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Ancient China CHAPTER 7. The Land of China – How did each geographic feature help to shape Chinese civilization? RiversMountainsDeserts Huang He – loess.

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Presentation on theme: "Ancient China CHAPTER 7. The Land of China – How did each geographic feature help to shape Chinese civilization? RiversMountainsDeserts Huang He – loess."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ancient China CHAPTER 7

2 The Land of China – How did each geographic feature help to shape Chinese civilization? RiversMountainsDeserts Huang He – loess helps to create rich farmland; wheat enormous floods take many lives. Chang Jiang – Important for trade and transportation. Rich farmland; rice The Himalaya, Kunlun Shan, and Tian Shan Mountains – Acted like walls protecting and isolating China from other parts of the world. Gobi – Vast, rocky desert protecting and isolating China.

3 The First Chinese Dynasty Question: How did the Shang kings control China? Answer: Shang kings relied on warlords to stay in power.

4 The First Chinese Dynasty Question: What did most people living in Shang China do for work? Answer:Farming – cattle, sheep, and chickens; Grewgrains – millet, wheat, and rice.

5 The First Chinese Dynasty Question: What was religion like in Shang China? Answer: Polytheism. Honored ancestors and gods with gifts. Believed in luck and the afterlife.

6 The First Chinese Dynasty Question: How were bones used during the Shang dynasty to predict the future? Answer: priests would scratch questions on bone, heat them until they cracked, and read the pattern of the cracks

7 The First Chinese Dynasty Question: What is the difference between a pictograph and an ideograph? Answer: Pictographs are characters that represent objects; ideographs are a combination of pictographs that represent an idea.

8 The First Chinese Dynasty Question: What were the steps used by Shang artists to create bronze objects? Answer: 1.Make clay models in several parts 2.Carve designs into clay 3.Put mold together and pour in melted bronze 4.Remove the mold when bronze is cool

9 The Zhou: China’s Longest Dynasty Question: How did the Zhou rule china? Answer: The kings ruled through the Mandate of Heaven. The king must rule by the proper “Way”.

10 The Zhou: China’s Longest Dynasty Question: How did farming change under the Zhou kings? Answer: The Chinese developed a new system of irrigation.

11 The Zhou: China’s Longest Dynasty Question: How far did Chinese trade expand? Answer: Chinese silk was found in Greece.

12 Chinese Philosophies ConfucianismDaoismLegalism Founded by ConfuciusLaoziHanfeizi Goal To create a well- run and peaceful society Important Ideas Honor ancestors; Duty – put others needs above your own; “golden rule” “path” or “the way”; harmony with nature; Dao - spiritual force “school of law”; strict harsh laws and punishments

13 Chinese Life Social ClassImportant Points Land-owning aristocratsWealthy, large houses FarmersLargest class, rural villages, rented fields, paid taxes, worked for government one month each year ArtisansMade iron tools and weapons, silk cloth, bronze or jade vessels; architects, artists, wood workers MerchantsShopkeepers, traders, bankers; were not respected – out for personal gain; barred from government jobs

14 Chinese Life Question: What were Chinese families like? Answer: Family was the center of Chinese culture. Filial piety – responsibility to obey parents.

15 The Qin Emperor Qin Shihuangdi Government Absolute control. Appointed censors. Money and Writing Common currency. Scholars simplified writing system. Building Projects Tombs, roads, canals, “The Great Wall”

16 Han Rulers Improvements Government – chose people based on written tests Education – government run schools Culture – art was created for regular people Inventions – cast- iron plow, waterwheels, wheelbarrow, silk, paper, rudder Medicine – food prevents disease, herbs treat illness, acupuncture

17 On the Silk Road Question: Who was Zhang Qian? Answer: Chinese general who explored west of China. Established trade of horses for silk.

18 On the Silk Road Question: What was the “silk road”? Answer: The name of China’s trade route; made famous by the trade of silk.

19 Buddhis m Reaches China Emperors who came after Han Wudi were weak and corrupt. Corrupt officials and greedy aristocrats took over. Rebel armies destroyed the Han capital. Many years of civil war follow. The fall of the Han dynasty. People turn to Buddhism to try to deal with their anxiety and fear.

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