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Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressure

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1 Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressure

2 Dalton’s Law All gases behave pretty much the same.
Observe more than one gas in a sample. If 2 or more gases are mixed in a container, each gas will exert a pressure  PARTIAL PRESSURE Total pressure = sum of partial pressures

3 Dalton’s Law PTOT = PA + PB + PC Patm = PO2 + PN2 + PCO2 + PAr

4 Dalton’s Law A sample relationship exists between the total pressure and individual partial pressures  MOLE FRACTION

5 Dalton’s Law Def: Mole Fraction = mols of one substance = X
total moles (XA + XB +XC =1) Partial Pressure = pressure exerted by only one gas in a mixture. PA = nART/V or PA = XAPTOT

6 Dalton’s Law Gases are often collected over water, hence the need for partial pressures. PTOT = PGAS + PH20 VAPOR

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