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The Art of Negotiation Brad Dawson, LTV Dynamics.

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Presentation on theme: "The Art of Negotiation Brad Dawson, LTV Dynamics."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Art of Negotiation Brad Dawson, LTV Dynamics

2 Copyright Materials This presentation is protected by US and International Copyright laws. Reproduction, distribution, display and use of the presentation without written permission of the speaker is prohibited.

3 Learning Objectives In this session you will: 1.Learn the art of empathetic listening; 2.Find out the power that comes from “doing nothing”; 3.Uncover the fallacies of negotiating from the “single objective” perspective; and 4.Realize that emotions are your worst enemy.

4 Are You An Effective Negotiator?

5 Current Condition Most airforwarders learn negotiation through trial and error

6 Current Condition Negotiation is a basic component in every aspect of your business

7 Current Condition A good negotiation session ends “when the deal is done and both parties are a little disappointed”

8 #1 Anatomy of a Deal What constitutes a good deal?

9 #1 Anatomy of a Deal Inexperienced airforwarders fall victim to “get the deal at any price” syndrome

10 #1 Anatomy of a Deal What about the attributes of: time frame, delivery dates, quality control, ease of overcoming international restrictions and, of course, pricing

11 #1 Anatomy of a Deal Do you have a counter-proposal?

12 #2 Test Drive the Deal Sometimes you just don’t know what constitutes a good deal

13 #2 Test Drive the Deal You can ask other people or seek guidance through AfA

14 #2 Test Drive the Deal Another alternative is to test drive a deal

15 #2 Test Drive the Deal Google it

16 #2 Test Drive the Deal Test to gain knowledge

17 #2 Test Drive the Deal Begin again – this time with sufficient information

18 #3 The Art of Listening Sometimes negotiations just break down

19 #3 The Art of Listening You can try the art of empathetic negotiation where you place yourself in the other party’s positions

20 #3 The Art of Listening An effective ploy for employee compensation discussions

21 #3 The Art of Listening Realize it is not always about money. The focus could be on skill enhancement or career development

22 #3 The Art of Listening Putting yourself in the other person’s shoes can sometimes help resolve an impasse

23 #4 The Art of Silence Actions speak louder than words. Facial expressions, where you sit and hand gestures all have an impact

24 #4 The Art of Silence Silence is a powerful bargaining tool

25 #4 The Art of Silence Weak negotiators feel the need to fill the silence void

26 #4 The Art of Silence And ….. In the process give up their negotiating position

27 #5 The Art of Walking Away Another tactic is to walk away – effectively sending the message that you are killing the deal

28 #5 The Art of Walking Away An effective way to deal with contractors

29 #5 The Art of Walking Away The power of action – not words – can make all the difference

30 #6 No Decision is a Decision Your negotiations may stall – stretching out the time associated with a decision

31 #6 No Decision is a Decision Now might be a good time for “fear selling”

32 #6 No Decision is a Decision Can you quantify the impact of the status quo?

33 #7 Emotion is the Enemy Emotional people make instinctive and irrational decisions

34 #7 Emotion is the Enemy Move from adversarial to cooperative state

35 #7 Emotion is the Enemy Use a “cooling off” period to reflect and gather facts before making a commitment

36 Final Thought Negotiation is an art form where two skilled strategists work to find common group where both can claim victory

37 Upcoming Sessions March 18 th – “Effective Selling” April 15 th – “Cash is King” May 20 th – “A Purpose Driven Business”

38 Thank You! Contact Information: Brad Dawson LTV Dynamics 703-753-2886

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