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Parallel Structure. What is off about all these sentences?  Mary likes hiking, swimming in the moonlight, and to ride a bicycle.  The teacher said that.

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Presentation on theme: "Parallel Structure. What is off about all these sentences?  Mary likes hiking, swimming in the moonlight, and to ride a bicycle.  The teacher said that."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parallel Structure

2 What is off about all these sentences?  Mary likes hiking, swimming in the moonlight, and to ride a bicycle.  The teacher said that he was a poor student because he waited until the last minute to study for the exam, he completes his lab problems in a careless manner, and his motivation was low.  When the investigator took over, he started his inquiry by calling the witness back and requested that they repeat their stories.  I pledge my head to clearer thinking, my heart to greater loyalty, my hands to larger service, and my healthy to better living.

3 Definition  Parallelism—the use of the same grammatical structure for equal ideas in a pair or series of related words, phrases, or clauses.  “Parallelism is used to emphasize the connection between elements and makes your writing rhythmic and easy to read.” –The Norton Field Guide to Writing

4 A quick overview If video doesn’t play, click

5 Parallelism is needed in the following:  Items in a series or list.  Paired Ideas (look for conjunctions)  Coordinating Conjunctions (FANBOYS)  Correlative Conjunctions (Both/and, either/or, whether/or, neither/nor, not only/but also )  Comparisons using "than" or "as“

6 Lists

7 Use in a Series  Incorrect:  The Production manager was asked to write his report quickly, accurately, and in a detailed manner.  Correct:  The Production manager was asked to write his report quickly, accurately, and thoroughly.

8 Your Turn… Exercise #1 Exercise #2  Incorrect:  Brunhilda’s hobbies consist of eating napping, screaming, and to cry.  Correct:  Brunhilda’s hobbies consist of eating napping, screaming, and crying.  Incorrect:  Unicorns need to be groomed, fed, watered, and clean their rainbows.  Correct:  A) Unicorns need to be groomed, fed, watered, and have their rainbows cleaned.  B) Unicorns need to be groomed, fed, and watered. They also need their rainbows cleaned.  C) Unicorns need their hair groomed, their stomachs fed, their mouths watered, and their rainbows cleaned.

9 Paired Ideas

10 With Paired Ideas  Similar to parallelism in a series, but only with two ideas  Incorrect: To be or not to Being.  Correct: To be or not to be.  Incorrect: Isaiah wondered whether to tell his girlfriend that he forgot or if he should make up some excuse.  Correct: Isaiah wondered whether to tell his girlfriend that he forgot or to make up some excuse.

11 Your Turn… Exercise #3 Exercise #4  Incorrect:  Justin Bieber loves picking sunflowers and to eat lollipops.  Correct:  Justin Bieber loves picking sunflowers and eating lollipops.  Justin Bieber loves to pick sunflowers and to eat lollipops.  Incorrect:  My dog is both faithful and helps me.  Correct:  My dog is both faithful and helpful.

12 Comparisons Using “than” or “as”

13  Incorrect:  Many companies are reducing their labor force as well as eliminate some employee benefits.  Correct:  Many companies are reducing their labor force as well as eliminating some employee benefits.

14 Your Turn… Exercise #5 Exercise #6  Incorrect:  Getting the model airplane off the ground was even harder than to build it from a kit.  Correct:  Getting the model airplane off the ground was even harder than building it from a kit.  Incorrect:  The mayor noted that agreeing to the new budget was easier than to attempt to veto it.  Correct:  The mayor noted that it was easier to agree to the new budget than to attempt to veto it.

15 There is no one correct way… Incorrect Correct  Joe learned to make compost from kitchen scraps, how to sterilize the soil using solar energy, and protecting young plants from an early freeze.  Joe learned to make compost from kitchen scraps, sterilize the soil using solar energy, and protect young plants from an early freeze.  Joe learned how to make compost from kitchen scraps, how to sterilize the soil using solar energy, and how to protect young plants from an early freeze.  Joe learned some useful skills: composting kitchen scraps; sterilizing the soil using solar energy; and protecting young plants from an early freeze.

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