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Experiences and Challenges of Scaling Up Social Cash Transfers in Zambia Social Protection: Building Effective And Sustainable Systems For Equitable Growth.

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Presentation on theme: "Experiences and Challenges of Scaling Up Social Cash Transfers in Zambia Social Protection: Building Effective And Sustainable Systems For Equitable Growth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Experiences and Challenges of Scaling Up Social Cash Transfers in Zambia Social Protection: Building Effective And Sustainable Systems For Equitable Growth Arusha, Tanzania December 15-17, 2014

2 Outline  Introduction  Decision Points  Operational Plan  Challenges  Results  Lessons/Conclusion

3 Introduction  Predictable and consistent Grants  Social cash transfer scheme started in Kalomo district in 2003.  At present the scheme covers 50 districts  A total 145,000 benef households.

4 Introduction Cont Criteria  - 6 months residency  -Dependency Ratio  Welfare Test Community Volunteers list the incapacitated HH Enumeration Trained Teachers and officers conduct the interviews Data Entry All the forms are entered into a database Screening-Based on a predetermined welfare Index HH Validation Names scrutinized- final list produced Payments/ Payments commence.

5 Beneficiary /Target Household

6 - 700 % INCREASE (3M - 23 M US$) -TOO BIG TO FAIL -UNDERMINE FUTURE SUPPORT 200920102011201220132014 K3.0K4.0K7.8 MK11.5 MK17.5MK150 M

7 Decision Points  Extreme poverty at 42%. Total poverty 61 %.  Some HH heads are aged, too sick too young. About 15-20 % of HH in Zambia labour constrained.  Positive Impact- nutrition and health, education, livelihoods,  Well targeted (World Bank)- Reaching the Poor  Political support and demand  Successful implementation –last 10 years

8 Objectives of Scale Up  To increase the geographical coverage  To increase the number of beneficiaries  To implement a harmonized SCT

9 Target Defined  Labour costrained HH- unlikely to benefit from FISP, WEP, Youth Fund  Identified additional 31 districts LCMS 2010

10 Strategic Changes  Donor funds rerouted to capacity building  4 multidisciplinary Teams setup and conducted inception visits- in October 2013.  3 Additional staff recruited for two years  Weekly TWG meetings  Teachers/officers now Enumerators instead of community volunteers recruited  Proxy Means Test introduced/C B T  MIS database centralised

11 Operational Plan  Inception visits  Comm sensitasation  Revitalising Comm  Training comm  Identification  Enumeration  Data entry  Payment  4 teams  Dist officers  DWAC  Volunteers  Teachers/officers  Central Stat Off  Teachers

12 Challenges  Poor terrain  Roads cut off in rainy season- use boat.  Poor Limited cell phone/internet connectivity  Slow progress in some districts – conflicted with teaching time.

13 Supervisor Giving Instructions !

14 Do not Give Up !

15 Wherever you are We will Find You !

16 Main Results  SCT from 19 to 5O districts  180 000 potential benef interviewed  50,000 hh benef to 145 000hh  ++ beneficiaries  MIS database operational  CWACs revitalized.  SCT awareness raised

17 Consolidate/Focuss  M- Tech enumeration data collection-  Upscale Village Banking  Design Linkage to Health

18 Lessons/Conclusion  Operational flexibility/process  Quick to learn and make decisions/adapt  Outsourcing serves time Scaling up is a process requiring magnanimity and adaptation. Important to pay attention to reports

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