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Ecological Sites on Rangeland

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Presentation on theme: "Ecological Sites on Rangeland"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ecological Sites on Rangeland

2 Ecological Site definition:
Ecological site = kind of land with: specific physical characteristics (soil, topography, climate) which differs from other kinds of land in its ability to produce distinctive kinds and amounts of vegetation In other words, a kind of land with similar natural potential Other stratification systems can be an have been used to described rangelands

3 Ecological sites vary in kind and amount of vegetation
(Example 1) Even without a soil map, it is often easy to differentiate different types of land based on geomorphology. The solid lines delineate 3 distinct landscape units: ridges, slopes, fans and valley bottom. The dashed line shows a gully within the valley fill unit, and the dash-dot line is a fenceline.

4 (Example 2)

5 (Example 3)

6 (Example 4)

7 Ecological Sites – Based on Soil
Soil affects the type of plants that grow on the land Therefore, soil maps usually form the basis for maps of ecological sites Ecological Site Descriptions – can be found by starting with soil maps in the Web Soil Survey

8 Ecological Sites are based on different topographic settings
We can map general units. But there can be a lot of variability within units. This is a very general map based on geomorphology.

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