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Biblical Literature II NEW TESTAMENT 101 Spring 2011 David Smith 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Biblical Literature II NEW TESTAMENT 101 Spring 2011 David Smith 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biblical Literature II NEW TESTAMENT 101 Spring 2011 David Smith 1

2 Information Cards Full Name (& Preferred Name) Hometown: Address / Phone Campus Info: Res Hall (or off-campus) Cell # & Email Major / Minor Church Affiliation: Activities / Hobbies / Special Interest/Sports / Musical interests / etc. 2

3 Introductions & Cards 3

4 Information Cards Full Name (& Preferred Name) Hometown: Address / Phone Campus Info: Res Hall (or off-campus) Cell # & Email Major / Minor Church Affiliation: Activities / Hobbies / Special Interest/Sports / Musical interests / etc. 4

5 Course Objectives: Together we will seek to: 1. To understand the books of the New Testament in their literary form as Gospel, history (Acts), letter (Romans-Jude), and apocalypse (Revelation). 5

6 Course Objectives: Together we will seek to: 2. To acquire a general understanding of the historical, cultural, and geographic background in the world of the New Testament church. 6

7 Course Objectives: Together we will seek to: 3. To gain a much deeper understanding of the life and ministry of Jesus. 7

8 Course Objectives: Together we will seek to: 4. To be personally changed by your encounter with the New Testament and to adopt a world- view described and prescribed in the New Testament. 8

9 Mark 8:31-38 / Eph 1:18-23 9

10 Course Objectives: Together we will seek to: 5. To develop a deep appreciation for the material in the New Testament and to see it as a source for personal and spiritual nourishment for the rest of your life. 10

11 Text Book: Holy Bible 11

12 A Word about Translations 12

13 Text books: Jesus is Lord: Introduction to the New Testament, Dr. Ken Schenck 13

14 Class Requirements: 1. Exams (15% of grade each, 45% total) We will take three (3) examinations: a.Gospels (Matthew-John) b.Early Church & Paul(Acts & Romans-Titus) c. General Epistles & The Apocalypse(Hebrews-Revelation) 14

15 Class Requirements: 2. Quizzes (5% of Grade) There will be two (2) announced quizzes which will come throughout the semester. 15

16 Class Requirements: 3. Reading (15% of Grade) Reading will come from two main sources. First, we will read extended portions of Jesus is Lord. Second, we will read the majority of the New Testament. Remember, this part of the class will be overwhelming unless you start reading from the first day of class! 16

17 Class Requirements: 4. Reading / Listening to Mark (5% of Grade) As a preface to our discussion of the Gospel material, I want you to encounter Mark and then to reflect on that experience. 17

18 Class Requirements: 5. Itinerary of Paul ’ s Missionary Journeys (15% of Grade) You will create a two-fold research project on the travels of the Apostle Paul according to the Book of Acts. 1.Map 2.Dictionary-like description of the cities 18

19 Class Requirements: 6. Research Project (15% of Grade) Option #1 Survey a New Testament Book and write a 4-5 page typed essay. Or Option #2 Dramatic Presentation of a New Testament passage 19

20 Class Requirements: 7. Class Participation Class attendance will be taken regularly. You will be allowed three (3) absences throughout the semester. Subsequently, each miss will carry a penalty of 2% (20 points) off the final grade, unless excused by a doctor or the Dean. Please keep a close watch on your absences. 20

21 21

22 Grading Scale: Point Value Letter Grade Point Value Letter Grade 1000- 950 A769-730C 949-900A-729-700C- 899-870 B+699-670D+ 869-830B669-600D 829-800B- 599- below F 799-770C+ 22

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