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Mechanical advantage = D effort / D resistance.

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2 Mechanical advantage = D effort / D resistance


4 It’s only a model…

5 Model Effort Arm Resistance Arm Force needed to hold 50 g Distance Effort moved Distance resistance moved

6 By the end of the day today you need to have… Modeled and recorded data on 4 (four) 3 rd class levers Modeled and recorded data on 4 (four) 1 st class levers (elbow extended as your first one) – expanded table to accommodate new data Answered the questions on levers

7 Lever Questions What do your data indicate? Ratio? Pattern? From your data, what can you conclude about how levers work (in general) and your arm (specifically) Find an ulna among the bones and compare its MA (flexion) to yours. Niche/ecology conclusions? How accurate? Why?

8 Power vs.

9 Speed

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