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Where did power lie in the Third Reich? Hitler? Traditional Institutions? Nazi Party? SS? Gestapo?

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1 Where did power lie in the Third Reich? Hitler? Traditional Institutions? Nazi Party? SS? Gestapo?

2 The role of Hitler Which view best summarises the view of prominent Nazis? Hitler is an absolute dictator who is free to do whatever he wants Hitler is all powerful because he represents the will of the people Hitler has to act according to popular wishes Read sources 11.2 and 11.3 on p.184 in the SHP textbook and decide

3 The HITLER MYTH All would agree that Hitler dominated Germany from 1933 to 1945. Although there is debate surrounding how he exercised such power After the Enabling Act he was able to issue decrees, but in addition his wishes and even interpretations of his wishes served as laws (idea of working towards the Fuhrer/will of the Fuhrer) Hitler’s power rested on his unique relationship with the German people and not really on a formal position within the system of government This leadership principle (Fuhrerprinzip) which was applied to the party in the 20s was applied to Germany Helped by a powerful propaganda machine, Hitler built up a form of charismatic leadership sustained by a powerful Hitler myth Ian Kershaw’s the ‘Hitler myth’ (p.185 SHP) – what are the main effects of the Hitler myth? Positive and negative

4 ‘Yes! Leader we will follow you!’ A Nazi propaganda poster showing how the Hitler myth was cultivated

5 This propaganda poster showing Hitler holding the swastika flag of the Nazi party contains many elements of the Hitler myth – can you identify them?

6 HITLER MYTH vs. Hitler reality Use the information from AQA blue book p.54-5 to summarise in your tables what factors made up the Hitler myth and what was in fact reality

7 The Fuhrer cult The Hitler myth provided the nation with a focus for unity and helped to sustain the regime in power. It also helped to mask the regime’s failings and inconsistencies. Germans who might never have been wholehearted supporters of Nazi ideology were nevertheless drawn into admiration and adulation of the Fuhrer By the late 1930s, an estimated 90% of the German people admired and supported Hitler The success of Goebbels in generating and sustaining the Hitler myth was one of his greatest achievements as a propagandist

8 What kind of dictator was Hitler? One of the debates that surrounds Hitler was whether he was a ‘strong’ or ‘weak’ dictator Nazi Germany used to be seen as the classic case of a totalitarian regime – Hitler was an omnipotent dictator whose decisions were smoothly implemented by his disciplined subordinates But since the 1960s, studies into the actual operation of the Nazi system of government has challenged this view – Hitler has come to be seen by some as a ‘weak dictator’ who frequently did not intervene in many areas, who permitted and even encouraged arguments amongst his subordinates and who might intervene merely to endorse the decision of whoever emerged as winner

9 Read p.106-9 in Layton Make brief notes for the 3 interpretations

10 Interpretations of hitler – was he a weak or strong dictator? Mommsen – sees Hitler as unwilling to take decisions, frequently uncertain and concerned more with upholding his prestige Rich – sees Hitler as the master of the Third Reich Kershaw – elements of both – sees Hitler as crucial but that he did not need to send out a stream of directives because of this idea of working towards the Fuhrer Which interpretation, based on the evidence you have looked at today, do you agree with?

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