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Chapter V Section I. Entrance Slip-4/9  Define “loess”

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1 Chapter V Section I

2 Entrance Slip-4/9  Define “loess”

3 KWL- Use your webquest!!  Fold a piece of white paper into 3  K: What do you know about ancient china? (Use what you learned from your webquest!)  W: What would you like to learn more about?  L: At least 3 facts you’ve learned this week!

4 Vocabulary  Monsoon  Loess  3 obediances

5 Climate And Landforms  The North China Plain is located in East Asia; built of soil deposits from the Huang River  There is very little rain each year, causing the North China Plain to be very dry and hot  The climate in the south is the opposite  Monsoons from the South China Sea bring heavy rain to the land

6 Huang And Chang Rivers  The Chang River is the longest river in China  The Huang River is the second longest river in China

7 Huang River  The word Huang means “yellow” in Chinese  It is called the “Yellow River” because of the yellow-brown loess (or yellow-brown soil) that its waters carry along with its flooding

8 China’s Sorrow  The Chinese people also called the Huang River “China’s Sorrow”  It brought life to land, but also took life away  Destructive floods could come without warning, sometimes as often as every two years  The course of the river could increase by hundreds of miles

9 Early Civilization In China  Early farming societies formed as early as 5000 b.c.  These early farming societies later formed full-fledged civilizations

10 The Shang Dynasty  First civilization in China  Arose around 1760 b.c.  The Shang Dynasty produced the first Chinese writing system  Built China’s first cities  Among their many accomplishments was the production of China’s finest bronze work

11 The Shang Dynasty (Continued)  Like Mesopotamia’s cuneiform and our alphabet, the Chinese writing system could be used for different languages  This could help for communication, because China had many regional languages

12 The Shang Dynasty (Continued)  About 600 years after the founding of the Shang Dynasty, the Zhou people emerged, lived in the Wei Valley west of the Shang people

13 The Zhou Dynasty  The Zhou conquered the Shang in about 1122 b.c.  The Zhou Dynasty ruled over ancient China for almost 1000 years  This long period was divided into two parts- the earlier Western Zhou Dynasty and the later Eastern Zhou Dynasty

14 The Zhou Dynasty (Continued)  During that time, small kingdoms fought for control over one another until a new dynasty- the Qin- finally emerged  It was near the end for the Eastern Zhou Dynasty that a period known as the Warring States began

15 Women’s Roles  Women were to be considered a lower status than men  According to tradition, women were bound by what were called the three obediences- to obey their fathers in youth, their husbands after marriage, and their sons in widowhood

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