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The Study of God. Outline of Chapter 1 Outline of Chapter 1 CH Spurgeon CH Spurgeon Who Needs Theology Who Needs Theology Where to Start Where to Start.

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Presentation on theme: "The Study of God. Outline of Chapter 1 Outline of Chapter 1 CH Spurgeon CH Spurgeon Who Needs Theology Who Needs Theology Where to Start Where to Start."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Study of God

2 Outline of Chapter 1 Outline of Chapter 1 CH Spurgeon CH Spurgeon Who Needs Theology Who Needs Theology Where to Start Where to Start 5 Basic Truths 5 Basic Truths The Great Themes of the Godhead The Great Themes of the Godhead The first four Questions of the Westminster Shorter Catechism The first four Questions of the Westminster Shorter Catechism Knowledge Applied Knowledge Applied Meditating on the Truth Meditating on the Truth

3 Why ? Why this Study?  Some Reasons by Charles Haddon Spurgeon on 1/7/1855. “The proper study of a Christian is the Godhead.” “The proper study of a Christian is the Godhead.” The highest Science The highest Science The loftiest speculation The loftiest speculation The mightiest philosophy The mightiest philosophy The Name. The Person. The Work. The Doings. The Existence of the Great God, our Father

4 Who Needs dry, boring Theology? Is it Impractical, Irrelevant for life? In fact, it is the most practical project anyone can engage in…Crucially important for the living or our lives. Without it, we wear blindfolds, stumbling through life. Where’s the start point? Stop the ears (to naysayers), and come and see.

5 5 Basic Truths 1. God has spoken. 2. God rules for His glory. 3. God Saves through Jesus. 4. God is triune. 5. Godliness means responding

6 The Great Themes of the Godhead A. God is Transcendent. 1. Self existent2. Infinite 3. Eternal4. Unchangeable B. God is Powerful. 1. Omnipotent 2. Omniscient 3. Omnipresent C. God is Perfect in Moral Character 1. Holiness2. Love and Mercy 3. Truthfulness4. Faithfulness 5. Goodness6. Patience 7. Justice 7. Justice

7 The Westminster Shorter Catechism 1. What is the chief end of man? 2. What rule has God given us that we may glorify and enjoy Him? The Word of God, which is contained in the Old and New Testaments is the only rule to direct us how we may glorify and enjoy God. 3. What do the Scriptures principally teach? The Scriptures principally teach what man is to believe concerning God, and what duty God requires of man. 4. What is God?

8 Knowledge Applied My Ultimate Motive for this Study? One Big Mistake to Avoid One Big Mistake to Avoid Why so Dangerous? Why so Dangerous? Explain the Apparent Paradox: Explain the Apparent Paradox: That which is so Good and Vital, can work against me? What should be our ultimate goal? Psalm 119: 1-2, 5

9 Meditating on the Truth How do we turn Knowledge about God into Knowledge of God? The Rule: “ Turn each truth we learn about God into matter for meditation before God.” What is Meditation and How is it done? What are the Effects & Goal of Meditation?

10 Assignment: 1.Test the Study and make it practical. 2.Let’s begin knowing our God better. 3.Each day this week Meditate on one of the following truths about God: The transcendence of God The transcendence of God The power of God The power of God The perfections of God The perfections of God

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