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1 Olympic College Association for Higher Education Washington Education Association Legislative Forum November 1, 2007 Campus Equity Week.

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2 1 Olympic College Association for Higher Education Washington Education Association Legislative Forum November 1, 2007 Campus Equity Week

3 2

4 3 OC’s adjunct faculty “Annualized” salary = $24,943

5 4 OC’s adjunct faculty “Annualized” salary = $24,943 (if adjuncts could work full- time)

6 5 But “Actual” salary = $17,657

7 6  1969 - Ph.D at the maximum step (Column 8) = $77,874  2005 - Ph.D at the maximum step (Column 8) = $52,432 From Olympic College all-faculty AHE meeting of December 2, 2005:

8 7 Adjuncts are one-third the cost of full-time faculty:

9 8 50% of pay rate

10 9 Adjuncts are one-third the cost of full-time faculty: 50% of pay rate Minimal capital and operational costs

11 10 Adjuncts are one-third the cost of full-time faculty: 50% of pay rate Minimal capital and operational costs For most, no health care or retirement

12 11 Adjuncts are one-third the cost of full-time faculty: 50% of pay rate Minimal capital and operational costs For most, no health care or retirement Flexibility—can be laid off any time

13 12 Adjuncts are one-third the cost of full-time faculty: 50% of pay rate Minimal capital and operational costs For most, no health care or retirement Flexibility—can be laid off any time (unlike tenured faculty)

14 13 One Solution: Same Salary Schedule (as in British Columbia).

15 14 Adjuncts aren’t “contracted” to perform: Student advising Office hours Curriculum development Committees/meetings Administrative duties Professional development Non-teaching days

16 15 Is 76% equity?

17 16

18 17

19 18 If it walks like a duck…

20 19 Same tuition Same grades Same credits

21 20 House Bill 1875 (FACE)

22 21 House Bill 1875 (FACE) Increase number of full-time faculty positions § 1 (2) (a).

23 22 House Bill 1875 (FACE) 1.Increase number of full-time faculty positions. § 1 (2) (a) 2.Improve salaries:

24 23 House Bill 1875 (FACE) 1.Increase number of full-time faculty positions. § 1 (2) (a) 2.Improve salaries: 1.Full-time: 16 th percentile of “global challenged” states by 2013 § 1 (2) (b)

25 24 House Bill 1875 (FACE) 1.Increase number of full-time faculty positions. § 1 (2) (a) 2.Improve salaries: a.Full-time: 16 th percentile of “global challenged” states by 2013 § 1 (2) (b) b.Part-time: subject to collective bargaining, “each institution … should determine a salary standard for adjunct faculty members [that] constitutes a pro rata salary compared to the salaries of full-time tenured faculty … doing comparable work.” § 1 (2) (b)

26 25 House Bill 1875 (FACE) – Continued. 3.Subject to collective bargaining, each institution shall create a plan to fill “new full-time tenure- track appointments by creating opportunities for adjunct faculty” and “not by eliminating positions … ” § 1 (4) (a)

27 26 House Bill 1875 (FACE) 3.Subject to collective bargaining, each institution shall create a plan to fill “new full-time tenure-track appointments by creating opportunities for adjunct faculty” and “not by eliminating positions … ” § 1 (4) (a) 4.Probationary period for adjuncts (also subject to collective bargaining); once completed, “right of first refusal for eligible classes or continuing contract with due process rights.” § 1 (7) (a)

28 27 FACE Legislation (HB 1875) will succeed if implemented with a spirit of equity.

29 28 Recognizing all faculty have equal value.

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