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Ban on Supporting Domestic Industries Mexican sugar industry employed 300,000 workers and indirectly supported an additional 1.9 million.

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Presentation on theme: "Ban on Supporting Domestic Industries Mexican sugar industry employed 300,000 workers and indirectly supported an additional 1.9 million."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ban on Supporting Domestic Industries Mexican sugar industry employed 300,000 workers and indirectly supported an additional 1.9 million

2 Environmental Regulation

3 Forced Privatization

4 Preventing Public Alternatives to Private Services

5 U.S. Congress: TRADE Act Improved labor complaint procedure Labor enforcement equal to commercial FTA’s only with democracies No forced privatization of public services No public regulations overruled by investor arbitration No investor-state dispute mechanism

6 Trans Pacific Partnership  Vietnam  Malaysia  Singapore  Brunei  Peru  Chile  Australia  New Zealand  Mexico  Japan  Canada

7 Free Trade: a decade of protest Seattle D u b l i n Genoa Hong Kong Lahore New Delhi Paris Prague Jakarta Rome Toronto Seoul

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