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OMI ST Meeting, KNMI, June 2006 Dr. P.F. Levelt, KNMI OMI ST Meeting intro Pieternel Levelt OMI Principal Investigator OMI ST Meeting June 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "OMI ST Meeting, KNMI, June 2006 Dr. P.F. Levelt, KNMI OMI ST Meeting intro Pieternel Levelt OMI Principal Investigator OMI ST Meeting June 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 OMI ST Meeting, KNMI, June 2006 Dr. P.F. Levelt, KNMI OMI ST Meeting intro Pieternel Levelt OMI Principal Investigator OMI ST Meeting June 2006

2 TRopospheric composition and Air Quality (TRAQ): selected for ESA EOEP pre-phase A Pieternel Levelt, KNMI Claude Camy-Peyret, CNRS

3 OMI ST Meeting, KNMI, June 2006 Dr. P.F. Levelt, KNMI TROPOMI:UV/VIS/SWIR instrument (trop) columns of O 3, NO 2, SO 2, HCHO, aerosols & CO and CH 4 PI KNMI (Levelt); co-PI SRON (Aben) SIFTI (FTIR):O3, CO, CH 4 : trop columns and profiles with intelligent pointing for cloud free pixels PI LPMA (Camy-Peyret), co-PI SRON (Aben), CMS (Lavanant) OCAPI:POLDER type of instrument: AOD, ssa, aerosol sizes and aerosol type PI LOA (Tanre) TRAQ Payload: inclined polar orbit: up to 5 overpasses a day

4 OMI ST Meeting, KNMI, June 2006 Dr. P.F. Levelt, KNMI Overview History OMI ~ 1993-1996: design discussions KNMI with TNO/DS ~ 1993-1996: design discussions KNMI with TNO/DS 1996 : The Green Book (ESA WPP-123 OMI Ozone Monitoring Instrument for Metop) 1996 : The Green Book (ESA WPP-123 OMI Ozone Monitoring Instrument for Metop) 1996 : OMI was not selected for Metop series EUMETSAT 1996 : OMI was not selected for Metop series EUMETSAT 1997: 1997:  June/July : Meeting in Washington DC  August : Aura Meeting in Boulder, CO 1998: 1998:  January: NASA-KNMI-NIVR Meeting at KNMI  Februari/March: request of NASA to NIVR for national contribution OMI to NASA’s space craft EOS CHEM  Finland is requested also to participate  March 31: Minister of Economical Affairs (Wijers) decided positive  April 1: Formal request of NIVR to KNMI for PI ship  June 29: KNMI appoints PI  June 30: PI goes on pregnancy leave  August: Noordhoek is appointed as scientific secretary

5 OMI ST Meeting, KNMI, June 2006 Dr. P.F. Levelt, KNMI Overview History OMI 1998: 1998:  November 2: OMI team: Levelt & Noordhoek OMI team: Levelt & Noordhoek 5000 pages PDR 5000 pages PDR  December 2,3,4: PDR: RID’s instrument req. formulated  April: van den Oord and Veefkind join the team: 4 fte  October/November : Dutch OMI team increases to 10 fte  Hilsenrath represents NASA as OMI co-PI  OSAB is formed 1999: 1999:  December: CDR (8000 pages): requirements discussion  January-February: Implementation paper consensus on req.  Algorithm development started  Design Ground segment (ODPS and NRT) started  Hilsenrath represents NASA as OMI co-PI in the OSAB

6 OMI ST Meeting, KNMI, June 2006 Dr. P.F. Levelt, KNMI Overview History OMI 2000: 2000:  January: MoU NASA-NIVR meeting which lead to final MoU  Half 2000- end 2000: Selection of US team and US team leader 1999/2000/2001: 1999/2000/2001:  OMI manufacturing and performance testing Several NIVR and NASA reviews Several NIVR and NASA reviews  Operational schedule: severe adjustment  Dutch OMI team increases from 10 to 15 fte 2002: 2002:  Calibration: under discussion Several NIVR and NASA reviews Several NIVR and NASA reviews  November 2002: OMI first instrument to be delivered to NASA, limited calibration  Start of validation planning

7 OMI ST Meeting, KNMI, June 2006 Dr. P.F. Levelt, KNMI Overview History OMI 2003: 2003:  Several OMI calibration reviews for key data base  Intensive Ground segment and operations testing  Delivery operational software (O3, O2-O2 and NO2)  April 2003: Dutch OMI ST is reviewed by intern. committee: positive!  Last version of JPIP is exchanged 2004: 2004:  Recovery plan for calibration (March – July 2004): 10 fte  Severe adjustment operational schedule (dark side) for in-flight calibration measurements  July 15 : Launch  LEO phase (4 fte): 10 days up (USA) – 10 days down (Holland)  OMI team extends to ~ 25-30 fte T. Boer/Boeing

8 OMI ST Meeting, KNMI, June 2006 Dr. P.F. Levelt, KNMI 2004-2005: 2004-2005:  Extensive effort on in-flight calibration/level 1b/TMCF (6 –10 fte): external personnel hired Errors for on-ground calibration Errors for on-ground calibration CCD dark current (stripes) CCD dark current (stripes)  Ground segment (3 fte)  Operations (4 – 2,5 fte): external personnel hired  Improvement level 2 algorithms (2 fte)  Validation (2 fte) 2006: size OMI team : ~15 fte (+ 4 external) 2006: size OMI team : ~15 fte (+ 4 external)  In-flight cal/level1b/TMCF (7 fte): of which external personnel hired (3) Time-dependent OPF Time-dependent OPF Improvement key data base using in-flight Improvement key data base using in-flight calibration measurements  Ground segment (2 fte)  Operations (2,5 fte): external personnel hired  Improvement level 2 algorithms (3 fte)  Validation (3 fte) Overview History OMI

9 OMI ST Meeting, KNMI, June 2006 Dr. P.F. Levelt, KNMI OMI Project Status (1) Operations Operations  OMI operations is almost flawless  Since Launch (July 15, 2004) only 4 days of data loss  FMM issue is off the table In-flight Calibration In-flight Calibration  OMI in-flight calibration program to recover from the on-ground calibration limited program will be 90 % finished at the end of 2006  Dark current correction of the CCD (causing stripes in the data products) will be corrected for in the next release of the level 1b software  Level 1b product planned public release is planned in November 2006 (ECS 3 collection)-gradual release of data. Data products Data products  All data products have been provisional released (except O3 profile)  4 data products are public released  All data products will be public released this year

10 OMI ST Meeting, KNMI, June 2006 Dr. P.F. Levelt, KNMI OMI Project Status (2) Validation: extensive validation program: Validation: extensive validation program:  NASA aircraft campaigns  ESA/NIVR/KNMI AO  NASA NRA Ground system Ground system  SIPS and ODPS performance is as expected  NRT system O3 and NO2 since January 2006: O3 data to NOAA and ECMWF; NO2 at KNMI website  VFD system is operational since March 2006  Reprocessing for ECS collection 3 will start in Nov. 2006 Bert van den Oord : to R&D Infrastructure (division head) Bert van den Oord : to R&D Infrastructure (division head)  Pepijn Veefkind from now on deputy-PI  Marcel Dobber from now on instrument  Jacques Claas will be responsible for ground segment from September 1 (and operations) NRT images OMI NO2 June 18 (Sunday) and June 19 (Monday) KNMI TEMIS and OMI websites; van der A, Boersma, Eskes, Veefkind

11 OMI ST Meeting, KNMI, June 2006 Dr. P.F. Levelt, KNMI OMI Highlights 2004, 2005 and 2006: OMI is one big highlight!

12 OMI ST Meeting, KNMI, June 2006 Dr. P.F. Levelt, KNMI First OMI data delivered to IPCC OMI data used in WMO Antarctic O3 report, 2005/2006 winter Average column ozone pole ward of 63 latitude in the springtime of each hemisphere (March for the NH and October for the SH), in Dobson units, based on data from various satellite instruments as indicated. Data point from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) is preliminary. Figure is updated from Newman et al. (1997) IPCC/TEAP Special Report: Safeguarding the ozone layer and the global climate system: Issues related to the hydrofluorocarbons and perfluorocarbons, Summary for Policy Makers, WMO/UNEP, 2005. OMI data delivered to IPCC

13 OMI ST Meeting, KNMI, June 2006 Dr. P.F. Levelt, KNMI OMI’s view of Katrina OMI reflectivity OMI cloud pressure: O2-O2 DOAS Retrieval; senses deeper in cloud than Raman Sneep, de Haan, Stammes et al. OMI effective cloud pressure: UV channels sensitive to Raman scattering see through high cirrus to lower water clouds with band structure Joanna,Vassilkov et al., GRL, 2006 Veefkind, Thursday Sneep, poster Wednesday

14 OMI ST Meeting, KNMI, June 2006 Dr. P.F. Levelt, KNMI OMI NO 2 Images for April 15, 2004 Glaeson, Veefkind et al., 020.e15 molecules/cm 2 Saturday 15 October Sunday 16 October Monday 17 October OMI NRT NO2; Veefkind, Eskes, Boersma. Van der A, KNMI

15 OMI ST Meeting, KNMI, June 2006 Dr. P.F. Levelt, KNMI Aerosol 19 June 2005 Figures: Pepijn Veefkind, KNMI Veefkind, Curier, De Leeuw, KNMI and TNO-FEL Torres, NASA GSFC Multiwavelength algorithm UV algorithm

16 OMI ST Meeting, KNMI, June 2006 Dr. P.F. Levelt, KNMI CHO-CHO, HCHO, BrO Figure: Thomas Kurosu, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Boston, USA Kurosu and Chance, Harvard

17 OMI ST Meeting, KNMI, June 2006 Dr. P.F. Levelt, KNMI Ambrym (Vanuatu) SO 2 plume Feb 20, 2005: aviation control Clouds

18 OMI ST Meeting, KNMI, June 2006 Dr. P.F. Levelt, KNMI Tropospheric Ozone (scientific product) MLS/OMI tropospheric ozone, Monthly average July and October 2005, Ziemke et al., JGR 2006 Trop.Ozone cloud slicing method, Ziemke et al. 24 and 28 June 2005

19 OMI ST Meeting, KNMI, June 2006 Dr. P.F. Levelt, KNMI UV VFD Sodankyla :erythemal dose 19-06-2006

20 OMI ST Meeting, KNMI, June 2006 Dr. P.F. Levelt, KNMI Agenda Tuesday morning Day 1Tuesday 20 June 2006 (09:00 – 18:00 hours) 08:45 – 09:15 Registration and Coffee 09:15 – 09:25 Opening Brouwer KNMI & CarpayNIVR 09:25 – 09:40 General comments on OMI and EOS-Aura Levelt 09:40 – 10:00 Overview Operations Claas 10:00 – 10:30 Overview Calibration/Performance OMI Dobber / Jaross 10:30 – 10:45 Tea & Coffee 10:45 – 11:30 Overview (re)processing, ECS 3 and time-dependent OPF Van den Oord / Hopkins 11:30 – 12:30 Calibration & Algorithm joint WG mtg Data systems WG meeting 12:30 – 13:30 LunchLocation: Hallway

21 OMI ST Meeting, KNMI, June 2006 Dr. P.F. Levelt, KNMI Agenda Tuesday afternoon Day 1Tuesday 20 June 2006 (09:00 – 18:00 hours) 13:30 – 14:30 Calibration & Algorithm joint WG mtg Data systems WG meeting (continued) Data systems WG meeting (continued) 14:30 – 15:00 Cal. & Alg. & DS joint WG meeting 15:00 – 15:15 Refreshments 15:15 – 18:00 Calibration WG meeting Executive Committee Meeting Executive Committee Meeting 18:00Close

22 OMI ST Meeting, KNMI, June 2006 Dr. P.F. Levelt, KNMI Agenda Wednesday Day 2Wednesday 20 June 2006 (09:00 – 18:00 hours) 09:00 – 11:00 Workshop on Cloud Effects Calibration WG mtg (continued) Workshop on Aerosols 10:15 – 10:20 Quick in between break Location: Served in Hallway, consume in meeting rooms 11: 00 – 12:15Workshop on NO 2 Workshop on UVB product Informal Meetings 12:15 – 13:15Lunch 13:15 – 14:45Workshop on Ozone Products Workshop on SO 2 Informal Meetings possible in: 14:45 – 15:00 Refreshments Location: Hallway 15:00 – 16:00 L2G/L3 Product Discussion Workshop on SO 2 (continued) 16:00–18:00Core Group Summary, Discussion and Outlook Meeting (NOTE: For OMI Science Team members only)

23 OMI ST Meeting, KNMI, June 2006 Dr. P.F. Levelt, KNMI Agenda Wednesday Discussion Meeting Impressions about the overall performance of the International OMI Science team (what has worked well, what has not) Impressions about the overall performance of the International OMI Science team (what has worked well, what has not) Issues Issues Near-term priorities for OMI (co-operation and research subjects) Near-term priorities for OMI (co-operation and research subjects) Upcoming events Upcoming events Aura ST Meeting - Douglas Aura ST Meeting - Douglas Validation Special Issue – Schoeberl Validation Special Issue – Schoeberl Fall AGU Fall AGU Aura ST recompetition – Hilsenrath, Schoeberl Aura ST recompetition – Hilsenrath, Schoeberl OMI solar cal operations:needed? OMI solar cal operations:needed? Onderwerp Maarten ???? Onderwerp Maarten ????

24 OMI ST Meeting, KNMI, June 2006 Dr. P.F. Levelt, KNMI Agenda Thursday Day 3Thursday 22 June 2006 (09:00 – 18:00 hours) 09:00 – 09:30 Overview talk on Aura M. Schoeberl / A. Douglass 09:30 – 09:55 Overview OMI P.F. Levelt 09:55 – 10:15 Wrap-up Workshops 10:15 – 10:30 Tea & CoffeeLocation: Hallway 10:30 – 11:40 Wrap-up Workshops (continued) 10:30 – 11:40 Wrap-up Workshops (continued) 11:40 – 12:00 improved Tropospheric Ozone from OMI-MLS Differences M. Schoeberl 12:00 – 13:00 LunchLocation: Hallway 13:00 – 13:20 OMI validation by ground based remote sensing: ozone columns and atmospheric profiles A. Shavrina : not present 13:00 – 13:20 Validation of OMI total ozone using ground-based Brewer observations D. Balis 13:20 – 13:40 OMI DOAS and TOMS O 3 validation status and TOMS DOAS algorithm comparisons M. Kroon 13:40 – 14:00 Validation of OMI products over Europe with ground-based UV instruments P. Weihs 14:00 – 14:20 Validation of the OMI surface UV irradiance products, and Finnish contribution to validation of the OMI ozone profile products A. Tanskanen

25 OMI ST Meeting, KNMI, June 2006 Dr. P.F. Levelt, KNMI Agenda Thursday Day 3Thursday 22 June 2006 (09:00 – 18:00 hours) 14:20–14:40 OMI aerosols validation status and Torres-Veefkind aerosol algorithm comparisons C.J. Braak 14:40 – 15:00 Validation of the OMI O 2 -O 2 cloud product using MODIS/Aqua M. Sneep 15:00 – 15:20 RefreshmentsLocation: Hallway 15:20 – 15:40 Status Aura Validation Data Center B.R. Bojkov 15:40 – 16:00 Calibration and validation of OMI measurements using a numerical weather prediction assimilation system S. Migliorini 16:00 – 16:20 Validation of tropospheric NO 2 measurements from OMI in urban and suburban sites in the UK L. Kramer 16:20 – 16:40 OMI NO 2 validation status and NO 2 profile influence E.J.Brinksma 16:40 – 17:00 Validation of Aura OMI O3 and NO 2 columns J.C. Lambert 17:00 – 17:20 Validation of Aura OMI trace gas products Roozendael 17:20 – 17:40 GLOBE validation of Aerosols E.J.Brinksma

26 OMI ST Meeting, KNMI, June 2006 Dr. P.F. Levelt, KNMI Status of OMI Data Products Product Provisional release Validated Stage 1 release (Public) Validation Status - Level 1B June 2006 November 2006 - Total Column Ozone (TOMS) ReleasedReleased - Total Column Ozone (DOAS) ReleasedReleased - Aerosol 1 Released May 2006 - NO 2 total and trop. column Released May 2006 - Cloud Height (O2-O2) ReleasedReleased - Cloud Height (Raman) ReleasedReleased - Surface UVB Released May 2006 - HCHO Released August 2006 - SO 2 Released August 2006 - BrO Released August 2006 - OClO Released November 2006 - O 3 Profile June 2006 November 2006

27 OMI ST Meeting, KNMI, June 2006 Dr. P.F. Levelt, KNMIBackup

28 OMI ST Meeting, KNMI, June 2006 Dr. P.F. Levelt, KNMI TRAQ Science Objectives How fast is air quality changing on a global and regional scale? What is the strength and distribution of the sources and sinks of trace gases and aerosols influencing air quality? What is the role of tropospheric composition in global change? IMG Boundary layer CO (Barret et al., ACPD, accepted) OMI NRT trop NO2, KNMI

29 OMI ST Meeting, KNMI, June 2006 Dr. P.F. Levelt, KNMI Future satellites: TRAQ: a satellite dedicated to Air Quality Surface TROPOMI OCAPI SIFTI


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