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Published byAlbert Carr Modified over 9 years ago
Constructing a Message-Pruning Tree with Minimum Cost for Tracking Moving Objects in Wireless Sensor Networks Is NP- Complete and an Enhanced Data Aggregation Structure IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS, VOL. 57, NO. 6, JUNE 2008 Presented By Yen-Yi, Hsu
Contents 1.Introduction 2.Related Work 3.Preliminaries 4.Reference 1 5.Reference 2 6.Hardness of Min-Cost Message-Pruning Tree 7.New Data Aggregation Structure 8.Performance Study 9.Conclusion 2
Introduction WSNs be used in a wide range of applications ex: environment monitoring, battlefield surveillance, health care One of the most important areas of research ─ object tracking Two basic operation : Update and Query The Object’s location stored in the sink or not Construct the message-pruning tree with shortcuts 3
Related Works How to monitor the object This paper: address now to aggregate the sensed data Dual prediction using the moving history Tree topology Distributed database and a message-pruning tree: attempt to prune redundant message 4
Preliminaries Voronoi graph Assume that the sensor that receives the strongest signal from an object is responsible for reporting the object’s location 5
Preliminaries Undirected Weighted Graph Assumed that the event rate between any two neighboring sensors can be statistically calculated Assumed that the sensor’s transmission range is large enough such that any two neighbors can directly communicate with each other Represented as G(V G,E G,w G ) 6
Preliminaries Undirected Weighted Graph Assumed that the event rate between any two neighboring sensors can be statistically calculated Assumed that the sensor’s transmission range is large enough such that any two neighbors can directly communicate with each other Represented as G(V G,E G,w G ) 7
Preliminaries Message-Pruning Tree T(V T,E T,w T ), rooted at the sink w T (u,v): minimum hop count between u and v in G. V T =V G and E T E G 8
Preliminaries Database Update Each node v maintains a list v.DL=(L 0, L 1, L 2, …, L k ), where k is the number of v’s children For example, L 0 =L 2 =NIL and L 1 ={Car1} in b.DL 9
Preliminaries Database Update When a object o moves from u to neighbor v dep(o, u, v) arv(o, u, v) Along to the tree path to lca(u, v) dist T (g, h) = w T (g, d)+w T (d, b) +w T (b, e)+w T (e, i) +w T (i, h)=5 The cost of updating the database is 10
Object Query Forwarding path for Car1 (a, b, d, g) (a, b, d) When a sensor receives a query for object o, it forwards the query to its ith child if o L i and it’s ith child is not a leaf The cost of a query for object is double the sum of w T s of edges on the reduced forwarding path Preliminaries 11
Preliminaries Object Query For example: the cost of a query for Car1 is 2 x dist T (a, d) = 4 The cost of querying objects is where q(v) denotes the query rate of sensor v 12
Reference Efficient In-Network Moving Object Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks Chih-Yu Lin, Student Member, IEEE, Wen-Chih Peng, Member, IEEE, and Yu-Chee Tseng, Senior Member, IEEE IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING, VOL. 5, NO. 8, AUGUST 2006 13
Update Cost counting the average number of messages transmitted in network per unit time (2) 14 vp(v)
Deviation-Avoidance Tree 1. We would expect that dist T (u, sink)= dist G (u, sink) otherwise, u deviates from its shortest path to the sink 15
Deviation-Avoidance Tree 2. minimize the w T (u, v) by selecting neighboring sensors as parents avg. of dist T (u, lca(u, v))+dist T (v, lca(u, v)) can be minimized 16
Deviation-Avoidance Tree 3. an edge with higher w G (u, v) should be included into T as early as possible highest-weight-first principle For two edges (u, v) and (u’, v’) E G such that w G (u, v) > w G (u’, v’), it’s desirable that 17
Deviation-Avoidance Tree T is always a subgraph of G w T (u, v)=1 18
Zone-Based DAT 19
Zone-Based DAT 20
Query Cost Reduction QCR tries to adjust the tree T obtained by DAT or Z-DAT in a bottom-up manner Two observation 1.Placing a node as a leaf can save the query cost 2.We should choose a node closer to the sink as v’s parent, 21
Query Cost Reduction 1. if a node v is not a leaf 22
Query Cost Reduction 2. if a node v is a leaf node 23
Reference Message-Ef fi cient In-Network Location Management in a Multi-sink Wireless Sensor Network Chih-Yu Lin and Yu-Chee Tseng, Ten H. Lai 24
Multi-sink WSNs Naïve way to extend a single-sink system to multi- sink system is to construct a virtual tree for each sink x Three issues need to be addressed when multiple trees coexist 1. Update and query mechanisms 2. Multi-tree construction 3. The number of trees used 25
Update and Query Mechanisms We denote a WSN with n sensors, m of which are designated as sinks ( σ i, i =1,..., m) rooted at σ i has constructed form G Each sensor x keeps two tables Subtree_Member S X : An m x n table to indicate whether another sensor is a descendant of x in a certain tree Detected_List DL X : k+1 entries, each entry maintain a set of objects 26
For Example Subtree_Member S D (T B,F)=1 S D (T A,F)=0 Detected_List Car2 DL A (D) D is a neighbor of A S D (T A,G)=1 and Car1 is tracked by G I D F J A B C E G H K Car1 Car3 Car2 Update and Query Mechanisms 27
1. The Location Update Mechanism Update message should be sent from a and b to lca i (a, b) In a system with m trees, a sensor x need to maintain p i (x) for each Because the number of neighbors of x may be smaller than m, some of the p i (x) may be duplicate and thus can be update together Thus, update mechanism comprise two parts: (1.) Forwarding Rule (2.) Updating Rule Update and Query Mechanisms 28
(1.)Forwarding Rule If there is a tree making Eq.1 true, the update message should be sent to p i (x) If two trees both satisfy Eq.1 and p i (x) = p j (x), then only one update message needs to be sent (2.)Updating Rule Update and Query Mechanisms 29
Update and Query Mechanisms 30
Update and Query Mechanisms 31
2. The Location Query Mechanism Assume user can issue a query from any sensor (1) o does not appear in any of the entries of DL X –x will forward the query to the closest sink –If an intermediate node y finds that o appears in DL y, then the second scenario will be initiated immediately (2) o appears at least in one of the entries of DL X –Model the WSN responsible for tracking object o as a directed query graph Update and Query Mechanisms 32
Update and Query Mechanisms 33
Update and Query Mechanisms 34
Multi-Tree Construction 1. The MT-HW Algorithm (with the high-weight-first property) an edge (u, v) with higher weight will be considered for being included into a tree earlier candidate parents : distG( σ i, x) = distG( σ i, y) +1 and y is x’s neighbor Each sensor x will sort its neighbors in a decreasing order according to the event rates Then, for each sink σ i, x will pick one neighbor y as its parent that has the highest event rate among x’s candidate parents for σ i and set y= pi(x) 35
Multi-Tree Construction 2. The MT-EO Algorithm (with the edge-overlap-first property) If we can increase the number of the tree edges that overlap with each other, SC(v) ↑ and U ↓ Each of x’s neighbors is associated with an overlap counter for x Then, x select the neighbor y whose overlap counter is the largest Until x has determined its paents for all sinks 36
Simulation Results Comparison of Update Costs 37
Simulation Results Comparison of total costs under different query rate 38
Simulation Results Comparison of total cost (single vs. multiple) 39
Simulation Results Two implicit results should be addressed 1. multi-sink system has a faster query response time 40
Simulation Results 2. multi-sink system can achieve a better load balance factor 41
Hardness of MC-MPT Exact 3-cover problem Given a S= { σ 1,…, σ s } of triplets of elements from a set L={ τ 1,…, τ 3t }, is there a subcollection S’ S of size t that covers L? Ex: L={ }, S={ } is given, S’={ } is a solution of this problem Minimum-Cost Message-Pruning Tree G(V G, E G, w G, q G ), a sink sink, integer M≥0 Determine whether there exist a T(V T, E T ) rooted at sink with V T =V G whose cost U(T)+Q(T) is at most M 42
Hardness of MC-MPT 43
Hardness of MC-MPT 44
New Data Aggregation Structure When Car1 moves: g → h Reduced forwarding path: (a, b, e,i) The cost of a query is 6 This paper’s idea: Add a shortcut (d → h) 45
New Data Aggregation Structure After add a shortcut: Reduced forwarding path: (a, b, d) The cost of updating the database: w T (g, d)+w T (d → h)=2 The cost of a query for Car1: 2x( w T (a, b)+w T (b, d))=4 46
New Data Aggregation Structure The Structure The shortcut (u → v) will be u’s outgoing shortcut and v’s incoming shortcut w T (u → v) = dist G (u, v) For example, w T (d → h) = 1 (u 1, u 2, …, u n ) is a downward path if u i is the parent of u i+1 (u i →u i+1 ) is a shortcut (b, d, h) is a shortest downward path from b to h 47
The Structure v.DL( ) k is the number of v’s children p is the number of v’s outgoing shortcut q is the number of v’s incoming shortcut d.DL(NIL, NIL, {Car1}) New Data Aggregation Structure 48
The Structure Extended_ancestor: ex: a, b, d, e, i and h are extended_ancestor of h u.prec(o) ex: h.prec(Car1) = d can be evaluated by checking DL u.succ(v) ex: d.succ(h) = h and b.succ(h) = d New Data Aggregation Structure 49
Object Query New Data Aggregation Structure 50
Example sink a receive query(Car1)) The cost of a query(o) is 2 x dist(r fpath(query(o))) The cost of queries for all objects is 2 x New Data Aggregation Structure 51
Database Update New Data Aggregation Structure 52
Example New Data Aggregation Structure The cost of updating the database for all events 53
Addition of Shortcuts Add shortcut (u → v) with the property 1. dist T (sink,u)+w T (u→v) ≦ dist T (sink,v) 2. (u, v) E G -E T 3. u is not a leaf New Data Aggregation Structure 54
Performance Study 256 sensors, 32 x 32 sensing field Random & regular deployment Z-DAT and Z-DAT+QCR were constructed α and δ are set to 4 and 0 the tree root in Z-DAT or Z-DAT+QCR is located in either the corner or the center averaging the data of 1000 simulations 55
Performance Study The Cost of Updating the Database 56
Performance Study The Cost of Updating the Database 57
Performance Study The Cost of Updating the Database 58
Performance Study The Cost of Updating the Database 59
Performance Study The Cost of Querying Objects 60
Performance Study The Cost of Querying Objects dist T (sink,u)+w T (u→v)=dist T (sink,v) 61
Conclusion Total cost = Update cost + Query Cost Multiple sink is important when the network scale is large or when the query rate is high It proposed a data aggregation structure that is constructed by adding shortcuts to MPT 62
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