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Nitya Nanda CUTS, Jaipur & Amirullah Khan IDF, Gurgaon Competition Policy for the Pharmaceuticals Sector in India.

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Presentation on theme: "Nitya Nanda CUTS, Jaipur & Amirullah Khan IDF, Gurgaon Competition Policy for the Pharmaceuticals Sector in India."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nitya Nanda CUTS, Jaipur & Amirullah Khan IDF, Gurgaon Competition Policy for the Pharmaceuticals Sector in India

2 The Industry – A View Almost non-existent before 1970, a prominent producer of healthcare products, meeting 95% of the country’s needs now Indian production constitutes about 1.3% of the world market in value terms and 8% in volume terms Likely to grow from about US$5.5bn in 2000 to US$25bn in 2020 Global attention during TRIPs and Public Health debate – great promise Doubts if the industry can provide affordable medicines even to the people in India

3 The global Scenario

4 Nature of the Industry Four primary medical sciences: Allopathy, Ayurveda, Unani and Homeopathy Allopathic medicines - most important and are subject to price regulation Market is broadly divided into bulk drugs (20%) and formulations (80%) The organized sector - 70% in terms of value. The top ten companies - 30% of total sales The individual market shares of companies are small – several products and several “relevant markets” within the industry Roughly, different therapeutic segments and some of them are highly concentrated

5 Different Therapeutic Segments

6 Pharmaceuticals Regulation Consumption patterns are not affected by prices - a unique example of market failure In many countries, government bears most or all of the costs of medicines - As a monopsonist, the government may be able to control drug prices In developing countries, people are covered neither by public nor private insurance The doctors and the pharmacists - companies influence them Bypassing doctors - fall prey to company advertisements or to local pharmacists, even in the US

7 Pharmaceuticals Regulation (Contd.) Practically all countries in the world have mechanisms to regulate also a significant move to insist on generic prescription Regulating Prescribing Doctors Regulating Pharmacists Regulating Prices  International benchmarking  Control on the evolution of prices over time  Control of prices relative to cost

8 Pharmaceuticals Regulation in India In the early fifties, introduction of compulsory manufacturing of finished products and later, of raw materials of new drugs In the 60s, two public sector companies, Hindustan Antibiotics Ltd (HAL) and Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Ltd (IDPL) Till 1962, no price control In 1962, control imposed under the Defence of India Act, 1915 - The Drugs (Display of Prices) Order, 1962 and the Drugs (Control of Prices) Order, 1963

9 Pharmaceuticals Regulation in India During 1970, the Indian Patents Act (IPA) and the Drug Prices Control Order (DPCO) issued under the Essential Commodities Act, 1955 DPCO revised in 1979, 1987 and 1995 DPCO 1970 was a direct control on the profitability and an indirect control on the prices DPCO, 1979 stipulated ceiling prices and put 370 drugs under price control Retail Price = (MC+CC+PM+PC) x (1+MAPE/100) + excise duty (MC = material cost including cost of bulk drugs/excipients: CC = conversion cost; PM = cost of packing material; PC = packaging charge; MAPE = Maximum Allowable Post-manufacturing Expenses)

10 Pharmaceuticals Regulation in India DPCO, 1987, dugs under price control reduced from 370 to 142 and higher MAPE provided The New Drug Policy 1994 liberalised the criteria for selecting drugs for price control DPCO 1995 - a uniform MAPE of 100% was granted DPCO 1995 drugs under price control from 142 to just 76 The New Pharmaceutical Policy, 2002, number of drugs under price control to just 38

11 Market Shares of Drugs under DPCO

12 Decontrol and Prices Price control and patent regime – prices among the lowest in the world Prices started rising as soon as controls were removed - brand leader is usually one of the most expensive Drugs under patent much cheaper in India but off-patent drugs (80-85% of current sales) are not necessarily cheaper Prices of some top selling drugs are higher than those in Canada and the UK

13 Decontrol and Prices - International Cost Comparison of Select Drugs

14 Decontrol and Prices The price difference - no direct interaction between the consumer and the drug market Pharmacists in developed countries - little influence over the volume of prescription- drug sales - marketing push usually targets doctors Pharmacy owners banded together to form a huge cartel - All India Organization of Chemists and Druggists (AIOCD) AIOCD forced some drug companies to sign "memorandums of understanding" to increase profit margins to pharmacies

15 Competition Issues: Collusions No knowledge of domestic cartel. Vitamins cartel alone cost India about $25mn in the 1990s Collusive behaviour of the pharmacies in India is a matter of grave concern Market becomes smaller due to high margin - harmful for the long run growth of the industry December, 2004 the Ministry of Fertilisers & Chemicals tried to bring in curbs on trade margins by amending the DPCO Competition Act 2002 - only trade unions are allowed collective bargaining

16 Competition Issues: M&As Industry is highly fragmented, intense consolidation activities expected Top global pharmaceutical companies are consolidating – impacting in India Large Indian companies are also expanding their reach overseas through acquisitions The deals will require complex analysis - the impact on different therapeutic segments For example, Glaxo-Wellcome-SmithKline Beecham was allowed to merge conditionally in EU, divested product categories with competition concerns

17 Competition Issues: Abuse of Dominance Patents Act, 1970 has significant implications for abuse of dominance Absence of product patent - difficult to sustain monopoly WTO TRIPS - product patent from 2005 The art of dealing with abuse of dominance (no experience) Canada - Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (PMPRB) Competition Act 2002 – provisions not strong enough

18 In Lieu of Conclusion Manufacturers demanding more decontrol – arguing, competition will improve availability and affordability of essential drugs UPA government's NCMP has promised to "take all steps to ensure the availability of life-saving drugs at reasonable prices" Supreme Court order in the K.S. Gopinath case, March 10, 2003, directing the government to ensure that “… essential and life-saving drugs do not fall out of price control"

19 In Lieu of Conclusion Regulatory regime - hard on the manufacturers but soft on the doctors and the pharmacists Indian Medical Council (Professional Conduct, Etiquette and Ethics) Regulations 2002 – not effective Bangladesh example? Bulk drugs buyers are informed producers – different approach? Import competition - Few specified life saving products at zero duty but for most others, the effective duty rate more than 56 percent For scheduled (regulated) drugs, the MAPE is 100 percent for domestic and 50 percent for imported drugs




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