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RAMS /CENELEC Gamification Dr Howard Parkinson. Background Currently Railsystems Engineering deliver a two day course: RAMS and EN50126/8/9.

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Presentation on theme: "RAMS /CENELEC Gamification Dr Howard Parkinson. Background Currently Railsystems Engineering deliver a two day course: RAMS and EN50126/8/9."— Presentation transcript:

1 RAMS /CENELEC Gamification Dr Howard Parkinson

2 Background Currently Railsystems Engineering deliver a two day course: RAMS and EN50126/8/9

3 300 slides, exercises, quizzes and Q&A

4 Content An introduction to railway and functional safety with some important facts and statistics Definitions of failures, hazards and safety Overview of CENELEC standards and how they fit into European interoperability and safety directives, Technical Standards for Interoperability (TSIs) and the Common Safety Method (CSM) Overview of EN50126, the risk based approach and the safety lifecycle model The meaning of railway RAMS(S), Safety Management and Quality Management The relationships between EN50126, EN50128 and EN50129 Safety requirements and risk acceptance criteria Overview of EN50129 content Hardware and software Random and systematic failure The ‘safety case’ Risk analysis and hazard control Tools employed e.g. HAZOP, FMECA, FRACAS, FTA, Markov etc. Overview of Tolerable Hazard Rates and Safety Integrity Level (SIL) determination and allocation Allocation of SILs to safety functions at system and sub-system level, utilising case studies The use and misuse of SILs Definition of Verification & Validation Independent safety assessment and the independence of the roles involved in safety, including real examples Safety Acceptance, Cross Acceptance and Approval The use of systems engineering to optimise system safety and reliability Key accident case studies; learning from accidents Overview of EN50128 The main differences between EN50128:2011 and 2001 versions Software lifecycle and overview of the software development phases: - Software safety requirements - Software planning and quality assurance - Software SILs The application of software to railway high integrity systems, hands-on guidance for the application of techniques of EN50128, and how to best satisfy particular SIL requirements How to use commercial off-the-shelf products as part of system development to reduce cost while maintaining high integrity How to ensure both hardware and software architecture is optimised, yet achieves the required integrity for safety-critical systems A short comparison of rail safety-critical systems development standards with other industries, including defence and aerospace Practical examples of the application of EN50126/8/9 to product development Practical examples of the application of EN50126/8/9 to application projects How to implement course content in future activities D.

5 Very Dry Topic Gamification required!! Research suggest this is the optimum approach – Use the technology!! Has not been a feasible route until recently but technology now makes it an exciting prospect. E-learning has failed to deliver on promise due to lack of thought and creativity

6 What’s Available at the moment that we can leverage?

7 The Game

8 Kick Off Project Meeting Briefing of Game Given Project objectives To develop safe new level crossing control Resources Expert Information Points scoring criteria Game generally team game.

9 Project Team Development Before team starts you must assemble a group of team members 1 st you must pass the competency assessment with the exert. You have resources and information available. Questions will cover risk, safety, high level rail issues etc. Good answers give you resources to buy experts, data and standards

10 Virtual On-Line Experts and Panels These will be the voice of the standards and guidance. They will be the gate keepers for safety acceptance You can buy more expertise as you achieve milestone goals

11 Databases and Standards Failure rate data will be available via hyper links Standards will be available

12 Virtual Railways We will be working on our virtual railway. This initial game will look at level crossings but subsequent games will work up to installing a full ERTMS system as part of the digital Railway.

13 Level Crossing Safety 1 st give some level crossing accidents to analyse at high level Then Perform HAZOP

14 HAZOP Experts, standards and data can be bought here. HAZOP output assessed against model outputs and further points scored. Penalties if key risks missed. Consult standards for software/hardware/contr oller.

15 Safety Assessment of Crossing Controller National Initiative to improve crossing control! You must be interviewed to head up the initiative for safety. you must pass the competency assessment with the exert. You have resources and information available.

16 Questions in Interview Given that risks of hardware software covered in HAZOP, questions about SILs, software reliability could be asked. Online experts can be consulted at a Price, standards and guidance also available cheaper, Points available for next phase.

17 Develop New Crossing Controller It has been decided to develop a new crossing controller nationally. Steps Follow EN50126 Requirements Safety Targets Go out to tender Get ISA Go through lifecycle Test and Commision

18 The Game will have levels and gates to pass

19 Safety deliverable will be submitted and assessed and virtual stakeholders included Requirements managed. Points scored and deducted. Time delays will cost money. When game passed then onto next game, for example APT project? Then digital rail platform?

20 The statistics become the game! The four areas are: points – something for ‘players’ to earn; rewards – something for ‘players’ to spend their earned points on; badges – something to show peers the achievements ‘players’ have unlocked; leader boards – a method of gaining some real-time feedback which is visible to everyone.

21 Lifelike Project Scenarios Latent faults with the system that have to be identified, assessed and mitigated Risk based decision making.

22 Accident Scenario Simulation

23 Virtual System Structures

24 Swiss Cheese Model / Bow Ties We will emphasis these ideas in our risk assessment and it will be further elaborated in the simulations.

25 Simulation Good for capturing performance Good for capturing improvements Further questioning will be determined by performance record Simulations will be run this will determine success of failure of objectives Outcome could be a train disaster or a minor incident or a safe day on the railway.

26 Trainers Input Briefings prior to each stage and on-line help (free at first then increasing cost)

27 Typical Learning Outcomes (A) Demonstrate a sound understanding of the principles of CENELEC including Reliability and Safety Appreciate risk in the context of the railway, design and safety management Describe how design and the safety lifecycle interact and influence each other Relate current best practice in EN50126/8/9 to your own business Identify and use relevant standards to aid management of design risk © Copyright Rail Systems Engineering Limited 2015 27

28 Typical Learning Outcomes (B) Understand risk assessment and its approaches Understand the concepts of THR and SIL. Describe different approaches to risk acceptance Understand system safety and planning, documentation, systems engineering and integration, validation and stakeholder management in the overall rail business context. © Copyright Rail Systems Engineering Limited 2015 28

29 Pedagogy Without question, blended learning using face to face and technology driven gamification is proven as best practice [xx][xx].

30 Why Now? Will fit in seamlessly with new digital railway approach

31 Lets do this for the Digital Rail Era! Can be expanded to teach Digital railway skills and structure Easily configurable to inputs from experts and changes Great modern training facilities Data Driven Captures best practice

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