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Status of RF stations for NICA project MAC meeting 19-20 october 2015.

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1 Status of RF stations for NICA project MAC meeting 19-20 october 2015

2  Booster RF stations  Modernization of Nuclotron RF stations  Barrier RF stations for Collider  2-nd (harmonic) RF stations for Collider (RF2)  3-ed (harmonic) RF stations for Collider (RF3)

3 Booster RF system In april 2015 RF stations were delivered, assembled and mounted on a test bench in JINR. Testings were made as well by BINP team. Stations were officially handed over to the JINR and are ready for installation at the booster's ring. An agreement was signed for the second set of control electronics. An agreement for the development and production of magnetic field sensor is preparing for signing also. MAC meeting 19-20 october 2015 BINP team in test bench’s pavillion in JINR

4 Booster RF stations Power part Low level part MAC meeting 19-20 october 2015

5 Nuclotron RF system It is currently being modernized the individual components of the system such as:  The contract between JINR and BINP for developing and production of preamplifier is under preparation now.  Intermediate amplifier have already been developed, produced and delivered to JINR by BINP. Intermediate amplifier

6 BB RF system for Collider The agreement was signed on the implementation of research and development work: Development and production of prototype of the section of the barrier acceleration station». It includes:  Development of the construction of the barrier section of the station (investigation of parameters of rings, development and production of a prototype of section (including ring, elements of cooling, elements of electronics), test bench)  Development of the contactor’s construction of accelerating gap and preparation of design documentation. The development of test procedures of spring contacts of contactor on longevity, preparation of design documentation for the test bench.  The theoretical (numerical) study of the effect of noise of the barrier system on the longitudinal beam emittance with electron and stochastic cooling during accumulation and acceleration MAC meeting 19-20 october 2015

7 BB RF system for Collider MAC meeting 19-20 october 2015 Intermediate results: 1.Development of the construction of the barrier section of the station: Each section of the barrier station includes a ring of amorphous iron with loops for connection transistor pulse shaping. Two brands of amorphous material- 5B-M (iron-based), and M-84HV (based on cobalt) are considered for rings. 5B-M Material was used for RF booster stations. Parameters of rings were investigated. The rings based on cobalt are considered to be more preferable by now. Prototypes of rings of amorphous materials (dimensions: 260x200x15 mm)

8 MAC meeting 19-20 october 2015 BB RF system for Collider 2. Electronics for the BB RF section includes quick keys to obtain the necessary pulse voltage: Two types of core transistors company Microsemi - DRF1200 and DRF1400 are investigating now. Acquired keys DRF1200 (20 pcs.) And DRF1400 (10 pcs.). Section is preparing for test bench investigations in working regime

9 MAC meeting 19-20 october 2015 BB RF system for Collider 3. Preparation of the stand. Testing the section in operation for: Study of the thermal regime of the section Study of parameters (amplitude, shape) of pulses Study of the density spectrum of parasitic amplitude and phase modulation of the voltage on the ring

10 MAC meeting 19-20 october 2015 BB RF system for Collider Contactor for accelerating gap When station is idle its gap is shorten by mechanical contactor. Contactor is a tube with a diameter close to the diameter of a vacuum chamber with spring contacts (beryllyum bronze). Contactor moves in vacuum. The motion is transferred via sylphons. Test bench is needed for: -Defining of the actual resource of spring contacts, and sylphons (should be not less then 100000) -Defining of the necessary precision of positioning of contactor

11 MAC meeting 19-20 october 2015 BB RF system for Collider Contactor design of accelerating gap (preliminary data). Sketch of stand for testing elements of contactor

12 MAC meeting 19-20 october 2015 BB RF system for Collider The theoretical (numerical) study of the effect of noise of barrier system on the longitudinal beam emittance with electron and stochastic cooling is started on as well as analysis of methods of measuring parasitic modulation of the accelerating voltage and the barrier voltage

13 Thank you for your attention MAC meeting 19-20 october 2015

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