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15-Dec-15EE5141 Chapter 4 Sequential Statements ä Variable assignment statement ä Signal assignment statement ä If statement ä Case statement ä Loop statement.

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Presentation on theme: "15-Dec-15EE5141 Chapter 4 Sequential Statements ä Variable assignment statement ä Signal assignment statement ä If statement ä Case statement ä Loop statement."— Presentation transcript:

1 15-Dec-15EE5141 Chapter 4 Sequential Statements ä Variable assignment statement ä Signal assignment statement ä If statement ä Case statement ä Loop statement ä Next statement ä Exit statement ä Null statement ä Return statement ä Procedure call statement ä Assertion statement ä Wait statement ä Exercises

2 15-Dec-15EE5142 Null statement Null_statement::= null ; Note: Null is used to explicitly specify that no action is to be performed. This is especially useful in the case statement when no action is required for a choice. Null is used to explicitly specify that no action is to be performed. This is especially useful in the case statement when no action is required for a choice.

3 15-Dec-15EE5143 Return statement Return_statement::=return [expression]; Note: A return statement is used to complete the execution of the innermost enclosing function or procedure body. It is allowed only within the body of a function or a procedure.

4 15-Dec-15EE5144 Function and procedure call statements entity RETURNSTMT is end RETURNSTMT; architecture RTL of RETURNSTMT is function BOOL2BIT (BOOL : in boolean) return bit is begin if BOOL then return '1'; else return '0'; end if; end BOOL2BIT; procedure EVEN_PARITY ( signal DATA : in bit_vector(7 downto 0); signal PARITY : out bit) is variable temp : bit; begin temp := DATA(0); for i in 1 to 7 loop temp := temp xor DATA(i); end loop; PARITY <= temp; return; end EVEN_PARITY; signal DIN : bit_vector(7 downto 0); signal BOOL1 : boolean; signal BIT1, PARITY : bit;

5 15-Dec-15EE5145 Procedure call statement begin doit : process (BOOL1, DIN) begin BIT1 <= BOOL2BIT(BOOL1); EVEN_PARITY(DIN, PARITY); end process; vector : process begin BOOL1 <= TRUE after 10 ns, FALSE after 20 ns; DIN <= "00011111" after 10 ns, "11001101" after 20 ns, "11111111" after 30 ns, "10000011" after 40 ns; wait for 50 ns; end process; end RTL;

6 15-Dec-15EE5146 Assertion statement ssertion_statement::=assert condition [report expression][severity expression]; assertion_statement::=assert condition [report expression][severity expression];Note: The report expression is an expression of a STRING type to be reported. The severity expression is an enumerated type with four values NOTE, WARNING, ERROR and FAILURE. The default severity level is ERROR if the severity clause is not specified.

7 15-Dec-15EE5147 Assertion statement entity ASRTSTMT is end ASRTSTMT; architecture BEH of ASRTSTMT is constant SETUP : time := 3 ns; constant HOLD : time := 3 ns; signal D, CLOCK, Q : bit; begin setup_check : process (CLOCK) begin assert FALSE report "Event on CLOCK" severity NOTE; if (CLOCK'event and CLOCK = '1') then assert D'STABLE(SETUP) report "D setup error" severity WARNING; if (D'STABLE(SETUP)) then Q <= D; end if; end process; hold_check : process begin wait on D; assert FALSE report "Event on D" severity NOTE; if (CLOCK = '1') then assert (CLOCK'LAST_EVENT > HOLD) report "D hold error" severity WARNING; end if; end process; vector : process begin CLOCK <= '1' after 10 ns, '0' after 20 ns, '1' after 30 ns, '0' after 40 ns; D <= '1' after 8 ns, '0' after 12 ns, '1' after 15 ns; wait; end process; end BEH;

8 15-Dec-15EE5148 Assertion statement if (CLOCK'event and CLOCK = '1') then assert D'STABLE(SETUP) report "D setup error" severity WARNING; assert FALSE report "Event on D" severity NOTE; if (CLOCK = '1') then assert (CLOCK'LAST_EVENT > HOLD) report "D hold error" severity WARNING; D CK Q

9 15-Dec-15EE5149 Assertion statement Output: Assertion NOTE at 0 NS in design unit ASRTSTMT(BEH)from process/ASRTSTMT/SETUP_CHECK:”Event on CLOCK” Assertion NOTE at 8 NS in design unit ASRTSTMT(BEH)from process/ASRTSTMT/HOLD_CHECK:”Event on D” Assertion NOTE at 10 NS in design unit ASRTSTMT(BEH)from process/ASRTSTMT/SETUP_CHECK:”Event on CLOCK” Assertion WARNING at 10 NS in design unit ASRTSTMT(BEH)from process/ASRTSTMT/SETUP_CHECK:”D setup error” Assertion NOTE at 12 NS in design unit ASRTSTMT(BEH)from process/ASRTSTMT/HOLD_CHECK:”Event on D” Assertion WARNING at 12 NS in design unit ASRTSTMT(BEH)from process/ASRTSTMT/HOLD_CHECK:”D hold error” Assertion NOTE at 15 NS in design unit ASRTSTMT(BEH)from process/ASRTSTMT/HOLD_CHECK:”Event on D”

10 15-Dec-15EE51410 Wait statement wait_statement::=wait [sensitivity_clause][conditional_clause] [timout_clause]; sensitivity_clause::=on sensitivity_list conditional_clause::=until boolean_expression timout_clause::=for time_expression

11 15-Dec-15EE51411 Wait statement entity WAITSTMT is port ( CLOCK : in bit; A, B, C, D : in bit; Q, W, X, Y, Z : out bit); end WAITSTMT; architecture BEH of WAITSTMT is constant PERIOD : time := 30 ns; begin dff : process begin wait until CLOCK'event and CLOCK = '1'; Q <= D; end process; nand0 : process (A, B) begin W <= A nand B; end process; nand1 : process begin X <= A nand B; wait on A, B; end process; more : process begin wait on A, B until (C or D) = '0' for 100 ns; Y <= A or B; wait until A = '0' for PERIOD; wait on C for 50 * PERIOD; wait on A until B = '1'; Z <= A or (C and D); wait for 2 * PERIOD; end process; forever : process

12 15-Dec-15EE51412 Wait statement begin -- do something once if (A and B and C and D) = '1' then wait; else wait for PERIOD; end if; end process; end BEH; Note One: There must be a way to suspend a process to avoid an infinite simulation loop. wait statement causes the suspension of a process statement or a procedure.

13 15-Dec-15EE51413 Wait statement entity IFWAIT is end IFWAIT; architecture RTL of IFWAIT is signal CLK : bit; signal SEL : bit_vector(1 downto 0); begin p0 : process begin if SEL = "00" then wait until CLK'event and CLK = '1'; elsif SEL = "01" then wait for 60 ns; else null; end if; end process; end RTL; Note Two: Be careful when wait statement are used in different conditions of if statements. On the left, if SEL(1)=‘1’, the process will run forever.

14 15-Dec-15EE51414 Exercises --Counter VHDL ibrary IEEE; --library definition use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity Counter is --entity definition port ( clk:in std_logic; reset: in std_logic; q: out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) ); end Counter; architecture Counter of Counter is begin process(clk,reset) variable qtemp: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- temporary variable for output q[3..0] begin if reset='1' then qtemp:="0000"; -- Reset asychroniously else if clk'event and clk='1' then -- Counting state if qtemp<9 then qtemp:=qtemp+1; -- Counter increase else qtemp:="0000"; -- Return the zero state end if; end if; q<=qtemp; -- Output end if; end process; -- End Process end Counter; -- End Architecture

15 15-Dec-15EE51415 Exercises entity JKFF is port ( CLK, RSTn, J, K : in bit; Q : out bit); end JKFF; ------------------------------------------------- architecture RTL of JKFF is signal FF : bit; begin process (CLK, RSTn) variable JK : bit_vector(1 downto 0); begin if (RSTn = '0') then FF <= '0'; elsif (CLK'event and CLK = '1') then JK := J & K; case JK is when "01" => FF <= '0'; when "10" => FF <= '1'; when "11" => FF <= not FF; when "00" => FF <= FF; end case; end if; end process; Q <= FF; end RTL; ------------------------------------------------- architecture RTL1 of JKFF is signal FF : bit; begin process (CLK, RSTn) begin if (RSTn = '0') then FF <= '0'; Q <= '0'; elsif (CLK'event and CLK = '1') then if (J = '1') and (K = '1') then FF <= not FF; elsif (J = '1') and (K = '0') then FF <= '1'; elsif (J = '0') and (K = '1') then FF <= '0'; end if; Q <= FF; end process; end RTL1;

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