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Physics - Detector Optimization Studies NuInt05 Highlights Jorge G. Morfín Fermilab.

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1 Physics - Detector Optimization Studies NuInt05 Highlights Jorge G. Morfín Fermilab

2 Fermilab PAC: MINER A - 2 April 2004 2 What is Value Engineering (VE)? (1) It’s a way of determining the basic function of an item. (2) It’s a way of evaluating high cost areas and systematically reducing those costs. (3) It’s a way of analyzing a problem area and developing alternative ways of resolving the problem. (4) It’s a way of selecting the best possible alternative to perform the basic function at the lowest cost. Value Engineering thus extends financial, manpower, and material resources. T.J. Sarlina

3 Fermilab PAC: MINER A - 2 April 2004 3 Value Management (VM) principles are essential to proper program management and have been incorporated from the early design and development stages of the technical requirements. These principles have also been employed as the cost and schedule parameters matured over time. Use of the VM approach provides a systematic framework to analyze the functions of systems, equipment, facilities, services, and supplies for the purpose of achieving the essential functions at the lowest life cycle cost consistent with required performance, quality, reliability and safety. VM elements have been incorporated as a part of each of the technical and program reviews to date.

4 Fermilab PAC: MINER A - 2 April 2004 4 VM Examples  Anything with 2 or more vendor quotes  Reuse of existing materials  Determining physics drivers for nuclear targets  PMT’s on top or bottom  Need for a Coil  Granularity - size of triangles  Off-the-shelf purchase vs custom equipment

5 Fermilab PAC: MINER A - 2 April 2004 5 What this means for us….  Short concise document for each physics-channel study containing: t Description of physics goals t What components of detector used in the analysis t Technical requirements/detector response to meet the physics goals t Description of how detector response depends on design modifications t Description of how physics results depend on design modifications

6 Fermilab PAC: MINER A - 2 April 2004 6 Coherent Pion Production MINER A: 85 K CC / 37 K NC: CH and 25 K (50K) CC / 13 K (25K)NC: Fe (Pb) H. Gallagher Selection criteria reduce the signal by a factor of three - while reducing the background by a factor of ≈ 1000. signal Selection criteria discussed at previous meeting

7 Fermilab PAC: MINER A - 2 April 2004 7 Expected MINER A Results - Coherent  Production Rein-Seghal Paschos- Kartavtsev Expected MiniBooNe and K2K measurements Errors now include estimated background subtraction Miner A MINER A’s nuclear targets allow the first measurement of the A-dependence of  coh across a wide A range

8 Fermilab PAC: MINER A - 2 April 2004 8 Coherent production: Changing strip size I have run my coherent code with new resolutions based on the changes mentioned here. If I understand correctly, in trial (1) I should be degrading the angular resolution by 4% and in trial (2) I should be improving it by 3%. I have taken the nominal smearing to be 0.5 degrees so these would give 0.52 deg and 0.485 deg respectively. I am really surprised that the angular resolution changes so little for such large changes in the strip size. Degradation at this level has essentially zero impact on the coherent analysis as far as I can tell. The changes I get in the number of events passing cuts where I have smeared the reconstruction using these new numbers is on the same order as the statistical uncertainty in the MC sample I have handy, which is around 2.5%.

9 Fermilab PAC: MINER A - 2 April 2004 9 Recent K2K SciBar Result M. Hasegawa et al. - hep - ex/0506008  Expect 470 CC coherent events according to Rein-Sehgal  Find 7.6 ± 50.4

10 Fermilab PAC: MINER A - 2 April 2004 10 MINER A CC Quasi-Elastic Measurements Fully simulated analysis, - realistic detector simulation and reconstruction Average: eff. = 74 % and purity = 77% Expected MiniBooNE and K2K measurements  Quasi-elastic ( + n -->    + p, around 800 K events)  Precision measurement of  E ) and d  /dQ important for neutrino oscillation studies. t Precision determination of axial vector form factor (F A ), particularly at high Q 2 t Study of proton intra-nuclear scattering and their A-dependence (C, Fe and Pb targets)

11 Fermilab PAC: MINER A - 2 April 2004 11 Lar TPC: Evt 3: QUASI ELASTIC (2.5%) Proton K.E. dominated by the requirements 1.K.E. > 50 MeV 2.Full containment 61 events - 73 expected from MC

12 Fermilab PAC: MINER A - 2 April 2004 12 NOMAD: The sleeping giant wakes…slowly

13 Fermilab PAC: MINER A - 2 April 2004 13 NOMAD: Staatistics and Physics program

14 Fermilab PAC: MINER A - 2 April 2004 14

15 Fermilab PAC: MINER A - 2 April 2004 15 NOMAD: QE event

16 Fermilab PAC: MINER A - 2 April 2004 16 NOMAD: QE result

17 Fermilab PAC: MINER A - 2 April 2004 17 Resonance Production -  S. Wood and M. Paschos Total Cross-section and d  /dQ 2 for the  ++ assuming 50% detection efficiency Errors are statistical only: 175K  ++ TT

18 Fermilab PAC: MINER A - 2 April 2004 18 MiniBooNe: CC  + Measurement

19 Fermilab PAC: MINER A - 2 April 2004 19 Nuclear Effects MINER A: 2.8 M events off CH, 600 K off C and 1 M events off of Fe and Pb S. Boyd, JGM, R. Ransome Q2 distribution for SciBar detector MiniBooNE From J. Raaf (NOON04) All “known” nuclear effects taken into account: Pauli suppression, Fermi Motion, Final State Interactions They have not included low- shadowing that is only allowed with axial-vector (Boris Kopeliovich at NuInt04) L c = 2 / (m  2 + Q 2 ) ≥ R A (not m  2 ) L c 100 times shorter with m  allowing low -low Q 2 shadowing ONLY MEASURABLE VIA NEUTRINO - NUCLEUS INTERACTIONS! MINER A WILL MEASURE THIS ACROSS A WIDE AND Q 2 RANGE WITH C : Fe : Pb Problem has existed for over two years Larger than expected rollover at low Q 2

20 Fermilab PAC: MINER A - 2 April 2004 20 NuInt05 - Nuclear Effects

21 Fermilab PAC: MINER A - 2 April 2004 21 High x Bj parton distributions How well do we know quarks at high-x?  Ratio of CTEQ5M (solid) and MRST2001 (dotted) to CTEQ6 for the u and d quarks at Q 2 = 10 GeV 2. The shaded green envelopes demonstrate the range of possible distributions from the CTEQ6 error analysis.  Recent high-x measurements indicate conflicting deviations from CTEQ: E-866 u V too high, NuTeV u V & d V too low  CTEQ / MINER A working group to investigate high-x Bj region.

22 Fermilab PAC: MINER A - 2 April 2004 22 Indication that the valence quarks not quite right at high-x?? E866 -Drell-Yan Preliminary Results (R. Towell - Hix2004) x beam distribution measures 4u + d as x--> 1. Both MRST and CTEQ overestimate valence distributions as x --> 1 by 15-20%. Possibly related to d/u ratio as x --> 1, but requires full PDF-style fit. Radiative corrections have recently been calculated. (Not yet fully applied) x target x beam

23 Fermilab PAC: MINER A - 2 April 2004 23 NuTeV Compared to CCFR (currently in PDF fits) at High-x Indicates Effect Opposite to E866 V. Radescu - DIS04 nuclear effects?

24 Fermilab PAC: MINER A - 2 April 2004 24 NOMAD Analysis - NOT DATA YET Twist -6 is required

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