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Mehdi Ghazanfari Vice Minister of Commerce & the President of ITPO INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON FOREIGN INVESTMENT IN IRAN Tehran - 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Mehdi Ghazanfari Vice Minister of Commerce & the President of ITPO INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON FOREIGN INVESTMENT IN IRAN Tehran - 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mehdi Ghazanfari Vice Minister of Commerce & the President of ITPO INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON FOREIGN INVESTMENT IN IRAN Tehran - 2009

2 ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN ECONOMY & TRADE 2008 Key Indicators Population (Millions) 71.5 GDP (PPP) ($US Billion) 817 * Import (FOB) ($US Billion) 55 Area (Million km 2 ) 1.65 * Export ($US Billion) 100 Crude Oil & Gas (82) 82 % Source: Central Bank of Iran, Iran Customs Dept.,IMF GDP Current $ ($US Billion) 382 Persian Gulf * Trade Balance ($US Billion) + 45 EXIT Non-Oil Export (18) 18% Excluding liquefied Gases

3 ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN IRAN TPO About Iran TPO 2 EXIT Establishment: EPCI 1966-2003 ITPO 2004 Staff: 600 Mission: - - Promotion & Trade Development - - Linkage between Trade & Investment

4 Renovation of National Commercial Systems Competition & Anti-trust Policies Proactive Interaction with the Global Economy Increasing the Country’s Stake in the International Trade ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN TRADE STRATEGIES Goals & Objectives EXIT

5 ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN TRADE STRATEGIES Goals & Objectives Goals & Objectives 2. Development of Foreign Trade & Non - Oil Export Promotion 1. Trade Facilitation 8. Restructuring & Improving Human Resources 4. E-Commerce Development 7. Trade & Investment Linkage: - Foreign Outsourcing - Global Value chain - Non-Oil Export Oriented FDI - Strategic Operational Centers 5. Distribution Channels Productivity Upgrading 6. Local Market Regulating 3. Active Participation In Regional Blocks 2 EXIT

6 ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN FOREIGN TRADE TREND 1981-2008 Export & Import (Commodities) Value: $US Billion Iran’s Export Iran’s Import Source: I.R. Iran Custom Department EXIT

7 ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN FOREIGN TRADE 2008 Trade by Regional & Economic Blocks Iran’s Non-Oil Export Iran’s Import Source: I.R. Iran Customs Administration Value: % Share EXIT

8 ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN FOREIGN TRADE 2008 Main Trading Partners (Top 10) Value: $US Million Total Trade Top 10: 46.8 $US Billion Source: I.R. Iran Customs Administration EXIT

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