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3 Domain System of Classification i) ARCHAE Primitive prokaryotes Salt-loving and heat-loving.

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Presentation on theme: "3 Domain System of Classification i) ARCHAE Primitive prokaryotes Salt-loving and heat-loving."— Presentation transcript:

1 3 Domain System of Classification i) ARCHAE Primitive prokaryotes Salt-loving and heat-loving

2 3 Domain System of Classification ii) EUBACTERIA True -> more advanced BGA, C – eating heterotrophic bacteria

3 3 Domain System of Classification iii) EUKARYOTA Plants & animals Protista, fungi, chromists…

4 5 Kingdom Classification


6 5 Kingdom Classification KINGDOM MONERA All prokaryotes – unicellular, no nuclear membrane, nucleoid, no cell organelles, cell wall- peptidoglycan, ribosome (70s), sex pili 2 types: Archaebacteria & Eubacteria

7 5 Kingdom Classification KINGDOM MONERA i)Archaebacteria No peptidoglycan – halophiles, thermophiles, acidophiles, methanogenes ii) Eubacteria True bacteria, autotrophic, saprotrophic, parasitic, symbiotic BGA – Nostoc,… (early life), Biofertilizer Chemoautotrophs – H 2 S, NO 3 -, S, Fe +2 etc.


9 5 Kingdom Classification KINGDOM PROTISTA Simplest eukaryotes – nucleus, nuclear membrane & cell organelles PROTISTA ChrysophytesDinoflagellatesEuglenoidsSlime MoudsProtozoans

10 5 Kingdom Classification KINGDOM PROTISTA CHRYOSOPHYTES Diatoms & Desmids (golden algae) Photosyn., planktonic ; marine / fresh water C.W-> silica (fossils – Diatomite) used in oil filtering, metal polish

11 5 Kingdom Classification KINGDOM PROTISTA DINOFLAGELLATES Various colored photosyn., marine C.W -> cellulosic Eg. Gonyaulax -> Red tide on sea 2 flagellae -> transverse & longitudinal Noctiluca – phosphorescent (glowing @ night)

12 5 Kingdom Classification KINGDOM PROTISTA EUGLENOIDS Photoautotrophic, motile, freshwater & brackish water No cellulosic C.W – but has protein rich pellicle When no light, they switch to heterotrophic nutrition (ingest other protozoans)

13 5 Kingdom Classification KINGDOM PROTISTA MYXOMYCETES (slime moulds) Cool shady places, rich in organic matter Animal + fungi characteristics Vegetative phase has: multinucleate protoplasm mass (plasmodium) – no CW Since no CW – slime moulds – engulf food Fruit bodies produce during unfavorable period -> sporangia & spores (with CW)

14 5 Kingdom Classification KINGDOM PROTISTA PROTOZOANS Heterotrophic / parasitic Amoeboid - entamoeba (pseudopodia) Flagellated - Trypasnosoma Ciliated - Paramecium Sporozoans (spore like, infectious stage) - Plasmodium


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