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Danish National Birth Cohort (DNBC) I4C_Lyon 2009 Methods and Data collection Population sample Years of recruitment: 1996-2002 Sampling method:

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1 Danish National Birth Cohort (DNBC) I4C_Lyon 2009 Methods and Data collection Population sample Years of recruitment: 1996-2002 Sampling method: All pregnant women in Denmark during the recruitment period. Approx. 60% of all pregnant women were invited and approx. 30% of the invited enlisted. Participants had to live in Denmark and speak Danish well enough to be able to complete telephone interviews. Response rate: Differs for the diff. collection waves but is between 93% and 60%. Number of live births at baseline: 96,841 Exposure domains in questionnaires Environmental Samples Acknowledgements ”The Danish National Research Foundation has established the Danish Epidemiology Science Centre that initiated and created the Danish National Birth Cohort. The cohort is furthermore a result of a major grant from this Foundation. Additional support for the Danish National Birth Cohort is obtained from the Pharmacy Foundation, the Egmont Foundation, the March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation, the Augustinus Foundation, and the Health Foundation” Jørn Olsen, UCLA & Aarhus University, Denmark EXPOSURE DATA COLLECTED (Yes or No) NUMBERS (%) (If available) Prenatal folic acid intake Any amount during 1st trim (from gw -4 to gw +6) Any amount during 2nd trimester (gw 21 to 25) Yes19,3 % 49,8 % - Dose, Frequency of use, Trimester of use Yes Smoking - Smoked (yes/no) YesOverall, at some point during pregnancy 24,739 cases (%) - Number per day Yes - Passive smoking (yes/no) Yes29,425 cases (34 %) yes - Trimester when smoked yes26 %, 18%, 16% in first, second, third trimester respectively Alcohol - Consumed (yes/no) yes51977 55%) yes - Type yes - Trimester when consumed yes41 %, 43%, 35% in first, second, third trimester respectively - Drinks per day yes - >= 5 drinks on one occasion yes Chemical Exposures - Exposed (yes/no) and Frequency of use yes3710 cases (approx. 3%) - Type of chemical Pesticides, solvents, cytostatica.. SES - Education, Marital status, Employment status, Income, Based on job title May be obtained from other national registers in Denmark Siblings - Number of previous live births May be obtained from other national registers in Denmark Child Growth - Weight (grams), Head circumference (cm), Body length (cm) yesAverage weight, head circumference, body length Early Childhood Infections - Fever (yes/no) yesn (%) yes - Chicken pox (yes/no) yesn (19 %) yes - Asthma (yes/no) yesn (12%) reported by mothers 6% submitted to hospital - Others- please specify Biospecimens SPECIMENSCOLLECTED ( yes/no) Maternal PrenatalBloodYes Other: None At birthCord bloodYes Baby/Child First year of lifeBloodNot in cohort, but may be obtained from national biobank SPECIMENCOLLECTED ( yes/no) MaternalNone Baby/ChildNone  Population sample Research Questions and Primary Outcomes Identifying prenatal and perinatal determinants of importance for reproductive failiures and diseases that manifest themselves later in life. Main exposures of interest are: Lifestyle factors, diet, social conditions, infections, drugs & environmental exposures. Ascertainment of Cancer cases: Danish National Patient Registry, August 2008 Number of Cancer Cases Total: 185 Leukemia: 62 - ALL 33 cases (%) - AML3 cases(%) Brain: 29 cases (%) Others:n (%) Cancer Cases Description: Samples/ Records 1st trimesterBlood from the mother taken at first visit to GP 93,000 12th week of gestation 13 minutes CATI interview92,892 25th week of gestation Self-administered questionnaire on dietary habits 66,874 2nd trimesterSample taken at antenatal GP visit71,000 30th week of gestation 12 minutes CATI interview87,802 BirthBlood from the child taken from the umbilical cord 61,000 Child age 6 months 16 minutes CATI interview70,296 Child age 18 months 10 minutes CATI interview66,712 Child age 7 years (Current) Self-administered questionnaire to mother 53,211 (1st October 2009) Child age 11 years Self-administered web questionnaire to both child and mother To start in June 2010 Dr. Jørn Olsen Dr. Mads Melbye Dr. Thorkild IA Sørensen Dr. Anne-Marie Nybo Andersen Dr. Sjurdur F. Olsen Dr. Peter Aaby DNBC Management The DNBC 11-year follow-up started in June 2010. Approx. 22.000 records - 50% response rate in September 2011.

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