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The Human Fall: Causes Chapter 10. ? 2 Our Contradictory Nature Evil Mind Orig. Mind Good Evil 1.Original? 2.Acquired?

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Presentation on theme: "The Human Fall: Causes Chapter 10. ? 2 Our Contradictory Nature Evil Mind Orig. Mind Good Evil 1.Original? 2.Acquired?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Human Fall: Causes Chapter 10

2 ? 2 Our Contradictory Nature Evil Mind Orig. Mind Good Evil 1.Original? 2.Acquired?

3 3 Our Contradictory Nature Evil Mind Orig. Mind Good Evil 1.Original? 2.Acquired? GOOD NEWS !

4 Buddha’s Four Noble Truths 1.Nature is Suffering (Dukkha) 2.There is an Origin to Suffering (Samudaya) 3.The Cessation of Suffering (Nirodha) 4.The Way to Stop Suffering (Marga) (Eight Fold Path) Conclusion: Since the cause for suffering can be solved, it must not be part of man’s original nature. 4

5 Eight Fold Path MIND 1.Right View 2.Right Thought 7.Right Mindfulness 8.Right Concentration BODY 3.Right Speech 4.Right Behavior 5.Right Livelihood 6.Right Effort Four are related to the mind; Four are related to the body.

6 6 A medical doctor, must know the original cause of your problem, before the right remedy can be given. Correct diagnosis is essential.

7 Mind & BodyMan & Woman + - Masculine Feminine Internal Nature External Form 7 Dual Characteristics “Dual Purpose” Principle “Pair System” Principle

8 The Mind-Body Alignment Public Private Exploitation Pollution Pornography Conflict Corruption Exploitation Pollution Pornography Conflict Corruption 8

9 Lost Faith: Mind-Body Problem 1.Man was to create his own character: His first area of responsibility. 2.Religions understand this… Christianity  Loss of faith Buddhism  Selfish craving Islam  Rebellion Hinduism  Spiritual ignorance 9

10 Mind & BodyMan & Woman + - Masculine Feminine Internal Nature External Form 10 Dual Characteristics “Dual Purpose” Principle “Pair System” Principle

11 11 Greek Mythology: Pandora's Box

12 12 Tree of Life AdamEve Tree of the Knowledge of good & evil Fruit

13 13 World Scripture, published 1991, found 164 common themes in 323 sacred texts and oral traditions.

14 14 Dhammapada 18:247 The man who goes to the wife of another… digs up the very roots of life. Do Not Misuse Love

15 15 Samyuktaratnapitaka-sutra (Teachings of Buddha pg. 90)... [It is] decay and death that follow a life of lust and indulgence... Do Not Misuse Love

16 16 Dhammapada 22:309 ‑ 10 Four things happen to the thoughtless man who takes another man's wife: 1) the degradation of the soul, 2) a frightened pleasure, 3) the danger of the law, and 4) the path of hell. Do Not Misuse Love

17 17 Of all the worldly passions, lust is the most intense… Lust is like a demon that eats up all the good deeds of the world. Lust is a viper hiding in a flower garden; it poisons those who come in search only of beauty. Mahaparinibbana-sutta (Teaching of Buddha,pg. 85)

18 18 Bhagavad Gita 2:63 From lustful passions comes the confusion of the mind, then loss of memory, then negligence of duty. From this loss comes the ruin of reason and the ruin of reason leads to destruction. Do Not Misuse Love

19 19 When unrighteous disorder prevails, the women sin and are impure… This disorder carries down to hell the family… [and] destroys the righteousness of birth… Bhagavad Gita 1:41 ‑ 45

20 Bhagavad Gita 17:5 ‑ 6 There are men selfish and false who moved by their lustful passions perform terrible atrocities not ordained by sacred books: fools who torture the powers of life in their bodies and me who dwells in them. Know that their mind is darkness. Do Not Misuse Love 20

21 Exodus 20:14 (The Ten Commandments) “Do not commit adultery” Do Not Misuse Love 21

22 I Corinthians 6:18 Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body. Do Not Misuse Love 22

23 Matthew 5:27+ You have heard that it was said, 'You shall not commit adultery.' But I say to you that every one who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart… If your eye sins... pluck it out… If your hand sins… cut it off… Do Not Misuse Love 23

24 Genesis 2:17 Do eat of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of good and evil. In the day you eat of it, you will die. Do Not Misuse Love 24

25 25 After the Fall After Adam and Eve sinned, they covered their sexual organs. Gen. 3: 7 “They sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loin coverings.” (Sexual area)

26 Sexual Love Trees reproduce by their fruit People conceive children through their sexual love. = The “ FRUIT ” ≠ Literal 26

27 27 Satan tempted them (Adam & Eve), so that he might reveal to them their nakedness, which they had never seen before. Thus Satan did cunningly seduced them. Let not Satan deceive you, as he deceived your parents out of paradise. He stripped them of their garments to reveal to them their nakedness. Quran 7.19-27

28 28 Quran 17:32 Do not come near adultery: for it is a shameful (deed) and an evil, opening the road (to other evils). Do Not Misuse Love

29 29 Quran 25:68 ‑ 69... [do not] commit fornication… the Penalty on the Day of Judgment will be doubled. Do Not Misuse Love (The only sin to receive double punishment, according to the Quran.)

30 30 Adi Granth, pg 1255... sexual relationship with another's wife... is like eating poison. Do Not Misuse Love

31 31 Adi Granth, pg 672 The man of lust is not satisfied with any number of women… He Sins and then regrets; and so is withered away by sorrow and greed. Do Not Misuse Love

32 32 Uttarangasutram 22.42 (Jainism) It is better to die than to indulge in partaking of forbidden lustful pleasure… Do Not Misuse Love

33 33 Thus Sayeth Our Lord, 24 (Jainism) Of all temptations, the craving for women is the most difficult to overcome. Do Not Misuse Love

34 34 Yasht XVII.47-60 “ Adultery is the worst deed that man and tyrants commit. ” Do Not Misuse Love

35 Bahá’í Writings The Bahá'í faith… condemns the illegitimate and improper expressions (of the sex impulses) such as free love… all of which it considers positively harmful to man and to the society… Do Not Misuse Love 35

36 God’s heart was deeply broken. 36

37 37 Conclusion

38 Mind & BodyMan & Woman + - Masculine Feminine Internal Nature External Form 38 Dual Characteristics “Dual Purpose” Principle “Pair System” Principle Fairly well understood by most religions of the world. A new and deeper knowledge about the Fall.

39 39 Thank you !

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