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Prospects for Improving Asia’s Irrigation.  The Problem  Agricultural Irrigation Solutions  Other Irrigation Solutions  Conclusion Prospects for Improving.

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Presentation on theme: "Prospects for Improving Asia’s Irrigation.  The Problem  Agricultural Irrigation Solutions  Other Irrigation Solutions  Conclusion Prospects for Improving."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prospects for Improving Asia’s Irrigation

2  The Problem  Agricultural Irrigation Solutions  Other Irrigation Solutions  Conclusion Prospects for Improving Asia's Irrigation 0737178 Contents

3 The Problem

4  Swelling Population  Increasing Urbanization  Under-performing Irrigation Systems  Climate Change Prospects for Improving Asia's Irrigation 0737178 The Problem – Stopping Asia from going Hungry in 2050

5 Prospects for Improving Asia's Irrigation 0737178 Asia’s Growing Population

6  Rural people have greater opportunities  Wealthy people have different diets  Requiring more water Prospects for Improving Asia's Irrigation 0737178 Urbanization

7 Prospects for Improving Asia's Irrigation 0737178 Predicted Food Demand

8  dry wheat grain, 715 – 750 litres of water  maize, 500 – 630 litres  soybeans, 1650 – 2200 litres  paddy rice, 1550 litres  beef, 50,000 – 100,000 litres  clean wool, 170,000 litres Prospects for Improving Asia's Irrigation 0737178 Water needed per kg of food

9 Prospects for Improving Asia's Irrigation 0737178 Under-performing Irrigation Schemes  Old designs  Poor maintenance  Inappropriate Design  Despite large investments

10  Farmers take irrigation into their own hands  Pumping is popular because of low cost pumps  Provides reliable, timely and adequate supply of irrigation water Prospects for Improving Asia's Irrigation 0737178 Due to poor government irrigation schemes

11 Prospects for Improving Asia's Irrigation 0737178 Effects of pumping  Adequate temporary solution  Represents the bulk of irrigation in Asia  Over exploitation  Unmanaged  Now 60% of water irrigated in Asia in pumped from groundwater

12 Possible Irrigation Solution

13 Prospects for Improving Asia's Irrigation 0737178 How is Asia’s water obtained?

14  60% of irrigation used in China  Flood and Furrow  Cheap  Ideal for rice Prospects for Improving Asia's Irrigation 0737178 Surface Irrigation

15  Use 70% less water  30% more efficient use of fertilizer  Prices vary  Best for plants not so close together Prospects for Improving Asia's Irrigation 0737178 Drip Irrigation

16  Adaptable  Good over various terrains  Cover large areas  Require large quantities of power  Prices vary Prospects for Improving Asia's Irrigation 0737178 Sprinkler Irrigation

17  Rice-wheat farming  Plant wheat seeds into untilled soil  Seeds germinate in residual water  Conventionally the soil is tilled then soaked  Farmers can produce higher yields and reduce production costs Prospects for Improving Asia's Irrigation 0737178 Zero Tillage Tillage - the agricultural preparation of the soil by ploughing, ripping, or turning it

18 Other Solutions

19 Prospects for Improving Asia's Irrigation 0737178 On-farm storage  Gives farmer control over water supply  Up to 60,000 litres could be lost per hectare per day  Enough to grow 43,000kg more of maize in a year

20  Water needed to irrigate crops could rise by 10% for every 1 o C rise in temperature  Increasing the rate of evaporation Prospects for Improving Asia's Irrigation 0737178 Underground Aquifers as Storage

21 Prospects for Improving Asia's Irrigation 0737178 Underground Aquifers as Storage 120km 3 60km 3  In USA $215 million project  Project started in 2001  Functioning in 2005

22 Prospects for Improving Asia's Irrigation 0737178 Canal Lining  Badqool in Afghanistan to irrigate a further 30 hectares of land (+40%)  Allowing farmers to sell 20 – 30% of their harvest  This can prevent up to 95% of water from being lost  Paid for by IDA

23  1,300 km Tarim River in China flows to Lake Taitema which dried up 40 years ago  Lining canals with concrete over geo-membranes – cost of $485 million, IDA paid $275 million  saving an estimated 600-800 km 3 of water each year  Increasing water coveyance efficiency from 60 to 95% Prospects for Improving Asia's Irrigation 0737178 Large Scale Canal Lining

24 This contributed to an increase in production of (tons per year):  220,000 of wheat  82,000 of cotton  116,000 of maize Prospects for Improving Asia's Irrigation 0737178 Allowing land reclamtion and land yield improvement

25  More focus should be on large scale sustainability projects, i.e. Aquifer storage and recovery and canal lining, getting the water to where it is needed  Better educating farmers on what the best type of irrigation is for particular crops Prospects for Improving Asia's Irrigation 0737178 Conclusion

26 Prospects for Improving Asia's Irrigated Agriculture Questions

27  Part of World Bank that helps poorest countries  Providing interest free credits for programmes that boost ecomoic growth, reduce inequalitiees and improve living conditions  79 countires currently elligible to recieve IDA funds  51 countries contribute to replenishment of IDA funds Prospects for Improving Asia's Irrigation 0737178 IDA – International Development Association

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