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Integrating the GFC 700 into the Check Ride R. B. Gibson, Maj, CAP NCPSC -- 17 January 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrating the GFC 700 into the Check Ride R. B. Gibson, Maj, CAP NCPSC -- 17 January 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrating the GFC 700 into the Check Ride R. B. Gibson, Maj, CAP NCPSC -- 17 January 2009

2 What use of AFCS should be required on Form 5 Check Ride? (Discussion item)  AFCS vs. hand flying  “Stick & Rudder” hand-flying skills essential to CAP mission flying  AFCS fundamental to full use of TAA

3 What use of AFCS should be required on Form 5 Check Ride?  Why emphasize AFCS: –“Veteran” pilots almost certainly have strong hand-flying backgrounds –AFCS helps manage high workload –Particularly important in instrument flying  Why emphasize hand-flying: –Recently trained pilots may be too reliant on AFCS

4 Suggested minimum use of GFC 700 on Form 5 check ride  Check pilot has discretion  Discuss extent with checkee before flight  VFR only –Checklist use and emergency procedures –Climb, cruise, descent –Following course  IFR (in addition to above) –Approaches & holding –Enroute: intercepts



7 Scenario-based checkride  Use of AFCS should be integrated into checkride  Not an “add-on”  Hand-flying skills still important, too.

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