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What do you know about the USA? U.S.A. Official Name: The united states of America Capital city : Washington DC population: 296,000,000 Languages: English.

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Presentation on theme: "What do you know about the USA? U.S.A. Official Name: The united states of America Capital city : Washington DC population: 296,000,000 Languages: English."— Presentation transcript:



3 What do you know about the USA? U.S.A. Official Name: The united states of America Capital city : Washington DC population: 296,000,000 Languages: English Major cities: New York. Los Angeles. Chicago. Houston… Famous sports: NBA… Present President: George W. Bush Famous people: Bill gate, Michael Jordan… Famous event: Oscar…

4 You surely know…

5 World Trade CentreEmpire State building Manhattan

6 Statue of Liberty

7 White House

8 Capitol Hill

9 Canada Mexico New York ② ③⑥ ⑦ ① ⑧ ⑤ ④ Washington D.C. Do you know the following places? Chicago Los Angeles San Francisco Atlanta Miami Las Vegas The Great Lakes Houston ⑥ ⑦

10 The Mississippi River is the largest river in North America. Rising in Minnesota, it flows south, across the continental interior and finally into the Mexico Gulf.



13 The America flag is known as “the stars and strips”. 50 stars—— Each star represents one state 13 stripes—— the original 13 states. Red—— courage White —— freedom Blue——loyalty and justice June 14 —— Flag Day. the Star-Spangled Banner ( 星条旗 ) National Flag

14 Decide whether the following sentences are True or False. 1. New York is the largest state in the Us. 2. Most state names come from Spanish or English. 3. Atlanta is known as the “Big Apple”. 4. The Constitution was written in 1779. 5. There are 52 stars on the American flag. 6. George Washington was the first American President. 7. The first settlers arrived in North America about 30,000 years ago. 8. The Mississippi River is the longest river in the world. F Texas F F Native American Language New York F in 1789 F 50 T T F The Nile River

15 . Choose one of the following topic and ask each other question with the useful expression on P43. speaking 1 What does your hometown look like? 2 Describe a city in your province,what does it look like? 3 Describe different parts of your province? 4 What does the landscape look like? Are there any hill, mountains, rivers, lakes, forests…?

16 Useful expressions What does it look like? It looks like … How long /high/wide/tall is the…? It’s…meters long/wide/high/tall. There is…in the north. Where does it lie? It lies in the east/west/north/west of…

17 Sample dialogue A: Could you tell me where your hometown? B: My hometown is Foshan, Guangdong province. A: Could you describe it? B: Yes, my hometown is very large. It is located next to Guangzhou. A: Is your hometown beautiful? B: Yes, I think that my hometown is pretty…. A: …? B: …. A: Could you take me to visit your hometown? B: Of course, I’m glad to act as your guide.

18 The American South ③ Atlanta

19 The Civil War

20 BackgroundCivil war when reasonwhoresult 1861-1865slavery The south and north The south failed

21 The south after the war homeless Burnt down death poverty hunger …


23 1. Which of the followings are mentioned in the text? ( ) Segregation & civil rights movements ( ) Geography and climate ( ) society & economy ( ) Hardship & suffering of the South ( ) Sports & culture ( ) custom & film No Yes Listen and answer:

24 2. What caused the hardships & sufferings of the South ? The arrival of European Settlers The Civil War The Great Depression The slave trades The Civil Rights Movement 3. What kind of hardship & sufferings did each of the events above cause? Killing or driving native AmericansDeath & povertyUnemploymentPains of slavesSacrifices 4. Match the events below with the time: ( ) The American Civil War A. 30,000 years ago ( ) The Great Depression B. 1600 ( ) The Civil Rights Movement C. 1861 ( ) The Arrival of Native Americans D. 1930s ( ) The Arrival of European settlers E. 1960s C D E A B

25 Civil Rights Movements

26 Great Depression

27 Try to find out how many parts we can divide it into: Try to find out how many parts we can divide it into: Parts Paragraphs Main ideas Part OnePara 1 Part TwoPara 2--5 Part Three Para 6 The suffering of the South in the past Hope and success of the South A new beginning of the South

28 1. In the last paragraph, the writer tries to support the point that ____. A. the story of the South is about hope and success B. it is hard for the South to develop further C. Atlanta, Birmingham, Miami and Little Rock are Southern cities which develop very fast D. there is no trouble with the development of the South 2. The whole passage is mainly about ____. A. the sufferings in the history of the South B. the quick development of the South after the Civil War C. the Civil Rights Movement of the black people D. the famous cities of the South 3. The phrase “in vain” in Paragraph 2 probably means ____. A. without success B. in trouble C. put into practice D. dangerous A B A Choose the best answer:

29 a.Some southern cities are becoming financial & culture centers of the US b.The new major of Atlanta had only $1.64 to rebuild the city in 1864 c.Dr.King was shot in 1968 d.People marched through Atlanta in honour of Dr.King e.In 1996, Atlanta hosted the Olympic Games Match the true statements with the examples ( ) 1. The fights between blacks and whites in the 1960s were fierce. ( ) 2. The fight against segregation was widely supported. ( ) 3. The South has taken the chance to display its new image to the whole world. ( ) 4. The story of the South is also about hope and success. ( ) 5. The people of Atlanta rebuilt the city almost from nothing. c d e a b

30 Scan the text : Decide True or False ( ) 1. The wounds from the past are quick to heal. ( ) 2. The fighters between blacks and whites in the 1960s were fierce. ( ) 3. It took a long time for Atlanta to recover from the destruction caused by the Civil War. ( ) 4. The fight against segregation was widely supported. ( ) 5. The South has taken a chance to display its new image to the whole world. ( ) 6. Till now the South has settled all the problems. ( ) 7. The story of the South is also about hope and success. ( )8. The south began to rebuilt from nothing. F T F T T F T T

31 People of many different backgrounds live and work together in Atlanta.What are the advantages of living together with people who are different with people from you? Are there any disadvantages? Advantages: People with different background have different ideas and knowledge,which makes the population more creative. It is good for people to learn about other cultures. Life is more interesting if people are different. … Disadvantages: People from different cultures may misunderstand each other. People from different cultures may treat each other badly. Life can be more difficult if people are different. … Discussion:

32 Intensive reading Para 1. What's the main idea of Para 1? troubled past ( ever since the Civil War)

33 Why do we say the history of the South is one of suffering? ① The suffering of the native Americans who were killed or driven off their land by European settlers.suffering ② The pains of slaves brought from African by greedy(adj.) slave traders. ③ The death and poverty (n.)(adj. poor) of the war years ④ The hardship( n. hard. adj.)of unemployment ( n. employ v.) and civil unrest(n. 动乱 ) in the post war years and the Depression ⑤ The many sacrifices of the Civil Rights movementsacrifices Why is the South far behind the rest of the United States in education and economic development even today? The wounds are slow to heal and the scars run deep.

34 What were some of the difficulties the people of Atlanta had to overcome after the Civil War? Para 2--4. Why do we say the story of the south is one of hope and success? There are signs that … … burnt down in … ;destroyed... and no money for reconstruction (in 1864, the city had only 1.64 US dollars )

35 people’s struggle to change their life: ① The people of Atlanta struggled to ( to try one’s beststruggled to to do ) rebuild the city and create a new south. ② The people of Atlanta continued to develop the area, both economically and socially.And how? ③ Dr Martin Luther King, Jr was shot to death,but his effort were not in vain( useless ).Why? ④ The people there are determined to make a new beginning.

36 gradual changes in the south : ① Atlanta quickly recovered from the destructionrecovered from (n. destroy v) cause by the Civil War. ② Segregation eventually ( adv. at last ) disappeared and a new dawn ( n. ) seemed to arrive. ③ There were signs ( n. ) that the new Atlanta would be different.

37 present prosperity of the south Para 5 - 6 1.In 1996, the city was host of the Olympic Games.During the Olympics, the city was proud to display ( V. to show ) its new image.display 2.Modern Atlanta is a booming ( adj. developing fast ) business center and the home of some of the largest and most successful companies in America 3.The South is once again becoming commercial ( adj. commerce n. ) and cultural ( adj. culture n. ) centers of the nation

38 Read the rest of the passage carefully and finish the table Atlanta’s rebuilding / Reconstruction FieldsDifficultyResults The cityBurnt down Only__years to be rebuilt Society (civil rights) ___________ took away many of black’s right. There were ____ fights between blacks & whites. ________was shot to death. ______and _______ could live together. __________________grew _____________ become successful. _____________ eventually disappeared Economy$_____A________ business center Home of ____________ Sports & culture In 1996_______________ Be proud of ____________ 5 segregation fierce booming largest companies host Olympic Games cultural diversity segregation Dr King 1.64 Blacks whites African-American community Black businesses

39 rebuilding People ’ s struggle Gradual changes Conclusion: the American South Troubled past Present prosperity

40 Why is Atlanta in many ways a typical southern city? It experienced the hardship of slavery,the Civil War, the post-war years and the Great Depression. Discuss the following questions Post-reading

41 2. There was no money to rebuild the city. Many of the citizens had died during the Civil War. African –Americans were not treated well. 3. Advantages Disadvantages 1.People with different background have different ideas and knowledge, which makes the population more creative. 2. It is good for people to learn about other cultures. 3. Life is more interesting if people are different. 1.People from different countries may misunderstand each other. 2. They may treat each other badly. 3. Life can be more different if people are different.

42 As we all know, a terrible disaster happened in South Asia on Dec.24 th.2004.A strong tsunami( 海啸 ) hit the area of South Asia. Those countries are the of the disaster. To the people there, the disaster did not only make them feel frightened but also sad. A lot people lost their lives in the disaster. Thousands of people became homeless. And more and more people hunger and thirsty. What’s worse? A lot of companies and factories had to close because of the disaster, which caused a lot of and social. But the people in South Asia did not give in to the ; they make a new beginning. With the help from the world, they rebuild their homes and countries. They believed that the could be reduced to the least and their countries could be the disaster. And they also believed that the social unrest would be solved. In their eyes, a new is in sight after the disaster. The latest news shows that their efforts are not. sacrifices suffered from unemployment unrest hardshipwere determined to struggled to destruction recovered from eventually. dawn in vain Use the words in the text to complete the passage:

43 Integrating skills The Bison On The Plains Of America

44 L isten to the tape and try to find the answers to these two questions: questions: 1. In what ways did the settlers treat the Native Americans? 2. What caused a big change in the wildlife on the plains? The settlers killed them, forced them to leave their hunting grounds, broke agreements, forced them onto poor land and killed most of the bison on which Native Americans had relied for food. The killing of large numbers of bison changed the whole wildlife chain on the plains.

45 R ead the passage carefully and tick the sentences that are true and correct the false ones: 1.( ) The first settlers on the plains were farmers. 2.( ) Native Americans willingly gave up land to the settlers. 3.( ) The settlers did not deal honestly with the Native Americans. 4.( ) Settlers ended up with better land than the Native Americans. 5.( ) Later settlers made use of the bison in the same way as the Native Americans. F F T T F Native Americans from Asian Were forced to give up made better use of the bison than

46 1. U se what you have learnt from the text to complete the diagram below: the diagram below: kill Bison waste Bison soil grass insects birds wolves stop eating the grass shoots. The grows less well. Settlers Bison. No falls on the grass. Fewer, fewer prairie dogs. Fewer plants Fewer The becomes poorer. 2. A ccording to the diagram retelling the story.

47 Structure of the passage The Bison on the Plains of America Situation for the bison before European settlers’ coming Situation For the bison after European settlers’ coming The result of killing the bison

48 How do you think of the relationship between human and nature? a. Human destroys nature. b. Human creates nature. c. Human depends on nature. d. Nature depends on human. e. Human and nature depends on each other. f. Human should be responsible for nature. g. Human is part of nature. h. Human lives in harmony with nature. i. Nature may control the development of human. Discussion Choose one of them to discuss with your partners to find some support reasons or some solutions.


50 Unit 16 Word Study & Grammar

51 Revision of word formation Noun formation drive driver amaze amazement fasten fastener develop development open opener pay payment teach teacher retire retirement admire admiration happy happiness examine -ation examination kind -ness kindness organize organization dark darkness -er -ment

52 Adjective formation dirt dirty pain painful hair -y hairy hope -ful hopeful smell smelly care carefulopposites happy unhappy in- efficient inefficient un- fortunate unfortunate im- possible impossible block unblock il- liberate illiberate ir- regular irregular dis- agree disagree non- payment nonpayment

53 Exercises: 1.Add dis-, un-, in-, im-, to the following words : agree ________ complete _________ healthy ________ important________ able __________ cover_______ _ __ known_________ practical_________ selfish_________ perfect ________ visible __________ touched ________ dress _________ appear __________ comfort ________ disagreeincompleteunhealthy unimportantunablediscover/uncover unknownimpracticalunselfish imperfectinvisibleuntouched undressdisappeardiscomfort

54 Grammar: It is impossible for lost time to be made up. He asked for the letter to be sent at once. To be punished is something unpleasant. There are a lot of things to be done. The novel is said to have been translated into several languages. I thought it an honor to have been invited to the party. to be done to have been done

55 I don’t mind his being invited. She enjoyed being interviewed. Being punished by my parents is terrible. The book being translated will come out by the end of this year. Having been given such a good chance, how could you let it slip away. being done having been done

56 Complete the sentences using the given words: 1 . She doesn't want from him.(separate) 2 . He begged to return to Brazil.(allow) 3 . I don’t wish in my work.(disturb) 4 . I would rather the result earlier.(tell) 5 . I want the letter now.(open) 6 . I did not expect the book so well.(sell) 7 . He would not like it about.(talk) 8 . She got there, only that they had gone on holiday.(tell) to be separated to be allowed to be disturbed have been told to be opened to besold to be talked to be told

57 Complete the sentences using the given words: 1.She does not like. (interrupt) 2.She can not bear. (laugh) 3.I remember a bicycle on my 10th birthday.(give) 4.He once did it without.(caught) 5.she was afraid of. (attack) 6.The temple is an ancient temple.(rebuild) 7.This was one of the experiment out in the countries now.(carry) being interrupted being laughed at being given being caught being attacked being rebuilt being carried

58 Exercises: (P46) Rewrite the following sentences using the correct nonfinite passive form: Example: I hope that I will be chosen. I hope to be chosen. 1.I expect that more about the south is told. 2.I don’t want anyone to bother me. 3.I don’t mind him saying bad things about me. 4.I want other people to leave me alone. 5.He insisted on us showing hin respect. I expect more about the South to be told. I don’t want to be bothered. I don’t mind bad things being said about me. I want to be left alone. He insisted on being shown respect. Or: I expect to be told more about the South.

59 Exercise 1: (P119) Rewrite the sentences after the example. 1. I would like someone to take me on a trip to the US. 2. She asked that she would be given more work to do. 3. It would be exciting if anyone introduced me to a Native American chief. 4. I don’t want them to show me around the city. 5. I don’t like it when other people make fun of me. I would like to be taken on a trip to the US. She asked to be given more work to do. It would be exciting (for me )to be introduced to a Native American chief. I don’t want to be shown around the city. I don’t like to be made fun of.

60 By Jingwenqin & HEBang Examples: They would like /advise/hope/expect more trees to be planted. My suggestion is to clean up he river. Suggestions made by others: plant more trees move away the heavily polluting factories protect buildings that date back to ancient times build a new road broaden old roads build a park in the city centre Your suggestions: ____________ Look at the picture of a city.Think how it can be made a better place to live in. Make suggestions to the local government. (P119) to live in. Make suggestions to the local government. (P119)


62 Integrating skills The Trail Of Tears

63 background No better symbol exists of the pain and suffering of the Trail Where They Cried than the Cherokee Rose. … a beautiful new flower, grew wherever a mother's tear fell to the ground. The rose is white, for the mother's tears. It has a gold center, for the gold taken from the Cherokee lands, and seven leaves on each stem that represent the seven Cherokee tribes that made the journey. To this day, the Cherokee Rose prospers along the route of the "Trail of Tears". the official flower of the State of Georgia.

64 background Cherokee nation was forced to give up its lands east of the Mississippi River and to migrate to an area in present- day Oklahoma.

65 background Routes taken by the Cherokee tribes

66 Listen and arrange the following events in the right order 1. Native Americans lived in America 2. The rose became the state flower of Georgia 3. The Civil Rights Movement 4. One by one the Native American tribes were moved west 5. A national Museum was opened 6. Settlers came 1——6——4——3——2——5 Order:

67 Main ideas: Para 1 Para 2 Para 3 Para 4 Para 5 Para 6 Dark past of Native Americans Land was taken away from Native Americans Trail of tears Native Americans lived through one of the darkest times in their history Things improved in the twentieth century Story of the Cherokee Rose

68 Match the following statements with sentences that support them in the text: 1. My people were once strong and free. 2. We struggled through the snow and our children were crying because they had nothing to eat. 3. Many Native American tribes had highly developed cultures. 4. The US government did not treat Native Americans fairly in the 18 th and 19 th centuries (Para. 3) The Cherokees had built homes and farms, developed a written language and made their own laws. (Para. 3) The winter was cold and there was not much food. (Para. 1) There were millions of people, with many different cultures, religions and languages. (Para. 2) Several agreements were reached, but the government broke its promises almost every time. (Para. 1) Over the next 300 years, 90 percent of America’s original population was killed by wars, diseases or starvation.

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