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SSLEV Programme INDIA ——————————————— Tanzania Draft Action Plan ——————————————— R. J. Masika, E. Runyoro, J. Nicolao & I. Bakari Tanzania Delegation -

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Presentation on theme: "SSLEV Programme INDIA ——————————————— Tanzania Draft Action Plan ——————————————— R. J. Masika, E. Runyoro, J. Nicolao & I. Bakari Tanzania Delegation -"— Presentation transcript:

1 SSLEV Programme INDIA ——————————————— Tanzania Draft Action Plan ——————————————— R. J. Masika, E. Runyoro, J. Nicolao & I. Bakari Tanzania Delegation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bangalore, India – 20 February 2009 THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA

2 Tanzania – Draft Action Plan Strategic Agenda Develop new economy skills to increase employability leading to accelerated growth of the Tanzanian economy using IT/ITES industry Goals 1.Skills building to increase employability to enable Tanzania to participate in the global economy through IT/ITES industry 2.Raise awareness to key policy/decision makers about the potential of IT/ITES industry to accelerate growth of Tanzanian economy 3.Create enabling environment to foster the development of IT/ITES industry 4.Identify, develop and promote IT/ITES industry

3 What will it take to reach there? Study on current status of IT/ITES industry in Tanzania, SWOT Analysis – value proposition, identify strategic focus areas (3) Skills needs assessment (NESAP-ICT) - Establish baseline (1) Explore different business models to stimulate skills development with international recognition for IT/ITES industry in Tanzania (1) Explore the possibility of Trade delegation (Ministers and private sector) visit to India to learn about the IT/ITES industry contribution to employment and economic growth (own (technical) solutions to meet the needs of our society and market) (2)

4 What will it take to reach there? ctd Establish a trade/business association similar to NASSCOM to engage with the Government on issues related to the development of IT/ITES industry in Tanzania (3) Review legal and regulatory policies to create an enabling environment for the growth of the IT/ITES industry (3) Utilize the NESAP-ICT program to jump start the IT/ITES skills building initiative in Tanzania (1)

5 Key Actions - Immediate (2-4 months) Dissemination of experiences from SSLEV Visit to the Government and other stakeholders through various for a Video Conference with WB, PSs of MoCST, MoEVT and MoIT to reinforce the message on new economy skills and IT/ITES industry Set up a Task Force to coordinate the establishment of IT/ITES industry and associated skills development Finalize the Country Action Plan on IT/ITES skills development by April 15, 2009

6 Key Actions - Immediate (2-4 months) ctd Develop terms of reference for a study to review the legal and regulatory framework to create an enabling environment for the development of the IT/ITES industry Initiate dialogue for establishment of a trade/business association similar to NASSCOM to engage with the Government on issues related to the development of IT/ITES industry in Tanzania NESAP-ICT program – (i) scoping mission in April 2009 (ii) Needs assessment for IT/ITES skills to be started by May 2009 (iii) discuss how skills component of the country action plan could be supported Explore the possibility of anchoring the NESAP-ICT program in the “ICT Centre of Excellence” in Tanzania within the next 2-3 months

7 Key Actions - Medium Term (5-12 months) Undertake the study to review the legal and regulatory framework to create an enabling environment for the development of the IT/ITES industry (3) Explore the possibility of following up with international companies/training institutions to invest or partner with local companies/institutions to: (i) do business and create employment (ii) to impart internationally recognized IT/ITES skills (1) Develop strategy and plan of action for building capacity and bridging gaps identified by the needs assessment report (1)

8 Key Actions - Medium Term (5-12 months) ctd Stakeholders workshop to discuss the IT/ITES industry study report and recommend the way forward (4) Develop strategic plan for establishment and/or promotion of IT/ITES industry based upon the above report (4) Initiate Trade delegation (Ministers and private sector) visit to India to learn about the IT/ITES industry contribution to employment and economic growth

9 Key Actions - Long term (Beyond 12 months) Put in place legal and regulatory framework necessary to foster the IT/ITES industry in Tanzania (3.3) Establishment of a trade/business association similar to NASSCOM to engage with the Government on issues related to the development of IT/ITES industry (by private sector) (3.3, 3.4) Government to support the private sector in the establishment of internationally recognized skills to improve employability and be able to participate in the global market. (3.1, 3.4).

10 Key Actions - Long term (Beyond 12 months) ctd Explore the possibility of adopting internationally recognized assessment systems such as NAC to enable Tanzania to participate in global market. (1, 4) Explore the possibility of embedding the requisite curriculum in tertiary education institutions to support employability in the IT/ITES industries

11 Food for thought… Set up fund to support development of IT/ITES industry Set up a national knowledge foundation Policy framework IPR and data security Network of VET Centres Accreditation mechanism of IT/ITES Industry in line with ISO Global financial crisis we look at it as opportunity for Tanzania in the next 1-3 years because by the time global market picks up we will be prepared and ready to participate in the global economy Multiple models of industry-academic partnerships Value proposition Readiness for PBO industry in Africa – is Tanzania there?

12 Food for thought…ctd Partnership with International Universities, e.g., POSTECH, IIT, IIIT, etc Possibility of creating an organisation like Mexico1st that can team up with multinational companies to gain access to i) technologies ii) marketing networks and iii) ensure international certifications Develop IT Parks using credible private IT Parks developers Establish a single window mechanism to promote IT/ITES industry Set up a global advisory committee to promote IT/ITES industry Role of Diaspora is important in development of IT/ITES industry Establish a national skills registry Collaboration between the Government, private sector and education institutions to work together to support the skills development for IT/ITES industry Explore establishment of incubation services

13 Thank You…

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