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Published byCornelius Kelly Modified over 9 years ago
Electronics Week Summary M. Hansen, CERN
January 2012 Electronics week Session Summary l l Token Ring operation workshop l CMS common spares workshop l Radiation Effects workshop l DAQ and Online: VME maintenance and uTCA upgrades l uTCA low level software l Firmware Maintenance Review l uTCA Rack and cDCS Integration l B904 workshop (Electronics integration centre) UPO 20120316M. Hansen, CERN.
Token Ring operation workshop l Reminder s Pixels, Strips, ECAL, RPC slow control (FE configuration) s Redundant Ring architecture s Pixels and ECAL highly vulnerable to TR hardware failures è Strips (multiple independent layers) and RPC (accessible) less so l General Status s Pixels, ECAL, and RPC have all rings operational è ECAL has a few dead nodes for which the bypass function is successfully utilized s Strip tracker has one dead ring with B on and one dead with B off (!!!) UPO 20120316M. Hansen, CERN.
Token Ring operation workshop l Soft issues (or resettable) s Pixels s Strips è A few rings lost communication during operation on a few occasions but still early days of investigation s ECAL è 39 cases of communication loss leading to data taking interruption øMainly two different cases detected by DCC going to error s RPC è All OK (Operating with non-redundant configuration) l Significant effort in Strips and ECAL to keep up with soft issues, software updates, etc. UPO 20120316M. Hansen, CERN.
Token Ring operation workshop l Opportunity to standardize software s Move to slc5 an opportunity but time too short l Agreements s All systems will evaluate Tk fecsoftware s Systems will attempt to align before end 2012 s Deployment of a common version beginning 2013 s Hypernews for communication è Hn-cms-TokenRing UPO 20120316M. Hansen, CERN.
CMS common spares workshop l Goals s Identify means for track-keeping è E.g. EMDB s Identify candidate equipment è E.g. CAEN mainframes s Detect and mitigate “us and them” attitudes within CMS è Not that there seem to be any problem… UPO 20120316M. Hansen, CERN.
CMS common spares workshop l Discussion s The Functionality of and Interfaces to the Equipment Management Database is almost there è Spreadsheet import is laborious è If the EMDB is used from the beginning of a construction project there is no import step needed. è The EMDB and its interface development team lacks resources to react rapidly to requests s The EMDB content need consolidation è Lacks a naming convention, e.g mao, A3486 and CAEN AC/DC is the same module type but the three names are different øSuggested to allow for aliases to give a name to a type of equipment UPO 20120316M. Hansen, CERN.
CMS Radiation Effects workshop l Agenda s Overview of CMS environment and status of SEU mitigation s COTS in radiation environment è Mainly FPGA l Goals s Share experience s Review requirements s Review available tools for mitigation of SEU in FPGAs in CMS s Review availability of radiation facilities and their usage at CERN UPO 20120316M. Hansen, CERN.
CMS Radiation Effects workshop l Discussion è Run down of current CMS issues related to Radiation and on-going work to mitigate è Run down of FPGAs in radiation from RPC, CSC, DT, HCAL øUpgrade plans increasing exposure øIncreasing exposure due to increasing dose rates è Short summary of a PH/ESE seminar about SEE effects øConcludes that tools are effective, radiation tolerant design validation is difficult but crucial, SRAM based FPGAs (e.g. Xilinx) radiation hard but soft error rate is high, flash based FPGAs (e.g. ACTEL ProASIC) have less upsets but total dose resistance is limited and they are ??no longer developed?? è Summary of tools available at CERN and elsewhere as well as some test results è Introduction to CERN mixed field radiation facility, it’s future, and a summary of experience by a CMS user øDt used the facility in 2011 l N.b. FPGA in radiation is a hot subject: part of program @ e.g. TWEPP2012 UPO 20120316M. Hansen, CERN.
DAQ workshop uTCA upgrades and VME maintenance l Status and plans for VME PC replacement s Schedule: first three months of LS1 s Required: Subsystems should evaluate the PCIexpress conet2 controller card before summer è Two x4 cards installed in PCs in b904 è BRM will use such a card in CMS during 2012 and have ordered two cards UPO 20120316M. Hansen, CERN.
DAQ workshop uTCA upgrades and VME maintenance l Current work in the cDAQ and plans was discussed s Evaluation of technologies for cDAQ upgrade s How to deal with legacy vs “new” cDAQ sources l Foreseen evolution of event size was reviewed s Current investigations of event size dependency on n.o. primary vertices l Discussion s All upgrade projects have to produce a time line showing how many FEDs need to be read out at any given time up to LS2 and document where the FEDs are going to be located è Information to the cDAQ group (Frans / Christoph) UPO 20120316M. Hansen, CERN.
uTCA upgrades l Most upgrade systems target uTCA to replace legacy VME l uTCA is defined as a shelf (crate) carrying AMCs s Advanced Mezzanine Cards as defined in the ATCA specification s Double or Single Width (Slot height, that is) s Full, mid, or compact height (Thickness, that is...) s Double width full size AMCs are square and have enough space on top and bottom for components and cooling UPO 20120316M. Hansen, CERN.
uTCA upgrades UPO 20120316M. Hansen, CERN.
uTCA upgrades Example: Vadatech VT892 UPO 20120316M. Hansen, CERN. Power Module site #2 Power Module site #1 Twin bulk supply Commercial MCH on MCH site #1 AMC13 on MCH site #2 Vertical Air flow! 12 slots Double Width Full Size
uTCA upgrades l The basic backplane, the MCH, and the power module are specified in detail in the uTCA specification in order to avoid interoperability issues. Nevertheless, in order to make maintenance easier and cheaper: l CMS target s Common Crates è Perhaps with variants of backplane s Common Bulk Power Supplies s Common Power Modules s Common CMS integration Module è A.k.a. AMC13 è Providing CMS wide common interface to TTC, TTS, DAQ UPO 20120316M. Hansen, CERN.
uTCA Upgrades Rack and cDCS Integration l Central DCS integration s Has been useful to have a centralised archive of temperatures, voltages, currents, etc. in central DCS s Requires a software bridge from PVSS to IPMI and a list of quantities to read and archive è LHCb has developed such a bridge that may be evaluated s The cDCS team believes the software development effort to include uTCA systems is available l The discussion about module standardisation was deferred s Shelf, backplane, power module, MCH s Foresee discussion during the upgrade week at the latest UPO 20120316M. Hansen, CERN.
uTCA Upgrades IP address assignment l IP address analogous with VME base address for TCA systems s Need to represent physical location of the module, either by direct addressing or through LUT (IT DNS preferred by sysadmin) s D. Newbold (Bristol) will write a short note about a proposed baseline IP assignment procedure taking current requirements into account UPO 20120316M. Hansen, CERN.
uTCA Upgrades Firmware Upload and Bootstrap features l Bootstrap s Includes functionality of Module Management Controller (MMC) è Common design preferred øUW development, IC development, CERN/CPPM/DESY è Common command set agreed s Includes on-board firmware management è “golden build” with firmware upgrade features øNon-upgradable è “production build” with required functionality è “development build(s)” with upgraded or modified functionality øSelectable by software è Greg Iles (IC) will write a short note about on-board firmware management UPO 20120316M. Hansen, CERN.
uTCA low level software C. Schwick l Discussion about e.g. register access in uTCA s Through ethernet: no defined way to access registers in modules l Proposal s Ipbus è Initially defined in Minnesota è Refined and Currently maintained by a UK consortium è Contain software libraries and firmware demonstrator l The proposal has been adopted as the baseline for register access for XTCA in CMS UPO 20120316M. Hansen, CERN.
Firmware Maintenance Review l Cyclic review s Latest review in 2009 l Reminder about use of back-up s Suggest to use a e.g. SVN repository at CERN or elsewhere for source code development è No seamless integration with development tools è In particular useful when multiple developers s Recommend to store binary files on the CMS online depository è As safe as other run conditions è Intended to be used as communication channel between developer and “upgrade manager” è Some complaints to be worked on øLimitations in version number format øCannot delete files (but this is the whole point...) øDisplay option requests, e.g. Explode subdirectories UPO 20120316M. Hansen, CERN.
B904 Electronics Integration lab workshop l cDAQ installation almost finished s Private (.cms’) network ready s NAS ready configured as in CMS s Quattor templates debugged s User head node in place s 5-6 client machine installed, more on request s DAQ machines installation on-going s Using the P5 “dropbox” for updating configs in b904 l Installation slowed down by the cooling works on the building, star point power reliability, etc. UPO 20120316M. Hansen, CERN.
B904 Electronics Integration lab workshop l cTTC s One TTC Control PC installed (ttc-904) s One global TTC crate è Clock and Orbit Generator + fanouts s Few TTCci:s è GCT, GT è HCAL, ECAL, RPC (only soft) l cTTC Waiting for more users UPO 20120316M. Hansen, CERN.
B904 Electronics Integration lab workshop l DSS è erialId=slides&confId=164335 s All racks cut on smoke s Dew point monitored, currently no action s Pressure + temp of cooling plant monitored è Select racks have actions based on cooling (see talk linked above) è Please review and request modifications as appropriate s DSS back end installed and users enabled to acknowledge Alarms and Actions UPO 20120316M. Hansen, CERN.
Upcoming reviews l RE4 ESR last Wednesday s Minutes available in agenda under electronics s Report being edited l ME1/1 EDR follow-up on the 28 th of March l HO PRR scheduled on the 18 th of April l MB SC relocation ECR to be scheduled early May UPO 20120316M. Hansen, CERN.
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