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MULTIPLE PROGRAMS Presented by: Vince Dauro Southeast Regional Program Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "MULTIPLE PROGRAMS Presented by: Vince Dauro Southeast Regional Program Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 MULTIPLE PROGRAMS Presented by: Vince Dauro Southeast Regional Program Manager

2 PowerPoint  If you wish to have a copy of this presentation, go to the CALEA web and look under news, calendar and you will find a link, or just e-mail me and I will send it to you!  This way we save costs, and lots of paper! 2

3 Course Objectives Costs File Construction Assessment options Crosswalk process Accreditation Awards Achieving TRI-ARC

4 Important information! If at any time during this program your neighbor starts falling asleep, please make sure that they are comfortable.

5 Costs There is an initial enrollment discount for multiple programs. Must be same CEO. Agencies can receive the discount regardless of which program is contracted for first. Check with RPM for total discount price as it varies by agency size.

6 Costs The discount is only related to initial admin fee. Assessment fees are not included and are specific for each program. (You can save money by having concurrent on-sites using a modified team.)

7 Hard Copy - File Construction Hard Copy Files Multiple files −Agencies can maintain separate files for each program. −ISSRs/Proofs for each program should be in the separate files.

8 Electronic - File Construction If you use PowerDMS: −There will be no hard copy files for this type of assessment, everything is scanned into the system. −All proofs will be attached to the appropriate standards. −Multiple Assessments options −No ISSRs

9 If you use an agency created system: −Can be set up as individual programs, or they can use the crosswalk process. −Proofs can be scanned in, similar to the PowerDMS structure. −Consult with your Program Manager if you plan on using an agency created system. Electronic - File Construction Continued

10 Assessment Options Same Timeframe (Dual, Triple): −Multiple on-sites occurring at same time. −Presented to Commission at same hearing. Team Info −Specific for each agency/program

11 Same Cycle: −On-sites not occurring at the same time, but different weeks within the same cycle. - All can occur at the same time, but with two complete teams, or with one expanded team. −Presented to Commission at same hearing. Team Info: −Specific for each agency/program. Assessment Options Continued

12 Remain the same. Different Cycles. Different presentations. Or, we can modify your contracts to synchronize the cycles if requested. (There may be a cost.) Assessment Options Continued

13 Law Enforcement Only Accredited Communications = Chapter 81 deemed in compliance Accredited Training Academy = Most of Chapter 33 deemed in compliance

14 Assessment Options Continued Campus Security Only Accredited Communications = Chapter 81 deemed in compliance Accredited Training Academy = Most of Chapter 33 deemed in compliance

15 Crosswalk We have recently developed a crosswalk system to assist in this process. Using this procedure you do not have to duplicate efforts on files that are applicable to multiple programs, as long as the Law Enforcement program policies are totally applicable to the Communications and Academy programs.

16 Crosswalk continued Using this procedure, you are able to gain compliance with duplicated standards as is done currently with Chapter 81 and some of Chapter 33, without having to maintain duplicate files. The mapped and certified standards are deemed “in compliance” by the assessment team. You do not have to maintain separate or dual files for this procedure.

17 Crosswalk continued  If you are using the crosswalk process, you must insure that the Law Enforcement files completely and correctly cover Communications or Academy components. Your standards that cover recruiting plans, grievances, etc. must contain information relating to the subcomponents. 17

18 Crosswalk continued  You may not have specific proofs for each program, such as if there were no grievances from the Communications center, but if you do it is good to use one of them as proof. The assessors completing the Law Enforcement portion will be cognizant of the crosswalk application, and will make sure that this is properly covered to ensure compliance. 18

19 Example  Crosswalk for Communications Crosswalk for Communications  Communications Certification Communications Certification 19

20 TRI ARC Awards Who Qualifies / How to get it Agencies that have three CALEA Awards Each of the entities accredited qualify, but all must have CALEA accreditations −Training Academy −Communications −Law Enforcement

21 The Marks of Professional Excellence

22 Questions?

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