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Module 1- Early Release Vance County Schools 9/21/2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Module 1- Early Release Vance County Schools 9/21/2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Module 1- Early Release Vance County Schools 9/21/2011

2 12/15/2015 Agenda/Topics to Be Covered Purpose of Early Release Days Vocabulary Strategies Alternatives to Round Robin Introduction to Math Common Core

3 12/15/2015 Early Release Day Purpose

4 PLEASE SIGN IN NOW Please utilize Today’s Meet to ask questions as you complete the module. K-2: 3-5: 6-8:

5 Part 1: Vocabulary All Content Areas

6 6 Building Academic Vocabulary adapted from work by Robert J. Marzano & Debra J. Pickering

7 The Marlup The marlup was poving his kump. Parmily a narg horped some whev in his kump. “Why did vump horp whev in mh frinkle kump?’ the marlup jufd the narg. “Er’m muvvily trungy,” the narg grupped. “Er heshed vump norpled whev in your tranquil kump.” Do vump pove your kump frinkle?

8 1. Who was poving his kump? 2. Who juffed the narg? 3. How trungy was the narg? 4. What kind of kump does the marlup have? 5. How would you feel if a narg horped in your marlup’s kump? Why?

9 marlup =bank manager, narg= teenager, kump =bank, horped = gave, whev= money,

10 The bank manager was poving his bank. Parmily a teenager gave some money in his kump. “Why did vump give money in mh frinkle bank?’ the bank manager jufd the teenager. “Er’m muvvily trungy,” the teenager grupped. “Er heshed vump norpled money in your tranquil bank.” Do vump pove your kump frinkle? 5. How would you feel if a teenager gave in your bank manager’s bank? Why?

11 11 Impact of Direct Vocabulary Instruction Research shows a student in the 50th percentile in terms of ability to comprehend the subject matter taught in school, with no direct vocabulary instruction, scores in the 50th percentile ranking. The same student, after specific content-area terms have been taught in a specific way, raises his/her comprehension ability to the 83rd percentile.

12 12 Consider this… Background knowledge is more important to the understanding of reading than IQ. Vocabulary instruction in specific content-area terms builds up student’s background knowledge in content area.

13 13 Did You Know… With the person near you, decide if the following statements are true or false. 1. If students spend 25 minutes a day reading at a rate of 200 words per minute for 200 days, they will read a million words of text annually and encounter 15,000 and 30,000 unfamiliar words. 2. If we can learn through direct instruction 1 out of 20 words, yearly gain in vocabulary will be between 750 to 1500.

14 14 What It Means to Us… It is not necessary for all vocabulary terms to be directly taught. Yet, direct instruction of vocabulary has been proven to make an impact.

15 15 When… all teachers in a school focus on the same academic vocabulary and teach in the same way, school has a powerful comprehensive approach. all teachers in a district embrace and use the same comprehensive approach, it becomes even more powerful.

16 16 Picking Terms to Teach Is the word term critically important to content I will be teaching this year? If needed, add words to reflect state standards and curriculum materials. Remember that new vocabulary will exist in all content areas so to avoid student overload, each separate content area should limit their vocabulary to 5 words a week.

17 17 From the beginning… Understand lists are not “cast in stone”, but rather additions and deletions may become necessary over time.

18 18 Six-Steps for Teaching New Terms First 3 steps – introduce and develop initial understanding. Last 3 steps – shape and sharpen understanding.

19 19 Step 1 Provide a description, explanation, or example of new term. Our term for today is: “landform”

20 20 Step 2 Students restate explanation of new term in own words.

21 Define landforms in your own words. 21

22 22 Step 3 Students create a nonlinguistic representation of term.

23 Examples of Nonlinguistic Representations Pictures Maps Timelines Graphs Charts Dramatizations Songs Symbols 23

24 Create a nonlinguistic representation of the word, landforms. 24

25 25 Step 4 Students periodically do activities that help add to knowledge of vocabulary terms.

26 26 Review Activity Analogy Problems One or two terms are missing. Please think about statements below, turn to your elbow partner and provide terms that will complete following analogies. Landform is to water as ________ is to cold.

27 27 Step 5 Periodically students are asked to discuss terms with one another.

28 For 2 or 3 minutes, discuss vocabulary activities you currently use in your classroom. 28

29 29 Step 6 Periodically students are involved in games that allow them to play with terms.

30 30 Vocabulary Charades Stand up and act out the following words: circumference diameter radius

31 31 Vocabulary Games In 3-5 minutes, create a list of all vocabulary activities and games that you use or have heard about and would like to use. Submit the list to Today’s Meet.

32 32 Management 2-5 terms per week/per subject for 30 weeks to teach target terms. Set aside time periodically to engage students in vocabulary activities, adding to knowledge base.

33 33 Final Thoughts Teachers and schools that embrace a comprehensive approach of building academic vocabulary will see impressive results in classrooms and on achievement tests. *Reflect for a few moments about how you would alter or refine your classroom instruction with this information.

34 Part 2: Round Robin Reading Alternatives All Content Areas

35 Round Robin Reading Round Robin Reading: An Ineffective Strategy Round Robin Reading—defined in The Literacy Dictionary as “the outmoded practice of calling on students to read orally one after the other” (Harris & Hodges 1995, p.222)

36 Round Robin Reading and Other Perils of Reading Education Dr. Frank Serafini University of Nevada, Las Vegas Round robin reading focuses on oral performance and decoding accuracy, not comprehension. Round robin reading may cause anxiety and embarrassment.

37 Students rarely pay attention when they are not the one reading aloud. It is about CONTROL, not about effective reading instruction. It assumes everyone should read the same book, at the same time, and at the same rate.

38 Alternatives Teacher Read Alouds Modeling fluency and intonation while students follow along in the book Also teacher models comprehesion strategies as they read; making connections, inferencing, questioning, summarizing, etc.

39 Independent Reading Students read independently and are assigned clear starting and stopping points and a purpose for reading. While you read look for … While you read, think about how… While you read, see if you can figure out why…

40 Choral Reading More than one student at a time reads. The goal is to have more than one voice reading at a time to pull slower readers along. Teacher may or may not read depending upon how much support is needed. Students should have the opportunity to practice reading the text before reading aloud.

41 Partner Reading Students are paired. Two roles; reader and summarizer First partner reads aloud the selection while the second partner listens and follows along. The second partner then chooses 3-5 words that best describe the main idea of the reading. The second partner also lists key details of the reading. Then the pair come to consensus on the main idea and important details. The pair then switches roles and continues reading.

42 Ready, Set, Go! Introduction to the Common Core State Standards for Math

43 Why? US is behind other nations in student achievement in mathematics “Because the mathematics concepts in (US) textbooks are often weak, the presentation becomes more mechanical than is ideal. We looked at both traditional and non-traditional textbooks used in the US and found this conceptual weakness in both.” - Ginsberg,, 2005

44 Standards for Mathematical Practice Describe a variety of expertise that we should seek to develop in our students The “how” and not the “what”

45 Standards for Mathematical Practice 8 specific practices to encourage in students 2 will be explored each early release day

46 Discussion/Activity Close read the practice Discuss the assigned section Do a nonlinguistic representation of your section Present the representation including “how does this look in your classroom?”

47 CLOSE Reading Clasp your pencil Line, label and list Observe patterns Seek similarities and differences Effectively question

48 Practice #1 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

49 Practice #2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively.

50 12/15/2015 Exit Slip 1- One thing you will do differently in your classroom. 2- Two things with which you still have questions or challenges. 3- Three things you have learned.

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