and M. Erez, “CAPRI: Prediction of Compaction-Adequacy for Handling Control- Divergence in GPGPU Architectures,” ISCA 2012

63 (63) Basic Idea Only stall and compact when there is a high probability of compaction success Otherwise allow warps to bypass the (implicit) barrier Compaction adequacy predictor!  Think branch prediction!

64 (64) Example: TBC vs. CAPRI Bypassing enables increased overlap of memory references Figure from M. Rhu and M. Erez, “CAPRI: Prediction of Compaction-Adequacy for Handling Control- Divergence in GPGPU Architectures,” ISCA 2012

65 (65) CAPRI: Example No divergence, no stalling Diverge, stall, initialize history, all others will now stall Diverge and history available, predict, update prediction All other warps follow (one prediction/branc h CAPT updated Figure from M. Rhu and M. Erez, “CAPRI: Prediction of Compaction-Adequacy for Handling Control- Divergence in GPGPU Architectures,” ISCA 2012

66 (66) The Predictor Prediction uses active masks of all warps  Need to understand what could have happened Actual compaction only uses actual stalled warps Minimum provides the maximum compaction ability, i.e., #compacted warps Update history predictor accordingly Available threads in a lane Figure from M. Rhu and M. Erez, “CAPRI: Prediction of Compaction-Adequacy for Handling Control- Divergence in GPGPU Architectures,” ISCA 2012

67 (67) Behavior Figure from M. Rhu and M. Erez, “CAPRI: Prediction of Compaction-Adequacy for Handling Control- Divergence in GPGPU Architectures,” ISCA 2012

68 (68) Impact of Implicit Barriers Idle cycle count helps us understand the negative effects of implicit barriers in TBC Figure from M. Rhu and M. Erez, “CAPRI: Prediction of Compaction-Adequacy for Handling Control- Divergence in GPGPU Architectures,” ISCA 2012

69 (69) Summary The synchronization overhead of thread block compaction can introduce performance degradation Some branches more divergence than others Apply TBC judiciously  predict when it is beneficial Effectively predict when the inter-warp compaction is effective.

70 M. Rhu and M. Erez, “Maximizing SIMD Resource Utilization on GPGPUs with SIMD Lane Permutation,” ISCA 2013

71 (71) Goals Understand the limitations of compaction techniques and proximity to ideal compaction Provide mechanisms to overcome these limitations and approach ideal compaction rates

72 (72) Limitations of Compaction Figure from M. Rhu and M. Erez, “Maximizing SIMD Resource Utilization on GPGPUs with SIMD Lane Permutation,” ISCA 2013

73 (73) Mapping Threads to Lanes: Today scalar Pipeline scalar pipeline scalar pipeline scalar pipeline scalar Pipeline scalar pipeline scalar pipeline scalar pipeline RF n-1 RF n-2 RF n-3 RF n-4 RF1 RF0 RF n-1 RF n-2 RF n-3 RF n-4 RF1 RF0 RF n-1 RF n-2 RF n-3 RF n-4 RF1 RF0 RF n-1 RF n-2 RF n-3 RF n-4 RF1 RF0 RF n-1 RF n-2 RF n-3 RF n-4 RF1 RF0 RF n-1 RF n-2 RF n-3 RF n-4 RF1 RF0 RF n-1 RF n-2 RF n-3 RF n-4 RF1 RF0 RF n-1 RF n-2 RF n-3 RF n-4 RF1 RF0 Grid 1 Block (0, 0) Block (1, 1) Block (1, 0) Block (0, 1) Block (1,1) Thread (0,0,0) Thread (0,1,3) Thread (0,1,0) Thread (0,1,1) Thread (0,1,2) Thread (0,0,0) Thread (0,0,1) Thread (0,0,2) Thread (0,0,3) (1,0,0)(1,0,1)(1,0,2)(1,0,3) Warp 0 Warp 1 Modulo assignment to lanes Linearization of thread IDs

74 (74) Data Dependent Branches Data dependent control flows less likely to produce lane conflicts Figure from M. Rhu and M. Erez, “Maximizing SIMD Resource Utilization on GPGPUs with SIMD Lane Permutation,” ISCA 2013

75 (75) Programmatic Branches Programmatic branches can be correlated to lane assignments (with modulo assignment) Program variables that operate like constants across threads can produced correlated branching behaviors Figure from M. Rhu and M. Erez, “Maximizing SIMD Resource Utilization on GPGPUs with SIMD Lane Permutation,” ISCA 2013

76 (76) P-Branches vs. D-Branches P-branches are the problem! Figure from M. Rhu and M. Erez, “Maximizing SIMD Resource Utilization on GPGPUs with SIMD Lane Permutation,” ISCA 2013

77 (77) Compaction Opportunities Figure from M. Rhu and M. Erez, “Maximizing SIMD Resource Utilization on GPGPUs with SIMD Lane Permutation,” ISCA 2013 Lane reassignment can improve compaction opportunities

78 (78) Aligned Divergence Threads mapped to a lane tend to evaluate (programmatic) predicates the same way  Empirically, rarely exhibited for input, data dependent control flow behavior Compaction cannot help in the presence of lane conflicts  performance of compaction mechanisms depends on both divergence patterns and lane conflicts We need to understand impact of lane assignment

79 (79) Impact of Lane Reassignment Goal: Improve “compactability” Figure from M. Rhu and M. Erez, “Maximizing SIMD Resource Utilization on GPGPUs with SIMD Lane Permutation,” ISCA 2013

80 (80) Random Permutations Does not always work well  works well on average Better understanding of programs can lead to better permutations choices Figure from M. Rhu and M. Erez, “Maximizing SIMD Resource Utilization on GPGPUs with SIMD Lane Permutation,” ISCA 2013

81 (81) Mapping Threads to Lanes; New Warp 0 Warp 1 Warp N-1 SIMD Width = 8 scalar Pipeline scalar pipeline scalar pipeline scalar pipeline scalar Pipeline scalar pipeline scalar pipeline scalar pipeline RF n-1 RF n-2 RF n-3 RF n-4 RF1 RF0 RF n-1 RF n-2 RF n-3 RF n-4 RF1 RF0 RF n-1 RF n-2 RF n-3 RF n-4 RF1 RF0 RF n-1 RF n-2 RF n-3 RF n-4 RF1 RF0 RF n-1 RF n-2 RF n-3 RF n-4 RF1 RF0 RF n-1 RF n-2 RF n-3 RF n-4 RF1 RF0 RF n-1 RF n-2 RF n-3 RF n-4 RF1 RF0 RF n-1 RF n-2 RF n-3 RF n-4 RF1 RF0 What criteria do we use for lane assignment?

82 (82) Balanced Permutation Each lane has a single instance of a logical thread from each warp Even warps: permutation within a half warp Odd warps: swap upper and lower Figure from M. Rhu and M. Erez, “Maximizing SIMD Resource Utilization on GPGPUs with SIMD Lane Permutation,” ISCA 2013

83 (83) Balanced Permutation (2) Logical TID of 0 in each warp is now assigned a different lane Figure from M. Rhu and M. Erez, “Maximizing SIMD Resource Utilization on GPGPUs with SIMD Lane Permutation,” ISCA 2013

84 (84) Characteristics Vertical Balance: Each lane only has logical TIDs of distinct threads in a warp Horizontal balance: Logical TID x in all of the warps is bound to different lanes This works when CTA have fewer than SIMD_Width warps: why? Note that random permutations achieve this only on average

85 (85) Impact on Memory Coalescing Modern GPUs do not require ordered requests Coalescing can occur across a set of requests  speicific lane assignments do not affect coalescing behavior Increase is L1 miss rate offset by benefits of compaction Figure from M. Rhu and M. Erez, “Maximizing SIMD Resource Utilization on GPGPUs with SIMD Lane Permutation,” ISCA 2013

86 (86) Speedup of Compaction Can improve the compaction rate of divergence dues to the majority of programmatic branches Figure from M. Rhu and M. Erez, “Maximizing SIMD Resource Utilization on GPGPUs with SIMD Lane Permutation,” ISCA 2013

87 (87) Compaction Rate vs. Utilization Distinguish between compaction rate and utilization! Figure from M. Rhu and M. Erez, “Maximizing SIMD Resource Utilization on GPGPUs with SIMD Lane Permutation,” ISCA 2013

88 (88) Application of Balanced Permutation I-Fetch Decode RF PRF D-Cache Data All Hit? Writeback scalar Pipeline scalar pipeline scalar pipeline Issue I-Buffer pending warps Permutation is applied when the warp is launched Maintained for the life of the warp Does not affect the baseline compaction mechanism Enable/disable SLP to preserve target specific, programmer implemented optimizations

89 (89) Summary Structural hazards limit the performance improvements from inter-warp compaction Program behaviors produce correlated lane assignments today Remapping threads to lanes enables extension of compaction opportunities

90 (90) Summary: Inter-Warp Compaction B CD E F A G Thread Block Program Properties Thread Block Co-Design of applications, resource management, software, microarchitecture,

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