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Week 28... 3 rd Quarter Chapter 24 (The Aztecs)... Content Objectives: SWBT show the relationship between the Aztecs ‘humble’ beginnings, to its arrival.

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Presentation on theme: "Week 28... 3 rd Quarter Chapter 24 (The Aztecs)... Content Objectives: SWBT show the relationship between the Aztecs ‘humble’ beginnings, to its arrival."— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 28... 3 rd Quarter Chapter 24 (The Aztecs)... Content Objectives: SWBT show the relationship between the Aztecs ‘humble’ beginnings, to its arrival in the Valley of Mexico in the mid 1200s. Language Objective: SWBT explain how the Aztecs transition from mercenaries to empire builders..... CS: 7.7.3

2 Monday, March 18, 2013

3 The Maryland House of Delegates passed a bill recently that replaced capital punishment to life in prison without the possibility of parole. Thus Maryland became the 18th state in the nation to ban capital punishment (aka death penalty). The U.S. leads the world in executions followed by China, North Korea, Iran, and Yemen. Wow, what ‘select’ company you travel in Uncle Sam! Britain’s former Prime Minister, Winston Churchill once said, “A civilization can be judged by how well it treats its prisoners.” Last November California voters voted to keep the death penalty despite its inconsistent, poor, and flawed record from sentencing (fabricated testimony, tampering with evidence, lack of DNA, etc.) to executing an innocent person! In the United States, eighteen states have united to say “No” to state sanctioned murder and joined with 31 countries that have eliminated this outdated practice. Is capital punishment a deterrent to violent crimes? What deters someone from committing an egregious crime? The death penalty?... Going to jail or prison? What? Does the ‘threat’ of execution prevent someone from taking another life? What do you think? Is the deliberate taking of another life justice or just a crude instrument of revenge? Or is it cruel and degrading punishment that has no place in civilized society?... 8 minutes.

4 Today’s Agenda: Class Work… Day 127  Administer Vocabulary quiz (Chapter 23)... 10 minutes. Good luck!  Collect & check last week’s homework.... 10 minutes.  Finish Video, “The Maya”... 10 minutes. Assignment: 15-55 facts plus a 1-page summary. Due: April 9.  Show video, “The Aztecs”... 18 minutes.  Debaters from Periods 3 & 7 must select a topic or issue by Wednesday, 3-20.

5 Homework  Journal/Mentoring Check. Due: 3-22.  Complete Access Strategy I Due: 3-22.  Complete Writing Activity I. Due: 3-21.  Read, and study Chapter 24 (The Aztecs) pages 271-277.  Complete ISN Booklet pages 168-170. Due 3-22.

6 Tuesday, March 19, 2013

7 “Contention is better than loneliness.”—Irish saying.... 5 minutes.

8 Today’s Agenda: Class Work… Day 128  Literature Circles Activity (Group)... Chapter 24, pages 271- 277. Due—Monday, March 25.... 20 minutes.  Debaters released to library if topic is selected.  View Aztec video... 20 minutes.

9 Homework  Complete Writing Activity I.  Review for Brain Pop Quiz (The Aztecs).

10 Wednesday, March 20, 2013

11 The Aztecs were fierce warriors who established a great empire in the Valley of Mexico at Tenochtitlan and at his height in the early 1500s the population soared to 5 million inhabitants and included much of Central Mexico and stretched as far south as Guatemala’s border and expanded from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean. But along the way of becoming this vast empire, resentment and hatred followed. The conquered peoples were allowed to keep their culture, religion, and language but were not free! They were not ‘colonize’ in the traditional sense but they did have to ‘pay’ a tribute to their new landlords. But like any ‘militaristic’ society, you are always looking over your shoulder in fear of rebellion. The Aztec nation’s Achilles’ heel was the many unhappy and unrepentant city-states that made up the empire and whose inhabitants NEVER thought of themselves as true Aztecs. And as a result, this miscalculation and greed on the part of the Aztecs rulers paved the way in 1519 for the Spanish Conquistadors led by the Hernan Cortes and his band of ‘gold’ digging, small pox bearing soldiers! …9 Minutes

12  What happens when you try to subjugate someone against his or her will?  Even if you defeat them in battle, can you ever expect true loyalty from them?  No human being likes to be coerced into doing something against their will even at the point of a gun! Do you? If you lived in Tenochtitlan in the 16 th century as a government official, how would you deal with the people from the conquered city-states?  What could you do to make them feel more inclusive and less resentful towards society? Moral to the story... Colonialism (even part-time) works only for a ‘few’ seasons and then it dies.

13 Today’s Agenda: Class Work… Day 129  Administer ‘Brain Pop’ Quiz (Aztec Civilization)... 10 minutes. Good luck!)  Debate Preparation for the upcoming Twin Debate Classic (April 8)  Happy Vernal Equinox... Spring has sprung!

14 Homework  News Briefs  TAT #2 & #3  Continue Debate Prep for (Periods 3 & 7). Debate 4-15.  Work on Collaborative Learning (Group Activity). 3-26.

15 Thursday, March 21, 2013

16 Today’s Agenda: Class Work… Day 130  Students read aloud their current events (they should follow ‘effective’ speaking rubric and not exceed 90 seconds)... 40 minutes.  Students work on their Literature Circles assignments from Monday (Chapter 24).... 15 minutes.  Preview Vocabulary Quiz (Chapter 24).... 5 minutes.

17 Homework  Study for Vocabulary Quiz (Chapter 24)-3-25.  Complete Access Strategy I.  Debate Prep for upcoming debate on 4-15.  Journal/Mentoring Check.

18 Friday, March 22, 2013

19 Busted and disgraced, Ma’lik Richmond, age16, and Trent Mays, age 17 and members of Steubenville’s celebrated high school football team (winners of 9 state championships) were found guilty on Sunday of raping a drunken 16-year old girl. Ohio’s attorney general warned that the case isn’t over until justice is meted out and the community can put this behind them. Also, the attorney general is investigating whether coaches, parents, and other students broke the law by failing to report it. The rape took place last August and allegation of ‘cover-up’ added more ‘fuel’ to the fire because of the football team’s stellar winning tradition. Despite claims that the victim is a pathological liar and alcoholic, and she was seen as leaving the party under her own volition—she did not deserve to be violated, period! Now, social media can be a friend or a foe and in this particular case it was both. Trent Mays was ‘dumb’ enough to videotape their despicable activities and even dumber by ‘posting’ them on Face book and Insta gram.... 9 Minutes

20  Should the people responsible for submitting the on-line post, photos, and video of such violent acts be charged?  Should the two convicted boys be given the maximum sentence (5 years)?  Also, should the records of the two convicted boys be expunged when they turn 21 or should they be listed as sex offenders?  What is society coming to when its citizens take delight in videotaping unpleasant, unlawful, and violent activities?  This is blatant disregard for the one’s privacy and a callous disrespect for a fellow human being! How can you prevent something like this from happening again? What do you think?

21 Today’s Agenda: Class Work… Day 131  Complete showing of video, the “Aztecs”... 15 minutes.  Journal/Mentoring Check... 15 minutes.  Debate Prep (Periods 3 & 7)... 20 minutes.

22 Homework  Complete Collaborative Learning (Group Activity).... 3-26.  Study for Essay test (Chapters 23-24). 3-26.  Study for Vocabulary Quiz (Chapter 24). 3-25.  Debaters from Periods 3 & 7 continue preparing for upcoming debate on 4-15.  Complete ISN Booklet Chapter 24 pages... 168-170.

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