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Adult Learning and Skills: some issues for England Realising Impact : Making a difference through adult learning London 11 September, 2015 Simon Field.

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Presentation on theme: "Adult Learning and Skills: some issues for England Realising Impact : Making a difference through adult learning London 11 September, 2015 Simon Field."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adult Learning and Skills: some issues for England Realising Impact : Making a difference through adult learning London 11 September, 2015 Simon Field Malgorzata Kuczera Hendrickje Windisch OECD

2 2  The reviews use the OEC D survey of adult skills to draw policy conclusions  They look at adult learning issues of course…  …but also a diverse range of other policy issues on which the survey casts light.  Studies now nearing completion in England and Finland, with more under negotiation OECD country reviews of adult skills

3 3

4 What does it mean to have low basic skills? The petrol tank in this car holds 120 litres Roughly how many litres remain in the tank?

5 5 What is the maximum number of days you should take this medicine? List three situations in which you should consult a doctor.

6 6 Percentage of adults (16-65) that are low-skilled

7 7

8 8

9 9  5 million are in work  1 million unemployed (in 2012)  Just over 2 million 1 st generation migrants  Around 1 million with tertiary education Nine million low skilled adults (16-65) in England, of which :

10 10 The labour market status of the low-skilled

11 Labour force status of low skilled adults in England (16-65)

12 12 Parents have a big influence on low skills: Score point difference in numeracy between those with and without one parent with at least upper secondary education.

13 Numeracy skills distribution for young people (16-34) with less than upper secondary. (excluding foreign qualifications, low qualification = no formal qualification or qualifications level 1) Numeracy among the unqualified young 20% of young adults 16-34 in England have low qualifications. Only one in five of young people with low qualifications are still in education – less than in the majority of other countries

14 14 Percentage of low skilled at different education levels

15 15 DOI 10.1787/5jrxnjdd3r5k-en

16 16 The challenge of teaching basic skills to adults  Motivating adult learners  Delivering quality teaching  Using the right teaching methods

17 17  Motivation can be developed by building awareness… ..recognising the diverse sources of motivation  And designing measures to reduce dropout Motivating adult learners

18 18  Teachers need to be well-prepared  Recognising that in some countries volunteers play a major role. Delivering quality teaching

19 19  Formative assessment  The role of distance and e-learning  Learning basic skills in context  Learning ‘in context’ in family and other circumstances Using the right teaching methods

20 Thank you! Simon Field

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