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“He has to live in the midst of the incomprehensible, which is also detestable.” Joseph Conrad Heart of Darkness ― Joseph Co 11 Oct. 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "“He has to live in the midst of the incomprehensible, which is also detestable.” Joseph Conrad Heart of Darkness ― Joseph Co 11 Oct. 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 “He has to live in the midst of the incomprehensible, which is also detestable.” Joseph Conrad Heart of Darkness ― Joseph Co 11 Oct. 2012

2 Bellwork 10/11/2012  Bellwork Organization Day!  Using a highlighter or colored pen, please circle all the dates of your individual Bellwork entries. Count up the total number.  Identify (using a star/arrow/etc.) 2-3 entries that you want me to look more closely at for evaluation choose ones you think are especially strong, or you want my feedback on ideas you discussed  On the inside front cover, at the top, record today’s date, and to the right, write the total number of entries you have completed

3 Themes  Disconnect/Rejection—“Speaking of Courage”  Courage  Point of View in Speaking of Courage

4 Formalist Analysis  Summarize “Speaking of Courage” & “Notes”  Create a Domain—Example—Purpose chart and create at least 5 rows (total for both chapters)  Choose several (at least 3) important quotes from these chapters and explain why you thought they were important  Make a claim about what you think O’Brien’s overall purpose was for these chapters and write one paragraph: Treat this like a mini-essay: Topic sentence, thesis, example (with pg. reference), explain how example supports your thesis, conclusion. This should take up about ½ a page or more.  When you are done, put your bellwork journal in the milk crate at the front of the room.  Read “In the Field,” “Good Form,” and “Field Trip.”

5 Homework  Read “In the Field,” “Good Form,” and “Field Trip.”  Write a discussion question for each chapter on your index card.

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