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UCR’s role in improving education and educational opportunity Thomas M. Smith Dean & Professor Graduate School of Education.

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1 UCR’s role in improving education and educational opportunity Thomas M. Smith Dean & Professor Graduate School of Education

2 University of California, Riverside One of the most ethnically and economically diverse research universities in the country Rated #2 by Washington Monthly Social Mobility Research Community Service U.S. News and World Report ranks the UCR GSOE: 76 th in the country 10 th in California 1 st in the Inland Empire

3 What does the GSOE do? Research includes: Reading acquisition and reading difficulties Measurement and assessment STEM Teacher quality and teacher labor markets Behavior support practices, including multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) Families of children with disabilities, including autism Higher education politics, policy and finance Racial equities issues in higher education And coming soon….STEM teaching and Learning!

4 Concerns about drop in enrollment in teacher education NPR: Where have all the teachers gone? March 23, 2015

5 SOURCE: May 2015 presentation by Patrick Shields, executive director of SRI education; data from California Department of Education and Commission on Teacher Credentialing California is Heading Toward a Teacher Shortage

6 UCR GSOE Teacher education enrollment

7 Shortage is a bigger problem in some fields than others

8 Designated Shortage Areas FTE Shortage % of Subject FTE Teachers % of Total FTE Teachers Special Education including State Special Schools4,540.3 26.9%1.75% Mathematics/Computer Education2,214.610.4%0.85% Science2,016.912.7%0.78% English/Drama/Humanities2,024.28.5%0.78% PE/Health/Dance 903.27.4%0.35% History/Social Science1,184.97.1%0.46% Other Specializations 967.96.8%0.37% Totals13,858.3 5.34% Source: California Department of Education, 2013-14

9 Teacher candidates by subject area UCR CA

10 Racial/ethnic distribution of teacher credential students CAUCR White51%32% Hispanic/Latino26%44% African American6%4% Asian/Pacific Islander9%14% American Indian1%0% Two or more races7% Other/decline to state6% Source: Annual Report Cardon California Teacher Preparation Programs for the Academic Year 2012 ‐ 2013 + UCR data

11 4 out of 10 beginning teachers quit in the first 5 years

12 Why do new teachers leave? Ingersoll, R., Merrill, L., & Stuckey, D. (2014). Seven trends: the transformation of the teaching force. CPRE Report (#RR-80)

13 What does research tell us about teacher quality and retention? Content knowledge alone does not necessarily lead to high quality teaching Mentorship by a teacher in the same field can help reduce teacher attrition Teacher professional development should be content- focused, on-going, and tied to what teachers are trying to accomplish in their classrooms Don’t put new teachers in the most challenging schools A supportive principal matters Balance between accountability and autonomy in the classroom

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