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HelpPhone Mobile device that helps vulnerable elderly people to obtain necessary healthcare information and connects them to healthcare people.

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Presentation on theme: "HelpPhone Mobile device that helps vulnerable elderly people to obtain necessary healthcare information and connects them to healthcare people."— Presentation transcript:

1 HelpPhone Mobile device that helps vulnerable elderly people to obtain necessary healthcare information and connects them to healthcare people

2 AUDIENCE Most vulnerable elderly people who need healthcare information Elderly people who have no one to depend on or don’t want to rely on their family Elderly people who live a very poor quality of life







9 BEHAVIOR Vulnerable elderly people seek for healthcare information easily Elderly people have a better way to communicate with doctors, volunteers, and healthcare related people Elderly people attain peace of mind by easing the despair of worrying about their uncertain situation

10 CONDITION Living with a long-term illness or limited mobility Having low ability to remain financially independent Spending most of the time alone Having no PCs Having disconsolateness from a spouse’s loss or uncertainty about death

11 DEGREE Reach 100% of the most vulnerable elderly population in order to decrease the incidence of isolation. Reach out to 100% of the isolated individuals so that they can engage with society and hear "voices that care" through their HelpPhones.

12 SITUATION The number of 65 years and over population is getting increased globally. The rate of unknowingly death of solitary older people is augmenting. CULTURE The vulnerable older people are socially isolated and marginalized

13 USABILITY Use a mobile device as an essential communication tool Older people who don’t know how to read or write also can use the device easily Utilize skype video to maximize communication efficacy. Sound effects can give older people immediate feedback of pressing buttons

14 THEORY Multimedia Principle: using graphic buttons, sound effect and animation Induce meta-cognitive thinking in viewers learning in informal settings.

15 SCALABILITY Translate into different language Implement with culturally familiar symptoms and diseases The contents can be easily augmented and further updated. SUSTAINABILITY Creative Common License available to end users and NGOs which they can distribute to end users. Apply for grants such as “National Legal Assistance and Elder Rights”, “Elder Care Locator,” or “At&T Foundation.”

16 THANK YOU Jaehi Jung

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