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Reading Comprehension Guidelines for Short-answer Questions.

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1 Reading Comprehension Guidelines for Short-answer Questions

2 Before you start... Teachers and tests generally ask short- answer questions to test how well you understand what you read. Here, your task is not to impress with your writing... But to impress with the quality of information you can glean from your reading.

3 Now some pointers The following seven tips are guidelines to showing exactly how much you’ve understood in your reading. Using these as a guide for your short- answer questions will help you read and help you show what you know.

4 Tip #1 Don’t answer until you find text support Don’t answer from memory of the passage, but find a specific line from the text to confirm your answer That is, don’t write anything until you check what exactly the author says

5 Tip #2 Read the question very carefully In fact, it’s a good idea to underline what the question specifically wants to know. –(often, the question also tells you how many responses to include) For example, what are the important parts of these questions? –According to his own words, why does the old man sit back down in the dust? –Name three words Saki uses to indicate that Georg is considering Ulrich’s proposal for friendship?

6 Tip #3 Do only what the question asks of you For example, if you’re asked, –“According to the narrator’s opening statement, why does he agree to treat the difficult patient?” Don’t include reasons from his closing statements Don’t include reasons you think might be possible Don’t include details revealed throug the rising action Go back to the opening statement and find the narrator’s reasons listed there

7 Tip #4 Don’t stress over unknown words –With most passages, you can make sense of the overall meaning with only an idea of a definition –If the definition is critical to answering the prompt, Determine the part of speech Use the context clues to fill in the best definition

8 Tip #5 Use your own words! Don’t lift words or phrases! Use your own words! Don’t lift words or phrases! Use your own words! Don’t lift words or phrases! –(Should I write it again?)

9 Tip #6 Include all relevant details –Even if an answer seems obvious, go ahead and include it –Don’t miss easy points because you’re looking for something too sophisticated.

10 Tip #7 Be careful, and don’t get in a hurry Many times, short answer questions aren’t taken seriously because they don’t involve as much or as difficult written responses Don’t skip through these lightly—show you read well and reason well.

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