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Democratic Reform and Activism

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1 Democratic Reform and Activism

2 British Reforms Early 1800s only 5% could vote (rich)
Suffrage movement began with middle class men Reform Bill of 1832 made voting available to middle class men-response to French violence & revolutionaries

3 The Chartist Movement Popular Movement among workers who were not given the vote Based on the People’s Charter Suffrage for all men Secret ballot All British men had vote by 1884

4 Women’s Suffrage Movement for women to be given right to vote
Peaceful efforts gave way to militant New Zealand (1893) and Australia (1902) first countries Wyoming 1869 U.S. and Britain—not until post-WWI

5 French Issues averaged almost 1 change of government per year The Third Republic—lasted nearly 60 years, but very unstable & France remained divided 1880s & 90s, republic threatened by monarchists, aristocrats, clergy, & army Anti-semitism played role in instablility—Dreyfus affair was battleground for this

6 Zionist Movement Jewish people facing discrimination (anti-Semitism) in Europe sought safe homes Zionist movement to establish Israel as Jewish homeland in Palestine Based on historic beliefs of homeland Theodor Herzl led

7 Activist Movements




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